Night Crow Master Chapter 237


Chapter 237: 237

After swallowing the area, the shadow of the wandering beast disappeared in the snow .

The living things in the forest and grassland, whether wild animals, demons or trees, have disappeared completely .

The shadow crow Lord escaped the storm by hiding in the shadow, but was almost pulled out of the shadow .

The frost crow in the sky almost did not resist the snowstorm . It was almost caught in the belly of the wandering beast by the storm . Fortunately, at on the other side, it was able to survive by exchanging the shadow of its shape with that of art by hat trick .

However, Rao was so, which also cost him a lot of mental strength .

Just like the spell power that appears when you open the rift in the phantom world, there is the power to interfere in space in the storm .

In addition to the wandering gaze, the wandering beast also has a strong wind attribute ability .

The thin line that destroyed the whole forest in an instant was the ability of the wandering beast .

The blood of the wandering behemoth inherited by art is not all, but a part of the power of the wandering behemoth, and only a little bit of hesitation and gaze .

By upgrading the skill level of the system, or, to be exact, through the powerful ability of the system to operate Qi power, art was able to upgrade the little power inherited to the present level .

Looking at the landscape that has become an empty ice and snow plain, through the shadow crow Lord using the night phantom, art’s consciousness projection appears .

The six phantom crows, except for the one he ordered to fly into the space crack, all the others died in the raging storm .

In the body of ATT, around the dark fog of doom disguised as soul, five soul spots become extremely dim, which are the soul light spots of phantom crow .

After a sigh and a ten second silence for them, Yat turns to the phantom crow, which penetrates into the space and leads to the mirage world .

. . .

this is a huge gray white stone tower with countless burnt black marks outside .

In a dark room, a dilapidated room .

There’s a haze of phantoms all around, they’re going through walls, through lights, through anything, all around .

Some dim, grayish white light is shining through the transparent lamps with burnt black stains .

These lamps and buildings are made of materials in the phantom world, bearing the phantom power . They have been assimilated into the buildings of the phantom world .

They will no longer be broken down by phantom power, but again, they cannot help other matter resist the attack of phantom power .


Some small, mosquito sized phantoms, like spiders, have multiple limbs and eerie wolf heads, flying and spinning around the lamps .

An illusory flame is burning in the lamps and lanterns .

The flames came out of the lamps, burning these strange phantoms .

The wail of a wolf sounded .

Their bodies, a faint shadow, in the illusory flame, constantly melting decomposition .

Their souls are disappearing .

Wolf worm’s body has been piled up on the ground in a thick layer, some hanging on the top of the lamp, no trauma of the body, some blocked the crystal lamp light, so that the fire light appears a little dim .

But before long, the wolf worm bodies hanging on the lamp, like falling on the viscous liquid, gradually penetrated the transparent lamp and fell into the lamp .

The next moment, there were three mouth like cracks on the lamp shell, and three transparent tongues entangled the wolf worm body hanging on the side into the lamp .

The illusory flame, burning more exuberant .

The lamp is also a phantom creature, similar to the phantoms .

In the room, among the four same lamps and lanterns, the illusory flame flickered and the fire light beat from time to time .

The phantom crow flapped its wings and flew in the air .

In front of it, a doll girl in a plain cloth dress with a very simple color is tilting her head, holding a stick in her hand, and gently tapping at the phantom crow with the stick .

However, her action is very light, it seems that it is not aggressive . It seems that it is just because of boredom . However, the phantom crow keeps on dodging and has no idea of being hit by her because it doesn’t matter . It seems that the stick is very dangerous .

No, it’s this girl who’s dangerous .

The next moment, the eyes of the phantom crow brightened up, and the shadow on the ground converged into a figure in a tuxedo and a top hat .

After the shadow condenses and appears, the doll girl’s eyes, which are made of gem of what material, light up slightly and look at the night phantom .

Without any sound, the other side looked at him like this, making him a little hairy .

“Donna, why are you here?”

