Night Crow Master Chapter 235


Chapter 235: 235

After the crow’s eye test results, the game with the hunters is over .

The test results were better than expected .

As long as there is his presence in the object of thinking, whether he is face-to-face with the other party, he can get feedback .

Especially for those who are hostile to him, the other party’s thinking will be completely and clearly fed back to him .

It has nothing to do with whether he is an original name or not, and it has nothing to do with whether he is an ontology . Whether it is a sub body or an illusion, as long as the object of reference is Yat, he will get corresponding feedback .

Even if it’s a mental illusion created by using magic through the shadow crow, once the other party thinks about him, his thinking will be fed back to him .

It’s not just killing intention, malice and hostility, it’s just a common mention, and the contemptuous thinking of calling him a “fool” will get feedback .

After that, find some powerful Apocalypse practitioners who have no protection such as closed thinking, and some casters who can close their minds .

For skill information and scope of application, art needs to conduct detailed tests .

Although the purpose has a certain personal evil taste, but accompany the hunters to play for so long, can not only for the game and play .

A shadow crow emerges from the shadow and gives art the ghost ball containing all the hunter’s souls .

Hunters in other places have been cleaned up .

After confirming that he had stripped the souls of the hunters in the village, Yat began to examine their memories one by one .

However, Yat did not get the information he wanted .

There was no memory of elty in their memory images .

This made him frown .

From Delite, he knew that near here, the plain where frost wolves lived, was where elty had disappeared .

Att wants to know what the other person is going through .

And why does it involve the phantom world .

Arty had seen this in Doyle, and Yat was well aware of the three night visions, one with some crow servants to CASS, one to COGA, and the other to Doyle .

But ELTI, who appeared in Doyle county and entered the rift of the phantasm world, was apocalypse .

That is to say, what happened when the other party disappeared from COGA to Doyle .

And it’s about the phantom world .

Although there is no clear evidence, but because of many recent events related to the soul tower, art can not help associating ELTI’s story with the soul tower .


He has great ideas about the soul research tower . If he can succeed, the soul research tower in the phantom world can become his core base .

Although he has a certain degree of trust in master Edgeworth, after getting more and more aware of his own particularity, art is very interested in having a real stronghold of his own .

The labyrinth castle was built by master Edgeworth . Anyway, the place is someone else’s .

Art didn’t worry about being spied on by master Edgeworth when he was studying unimportant things .

However, after that, Yat had a lot of experiments that could not and did not want to be known by others .

Even master Edgeworth, who had a real teacher-student relationship with him, was the same .

Therefore, art attaches great importance to the affairs of ELTI, who is related to the phantasm and is likely to be related to the soul tower .

Over the plains, he found the frost wolves, but there was not much in their memory about elty .

Through his fast-growing prophecy magic, art uses the memory of the frost wolves as a medium to get the result that al proposed near the hunter’s hut .

But that’s all the information .

After meeting York and knowing that the place he is going to take himself to the hunter’s hut is the same as that obtained by prophecy, Yat follows the other party to come here .

On the other side of the Yat ontology, consciousness sweeps through the panel of the system –

[shadow of the grey moon LV1: sacrificing red ore can only be used when the gray moon appears . With relevant images, long-term used items, flesh and blood as media, it has a certain chance to obtain short-term and fuzzy spatial image feedback . ——”The light and shadow of the grey moon covers everything”]

[brightness of the red moon LV1: offering gray ore can only be used when the red moon appears . With relevant images, long-term used items, flesh and blood as the media, there is a certain chance to obtain short-term, fuzzy, and past image feedback . ——”The glory of the red moon comes from the past”]

[the eyes of living creatures LV1: sacrificial objects, using relevant images, long-term objects and flesh and blood as the media, seek divination from a certain creature . In a certain place and time range, the image seen by the same creature has a certain probability to be fed back to the caster . The stronger the ability of the creature to predict, the easier it will be Work . ——”The creatures know everything”][eye of complaining spirit LV1: sacrifice blood, flesh and soul, obtain information from the dead through relevant images, long-term articles and flesh, and obtain images they have seen in a certain place and time range . ——”The resentful spirits are crazy and hard to trust . ” 】


through the shadow of the grey moon and the eye of the living creature, which targets frost wolf, he gets the information that ELTI has indeed appeared nearby .

