Night Crow Master Chapter 244


Chapter 244: 244

Outside the tavern, an old hunter walked into the tavern, whistling white air .

The stone wood mixed, Romanesque, arched building has been renovated with bright colors, triangular gables and towering roofs, protruding eaves, and some metal axle shaped arches .

The style of the Arabella Empire has a great influence on the harbor city of kangobot .

The influence was greater than that of the basatona empire .

The tavern has four floors . The upper three floors are rooms for accommodation . The first floor is the normal layout of the tavern, which also provides food for the drinkers .

When the old hunter came into the tavern, it was full .

This tavern is not remote, and because of its proximity to the mercenary guild, many mercenaries often come here to drink .

The old hunter narrowed his eyes, looked left and right, and finally found his acquaintance in the corner, a one armed old man of his age .

He is thin, his face is changing, and his wrinkles with scars make him look older, but those scars are also his honor, which makes him look less angry and self-confident .

He carried a huge sword on his back, and his shoulder length broken right arm was covered by a fur cloak from which he didn’t know what kind of demon it was . His only left arm skillfully used a fork to fork up the food in the plate and send it to his mouth .

If you look closely, you can see that the food he forks is always horizontal and the left and right sides are always in balance .

The rest of the tavern was full, but there was no one sitting on the side and opposite side of the old man with one arm .

Before the old hunter, several young mercenaries who had just entered the tavern were about to walk past when they saw the vacancy, but they were held by their companions .

As soon as the old hunter’s eyes lit up, he went straight over .


Hearing the sound, the one armed old man looked up, then continued to eat the food on the plate, completely ignoring his meaning .

The old hunter was not annoyed . He sat directly on the empty seat opposite him with a smile:

“Gunter, do you have time

Although the one armed old man did not drive away the old hunter, he did not pay attention to his meaning .

Seeing that he still didn’t pay attention to himself, the old hunter nuzzled his mouth and said to himself:

“I heard that someone met a sea spirit on the sea . ”

Hearing this, the one armed old man Gunter’s action was stunned, but there was no sound meaning .

The old hunter, who had been staring at him, noticed the action and couldn’t help smiling, but in order to avoid accidents, the old hunter still put his smile back .


He looked around and yelled at the maid who was walking through the pub with plates:

“elrina! Ellena

Hearing the cry, the maid turned her head and swept her eyes . After finding out that it was an old hunter, she sighed and walked over .

“Guest, what do you want -”

the voice of the tavern maid is unabashed .

“I said ellina . . . ” the old hunter was about to say something when the maid interrupted him .

“I’ve said it many times, Stroud! My name is Almina! It’s not ellina

The maid’s face was upset and her hands were holding her chest . The shaking tray reminded the old hunter of the last time he was severely hit in the head .

“I can’t remember clearly when I’m old . ” The old hunter named Stroud chuckled twice . “I’ll have roast beef . By the way, I’ll have minced beef . ”

“Minced beef, right?” Elmina looked disgusted, but she still wrote down the request, but she did not leave, “give the account first, or don’t think about it . ”

This old man is really stingy . He has never seen him give a tip . When he checks out, he still uses various methods to give a few copper coins .

Because the amount of money is too small to file a case, after a period of time, the old man will come here again, or use the same method to reduce the meal money .

After she got the job as a tavern maid, she had done it more than 20 times .

She had remembered the stingy iron cock thoroughly .

Most importantly, the old man always called her by the wrong name .

Ellina? Is it the Orioles in which Liuying street?

But for some reason, her mother’s words flashed into her mind . It seemed that the name of her great grandmother, who had been dead for several decades, had never been seen before .

If my great grandmother had been alive, she would have been over a hundred now .

Unfortunately, there was no professional in her family .

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I have money, I have money!”

The old hunter named Stroud took a small bag out of some thin fur coats, took out a piece of minced cow money from it, grinned and put the money into Almina’s hand . ” . . . ”

looking at the smile on his face, Almina felt an impulse to beat him .

After receiving the money, Almina turns away and walks to the bar with a tray .

Looking at her leaving, the stingy old hunter showed a nostalgic look . Then he looked at the one armed old man and looked at his fingers, two worn iron rings .

The old hunter naturally held his hands together and covered up the two rings:

“time flies, doesn’t it? Gunter, it has been three winters since he came to the kingdom of Allen . Besides you and me, there are not many people left in the original mercenary regiment


The one armed old man nodded faintly:

“well . ”

Then he glanced at Hermina, the maid who was walking around the tables with plates, and recalled:

“also a tavern maid . ”

“Right, right?”

