Night Crow Master Chapter 251


Chapter 251: 251

Ghost ship with real value .

All the dead spirits on the ship have fallen down, and the soul and body confined by the spirit magic are sucked into the hull of the ghost ship, and the ship begins to shake violently .

“Yaya –”

two hundred crow servants fluttered up from the fallen mast and the side of the ship, and flew into the huge artificial black cloud in the sky .

Crows can escape, but shadow servants cannot .

However, among the nearly 600 shadow servants with an average attribute of 45 points, in addition to the 150 killed by the dead souls, the remaining 400 or so immediately turned their feet and hands into sharp spines at the moment of feeling the shaking of the ship, and forced to stab downward, like the shadow of a knight’s gun, forced through the deck, and at the moment of penetration, they immediately turned their feet and hands into sharp spines Again, several barbed spines were stretched out to fix them on the deck .

By this time, the whole ship had turned over nearly 90 degrees . The left chord of the hull had been immersed in the water . More than 30 shadow servants had no time to fix themselves on the hull and were poured into the water .

As soon as they fall into the water, five giant tentacles have already appeared beside them . The rotten tentacles with suction cups roll them up directly .

Pa –

pa –

pa –

pa –

in an instant, twenty shadow servants were crushed and exploded, and the body shaped by the shadow broke up, and the shadow disappeared in the water .

Although it can’t deal with art’s multiple defenses, the giant death octopus has more than enough power to deal with these shadow servants .

However, when it used tentacles to crush 30 shadow servants who had fallen into the water, the remaining few had already made a response –

the shadow was distorted and deformed . Countless spines grew on the shadow servant’s body . While retaining the human shape, it could deform the spines to the maximum extent, just like a stab ball .

When the octopus of death pinches and explodes them, innumerable large and small blood holes are left on the tentacles .

Dark blue, slightly dark green blood gushed out of the octopus’s body and into the cold water .

“It’s no use!”

The sorceress’s broken mouth made a hoarse and sharp voice:

“the dead are not afraid of pain . ”

What’s more, the sorceress looked at the shadowy servants nailed to the deck like rivets, and gave an ugly smile that was probably ironic .

“Stupid . ”

At the same time as her voice rings, the whole ghost ship has changed .


Corpse ghost ship .

The surface of the deck and the side of the ship was covered with layers of flesh and blood, and the damaged deck was directly filled by the bodies of the dead .

The ghost ship, which had been able to feel like a living creature, has now been completely “alive” .

At the bow of the ship, the corpse condensed into two huge eyes . The rotten wood under the bow directly cracked, forming a ferocious and ugly mouth . The broken wood and the flesh and blood bones of the dead formed teeth .

Magic array – large scale fusion necromancer .

It uses dozens of high level necromancers, more than ten Apocalypse level necromancy spells, and a large number of materials to create the necromancer .

The more necromancers there are as materials, the more powerful they can be made .

Although it also has great defects, in terms of comprehensive strength, the combat effectiveness of this huge ghost ship is no less than that of a wizard of Apocalypse II .

By the time he discovered the situation, Yat had already responded .

The ability to transform from the misty crow is also used as well as the ability to mechanize the mind .

Then, another skill was added –

sub human blood · crowding lv12!

[passive: the effect of psychic spells below lv12 is reduced by 76% .

Active: changed to fog crow . After crowing, the effect of psychic spell below lv12 is reduced, and the total attribute is increased by 30%, and the efficiency of psychic spell is increased by 30% . 】

the dark spiritual power and spiritual power gushed out of the spiritual sea and poured into art’s body, and gradually formed substance and flesh between the bones of art .

The skeleton of the head is also attached to spiritual power and spiritual power . The skull is constantly growing, forming a bird skull similar to a triangular cone . The greasy and soft brain is also several times larger .

At the same time, the psychic and spiritual forces that reach other parts constantly entangle, twist and deform, spreading and forming various organizations like living creatures .

Psychic and psychic powers form new muscles, bones, and viscera .

The new flesh and blood tissue forms skin and feathers on art’s body .

The pain of numbness gradually disappeared, and Yat was transformed from a two meter tall man into a huge gray white crow nearly four meters tall, which was a little bigger than the largest shadow crow Lord . The flickering, smoke like gray and white feathers, while suffused with dim black light, constantly spread the gray and white spiritual fog, enveloping the fog of Yat’s change .