This doll girl is the girl he rescued from the Phantom Castle last time . She is suspected to be the daughter of a cage . However, after hearing Yat’s words, the doll girl tilted her head and raised her arm slightly . The white wooden arms were exposed under the simple clothes . The chain like lines were like tattoos, which were surrounded by spherical joints and decorated with strange shapes .


The extended index finger points to his back .

Art turned his head suspiciously . Behind him was the door .

He turned his head and took a look at Donna, whose head was still askew, sitting on the chair, looking at him with his expressionless, strange and delicate face .

Although the fog of mirage, which carries the power of phantom, does not erode the same shadow from the phantom world, it is constantly eroding the magic sequence that constitutes the phantom of the night .

In a short moment, the magic sequence in the body of the night phantom is constantly melting and decomposing into pure spiritual power .

It’s also because the Raven minions using the spell are phantomic ravens, and art’s own mental power also has some phantom biological characteristics .

Even powerful creatures of Apocalypse level 5 can’t resist the speed at which the phantasm fog dissolves .

The next moment, a glittering magic eye appears beside phantom ATT, which is eroding the phantom fog of his body, and is immediately pulled away .

The shadow of night, which has begun to be unstable, has stopped the tendency of disintegration .

At the same time, he controls the phantom eye of the night, reaches out his hand, opens the door and goes out .

The huge white tower, nearly 10 meters high, looks like a famous windmill in Holland in the past . Three huge, defective fan blades are standing on top of it and do not continue to rotate .

Looking down, ATT looks to the right of the door, a brand new sign in Allen’s Chinese characters, hanging on it .

“Donna . ”

Art reads the name above .

And don’t know when, Donna also appeared in front of the door, with a smile on her face, looking at him .

Although we can feel that the other party is laughing from the heart, and there is no malice, this doll like delicate face still makes people feel a little hairy .

The valley of terror effect, if true, should be that reason .

With the increase of personification degree of humanoid objects or patterns, human’s preference for them also changes .

At first, the liking curve is up, but when the humanoid reaches the “close to human” level, the popularity suddenly drops .

It’s like a valley with a sudden drop in height .

It’s called the valley of terror .

With a breath of breath, art’s noumenon, through mechanization of mind, removes the fear of simulated personality projected onto the illusion of night .

Then he raised his eyebrows, looked at the host’s gesture of greeting the guests and pressed his hat:

“excuse me, miss, can I be a guest in your house?”

Donna’s eyelids blinked, and a happy mood rose over her beautiful ruby eyes . Then she nodded to get out of the way .

Art walks in .

After closing the door, Donna trotted all the way to what was supposed to be the kitchen, took out two empty dishes and set them on the shabby but polished table .

Then she pulled out two stools from the table, looked at art, patted one of them, and trotted to the other side and sat on it .

Art looks at the chair with eyes and a suspicious mouth crack . After a moment’s silence, he sits on it .

On his side, the shining phantom eye was threatening the chair .

Just ready to open his mouth, the chair monster immediately closed his mouth and eyes and began to pretend to be dead and let Yat sit on its face .

As soon as he moved his attention to the chair and looked at Donna, there was more food on the two empty plates on the table .

It looks like meat like steak, but . . .

with quite a lot of phantom biology knowledge, art can understand that these meat is not a good thing without thinking about it .

These two plates are also phantoms .

And these things that look like steak are not illusions, but . . . The tongue of the monster in the shape of a dish, no, maybe viscera?

Donna didn’t care at all . With a white knife and fork, which should be made of some kind of bone, she cut the meat from the dish and sent it to the entrance .

The other party also does not have any resistance or negative emotions, just like the normal thing, and eat and eat, but also look at him with expectant eyes, as if waiting for him to eat .

At the same time, when the noumenon is used to mechanize the mind, the resistance and rejection psychology in the phantom personality of the night are eliminated . The dish and the “meat” on it are cut and split together with the knife and fork formed by the shadow and sent to the entrance .

Donna had a knowing, hairy, innocent smile on her face, and then she got up again, as if to go to the kitchen again . Art stops her and asks for business:

“Donna, do you know the giant monster that just appeared?”

At his words, Donna sat back in her chair and nodded .

She knows .

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