The old hunter laughed, then took the wine in front of the old man with one arm and took a drink:

“she worked as a maid in the tavern of Laufer, her daughter also worked as a maid in the tavern of Laufer, and her granddaughter worked as a maid in the tavern of Laufer’s son, and now . . . ”

the old man with one arm looked at the middle-aged man standing in the bar . It was Lao Phil’s grandson .

Looking at the old hunter’s appearance, he was silent for a moment and did not intend to talk about it any more . Then he hesitated and said:

“could it be her that you just said

“I don’t know . ” The old hunter laughed .

The one eyed old man frowned .

“This is the news our head told me . I haven’t seen that sea spirit . Who knows if you’ve been looking for her?”

The one eyed old man asked with some doubts:

“chief? You joined the mercenary corps? ”

He and Stroud used to belong to the same mercenary regiment, and Stroud was the one most loyal to the commander .

In a commission about Apocalypse level demons, the leader and some members were killed .

After that, Stroud tried hard to earn money and wanted to retain the members of the team, but no one remained in the destroyed mercenary regiment . Even if he was himself, he chose to leave after a few years’ commission with the stubborn Stroud and the mercenary group of two .

Finally, I heard that Stroud had maintained the mercenary regiment for decades, and was finally abolished by the mercenary guild due to its insufficient number .

Since then, the other side has been a lone mercenary .

How could this stubborn old guy join the new mercenary regiment?

Gunter was so surprised that he asked, “why do you do that?”

“A mercenary regiment has just been established . The head of the regiment is a little girl, but its strength is very strong . ”

The old hunter didn’t give a positive answer about why he joined the mercenary regiment . He just said with a smile:

“do you want to join?”

Not only to join, but also to pull themselves together?

Gunter was even more surprised . Did the old man take the wrong medicine?

“What is your regiment’s name?”

“Mary . ” The old hunter replied, “although it’s not very famous in kangobot, she’ll be famous soon . ”

As he said the name, on a table next to them, a young man in a tuxedo with a temperament similar to a bard made a move and turned to look at the two .

“Mary? Is she here already? ”

But his action made another bard sitting opposite him puzzled:

“what’s the matter? Mr . clester? ”

At his words, kleister, or art, turned around and said with a smile:

“it’s OK, because I heard a familiar name, so . . . ”

“familiar name?” The Bard also looked at the two old men and recalled the name he had just heard, “maggo?”

“It’s Mary . ”

With a look of adoration on his face, Yat, who made a vest with the name of a violinist in his previous life, deliberately raised his voice:

“Lord Mary is a powerful Apocalypse!”

“Apocalypse? What have you done? ” The Bard was a little interested, and then took out a little book from his coat .

The stories of various characters are the source of inspiration for bards to create stories .

There must be some legendary story about the man who can make Mr . kleister so highly respected?

“Come on, I’ll tell you . . . ”

in the eyes of other wine drinkers who also showed their curiosity, phantom art told Mary’s story in exaggerated form .

The one armed old man and the old hunter also noticed their conversation . When they heard the praising words, the old hunter’s face also showed a smile, and the one armed old man was listening quietly .

But he was also paying attention to the man named cleister, who, with warrior intuition, felt something strange about the storytelling bard . Yat didn’t pay attention to these miscellaneous things . Although his current attributes are only at the level of Apocalypse level I, so is his level . However, in terms of actual combat effectiveness, as long as he is not a strong one at Tianqi Level 3 or above, he can’t cause even a little trouble to him .

These two old men of Apocalypse level are just idle people .

At his command, a shadow crow also moved .

In the intelligence he detected, Mary is likely to be the son of sorrow, at least the son of the pseudo era .

What’s more, after a lot of intelligence analysis and screening, Mary seems to have got something related to the soul tower, which is probably one of the keys to the sub tower .

Art is very interested in the soul tower, and even if he can’t get it, he needs some clues from Mary .

As for the ways . . .

there are many .

However, if it is not necessary, at present, Yat does not intend to be an enemy . It is not because of friendship . They have only met two sides . Whether they are friends or not has to be discussed separately .

The main reason is that it is not cost-effective in terms of interests .

And . . . Att always feels that the other side has some powerful means .

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