At the same time, at the same time that art’s body becomes a fog giant crow and his body grows rapidly, the shadow is controlled by the shadow crow Lord created by the four masks .


the sphere shell formed by the shadow is also expanding rapidly, which will fully accommodate the huge body of Yat after his change .

The fog of mind is between art and the shadow ball .

The pale blue eyes showed indifference, and his mechanized mind completely avoided the influence of pain when he was transformed .

The next moment, another skill will be used –

hat trick .

This is a skill used to position crows in combat .

After learning the skills of transfiguration crow master and ultimate metamorphosis crow king, he can also use hat trick to move position .

In the sky, the shadow crow, who received the command, manipulated the shadow to create two crows .

The next moment, along with the spatial fluctuations, two shadow shaped crows trembled slightly and disappeared . Instead, they were two identical, huge gray white crows .

“There was no interference . ”

One of the foggy crows said to himself that, considering the possible space interference, Yat prepared to create a false phantom to be used as a fraud target .

But the other party . . . Has no means to interfere with the transfer of space .

It seems that this is unnecessary .

But it’s nothing . It’s mainly about stability .

Ever since he came to this world, he has always been very rough – in art’s dictionary, as an adjective, the number of reserved backhand is less than three, which is wave .

But after the number of crow servants has grown up . . .

waves? It doesn’t exist .

There will be no more waves in the future .

As the saying goes, there is no more than three things, so he will always prepare more than three ways to save his life and escape .

And the more, the better .

His current blue bars and blood bars can be said to be equal to infinity, but he does not rely on the infinite blood bars to go to the waves . He is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case . Because the three ghost ships, their own presence, is no small risk . In order to reduce the risks, he will be more cautious .

Then, through the vision of the Raven minions, Yat can see that on the ghost ship, which is already regarded as a giant dead spirit, he has created magic shadows through the crow servants – those shadow servants, which have been killed one after another .

On the deck, the shadow servants who nailed their limbs into the board because of the inclination of the ship were controlled –

just like the means of restricting Yat, countless roots and vines grew on the flesh and blood deck, which bound up the shadow servants one by one . At the next moment, one skeleton arm stretched out from the flesh and blood deck and held the shadow servants The body of body –

head, arm, leg .

Dark negative energy, attached to these arms, then pulled in all directions .

The shadow servants wanted to defend themselves against such attacks by morphing their limbs, but the vines that bound them to their bodies lit up .

Unlike Yat, shadow servants are not able to break through the restrictions through the apocalyptic power of the Shadow Lord . The light on the cane prevents them from changing the shape of their limbs as before .

The skeletons, they’re not allowed to move their arms .

Under such conditions, countless skeletons were twisted and deformed under the flesh deck, forming sharp spiral bone spines, and then –

from the bottom up, the body of the shadow servant was penetrated from below .

Ka –

like glass breaking, the bodies of shadow servants were broken apart, and they were directly torn into five or six pieces under the strong pulling of skeleton arms .

Destroyed shadow servant, body gradually dissipated into shadow .

In a short instant, more than 400 shadow servants were killed .

And art, who looks at it all, has no expression .

If the dead crow minions were dead, he would still have a moment’s silence, but the shadow servants –

they were originally temporary magic creatures, and they would dissipate after the energy consumption . Now they are just a little earlier .

Moreover, they were the cannon fodder that art used to test the spirit ship’s combat power .

Glancing at the other two ghost ships that started fighting with the apocalyptic crows sent by Yat, artmo said in a voice:

“are you ready?”

. . .

“ready, master . ”

In the sea, nearly a hundred sirens have changed from sirens to sirens . The sirens who exist in the posture of mermaid quietly hide in the water . Their two leaders respond to Yat’s inquiry . “Launch the magic array . ”


Then, with their hands on their chest, a seductive and beautiful voice sounded:

“come on, our heroes, brave soldiers . ”

“Please stop and listen to our songs!”

“No ship can sail across the beautiful island of sirens . ”

“Listen to our wonderful songs . ”

“Beautiful songs bring you joy and joy –”

“songs will accompany you to sail safely . ”

Unlike any human language, this is the language of the sirens .

Seductive and wonderful ballad, with a strange tone, is clearly a blessing lyrics, but there is a dark, frightening malicious .

At the same time as their voices sounded, circles of inscriptions appeared in the sea, forming a huge magic array .

Magic array: the song of sea demon .

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