The shadow of the grey moon gave him a piece of snow-white images, including the forest and the small plain where frost wolves lived, while the frost wolves only gave him some memory images, which were the scenes in which dilit and elty fought with the frost wolves . After stripping out their souls and searching the memory carefully, they did not find much .

There’s no information that seems to have anything to do with the phantom world .

After excluding the plains, this is the only place . . .

the gray moon feedback image also includes this forest .

If there is no one here, the possibility of other areas will be less likely .

Phantom art walked through the hunter’s village and looked around . At his feet, countless shadows gathered and swam around the hunter’s village, from the bodies of the hunters, the bodies of the prey, and the bodies of the victims, looking for any trace of elty .

He took a look at the ghost ball containing the souls of hunters . In order to avoid losing information in the forced retrieval of memory, he also used the eye of complaining spirit to obtain information before extracting the memory .

But these guys, who were killed by him, have great resentment against him . They don’t tell the truth at all . They can only strip their souls and search for memories directly .

And the other victims, who are read as hunter writing bandits, don’t have much complaint .

Among the hundreds of fragmentary skeletons, there are only two or three complaining spirits, or the twisted and resentful spirits made up by many souls, with little memory and cognition .

As for Yat’s sacrifice of the hunters’ bodies, the resentful spirits immediately came to attack and bite the flesh and blood sacrifice, but the feedback was . . . .

nothing .

In their memory, only the memory of the tragic death and the strong resentment against the hunters who killed them .

The information Yat seeks is ELTI’s whereabouts that day, predicting someone’s future actions, which he can’t do now .

That’s what the Apocalypse above level 4 can do . Witches below level 4 can only get information about the past and the present, and can’t predict the future .

It’s very difficult to predict, even if it’s fate related .

Art was not satisfied with the results of elty’s prophecy .

It’s like, something’s covered up .

. . . wait, cover up?

Art’s eyes narrowed .

Because he was able to predict ELTI through red and got information from frost wolf, Yat unconsciously thought that there was no cover up .

Generally speaking, if it is masked by prophecy, basically no information can be obtained .

After getting a lot of information . . . .

“just cover up the key information?”

Grey moon and red moon are the most commonly used prophecies of witches . According to the memory given by future eye and master Edgeworth’s teaching .

the shadow plane reflects all planes of the glorious world, while the grey moon and the shadow plane are closely related . Most of the prophets will seek the grey moon if they want to determine the location .

The red moon is related to time and closely related to the fate of the glorious world .

Just cover up some information?

For his own conjecture, art himself is a little difficult to accept .

However, if it is true, the confusion effect is also very effective .

It’s just . . . Did eltie do it himself?

According to his understanding, ELTI’s magic is similar to mercury Duke’s, and he is not good at prophecy .

For Yat himself, his prophecy magic had developed very fast . After master crow reached lv10 and advanced to Apocalypse, his speed of improvement in prophecy magic became faster, just like a fish in water .

Especially those cursed prophecy spells, when used, seem to be like his hands and feet, feet like arm .

At present, not to say very, very powerful, but, high prophecy is magic, he can play to Apocalypse level .

It should not have been misguided prophecy interference . He did not feel any counter interference .

It’s covered up .

The trace is covered, but . . .

if it is really related to the phantom world, then . . .

in the shadow under his feet, a huge black crow emerges from the shadow, and the Lord of the shadow crow jumps out of the shadow, while the other shadow crows are all in the shadow, and the vivid shadow disappears——Instead of staying in the shadow, they jump to the shadow plane .

And the huge shadow crow Lord, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes .

The next moment, a crystal light black eye emerged in the air .

In the air, a crack was torn open .

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