Night Crow Master Chapter 226


Chapter 226: 226

[dead spirit lv12: the spirit body attached to the dead spirit stone and named “marfrend Lanois Susi” .

Passive · spirit essence lv12: no need to eat, breathe and sleep . The body is unstable and the soul slowly decays .

Attachment · deathstone lv12: automatically absorbs the scattered soul around, strengthens itself, dispels creatures, and suppresses the decay of soul and flesh .

Lord · count of blue blood lv10: can transform spiritual power into psionic power through meditation . The purity of blue blood increases slowly . The more people in their territory, the stronger their will, the faster the purity of blue blood will be .

(mixing with supernatural blood, the attachment rate of blue blood decreases, and the speed of specialized psionic power decreases . He is dead, has lost his human identity, and can not absorb the will of his people . )

Construct chimera · corpse puppet lv12: strength, physique and agility are calculated by the attribute value of the corpse puppet, and the vitality decreases slowly .

Blood transformation · blood alien lv10: can control the blood in the body and within a certain range, and can replenish vitality by swallowing blood .

Magic mastery · wizard magic lv12: master some wizard spells below lv12 .

Apocalypse · corrosive wind lv10: releases power, causing strong erosion penetration and weathering damage to targets within 120 yards .

Passive · psionic pollution lv10: with itself as the center, within 60 yards, all substances gradually add dark or wind properties .

Strength: 31 (- -), physique: 20 (- -), agility: 28 (43), spirit: 128

note: non ravenous creatures, can’t obtain the effect of crow mage’s skills . 】

when the count of Susie woke up, he felt a trance .

He just felt as if he were bound to something .

Subconsciously, his consciousness dived into his own spiritual sea, but . . .

he did not find his own spiritual sea . His soul seemed to be imprisoned, no, attached to a piece of goods full of negative energy .

The spiritual tentacles derived from the end of the soul touch the objects attached to themselves .

In the mind of the count of Susie, a vague shape gradually appeared – crow?

Just then, a voice rang out .

“Hello, you are dead, and the spiritual bridge has been broken . Your soul has been attached to the dead spirit stone, which is in your right ventricle . Your body has been made into a construction Puppet by me . ”

“I don’t have time to take care of you now . You can build a spiritual bridge to connect the soul and the puppet . The spiritual sea and the psychic core are still in their original positions, so you can find them by yourself . ”

On hearing this, the count of Susie was stunned for a moment . Then he manipulated the spiritual tentacles derived from the end of his soul and poked out from the dead stone in the appearance of a curled crow .


The right ventricle . . .

The Earl of Susi, who was very familiar with the structure of the human body, quickly grasped his position . The spiritual tentacles passed through three leaf shaped valves, and after a pause, they penetrated into the skeleton, all the way to the right and into the head .


Isn’t this human skull?

A hollow shadow like a puddle overlaps with the brain as if it were another space .

The spiritual tentacles went straight in .

After probing into the spiritual sea, the count of Susi saw his familiar and strange scene –

his huge spiritual sea has now become a quiet lake like his other experiments, which has been reduced by more than half and is like a stagnant water .

Floating in the psychic core above the spiritual sea, the full dark gray psychic whirlpool looms . On the crystal shell, a few tentacles hang powerlessly . The spiritual vortex that should have been under the psychic core has disappeared .

The psionic core is still extracting mental power, but the spiritual sea has no spiritual power to supplement it .

As the spiritual bridge connecting the soul, the spiritual vortex has disappeared in the spiritual sea .

“This is . . . My spiritual sea?”

When he first saw the shape of the skull, he thought the body was not his own, but now it seems that it is his own body .

With a sigh in his heart, count Susie, who had already understood his situation, felt his spiritual tentacles into the sea of spirit .

The spiritual tentacles swelled up, the volume gradually expanded, the outer wall gradually became solid, and there was a void in the interior .

The soul and spirit sea in the dead spirit stone are connected together .

The spirit of the same source does not exclude the newly established spiritual bridge .

When the soul and the body are connected together, the mind starts to work automatically again, and a small whirlpool emerges from the originally static spiritual sea .

The soul at the end of the soul continuously twists and splits, and derives new spiritual power . From the newly established spiritual bridge, it flows into the spiritual sea, and the constantly rolling spiritual force in the spiritual sea also reversely flows into the spiritual bridge from the center of the vortex . The spirit surging in the other direction converges in the spiritual bridge, just like the spiritual vortex of the sea dragon scroll, sucks the free spiritual force from the environment into the spiritual bridge, and gradually removes impurities in the high-speed rotating eddy current, and feeds the soul back .

However, in the spiritual power derived from the soul, it carries some negative energy .

And at this moment, art is observing his meditation .

The difference between apprentice and Apocalypse casters is not only strength, but also soul feedback .


The same is true of witches . Apprentices will only blindly extract the power of the soul and convert it into spiritual power, and then convert it into psychic power for use .

While the Apocalypse wizard, in meditation, can extract free spiritual power from the outside world to gradually improve the soul .

The source of these spiritual forces is the souls of the dead creatures at all levels . After death, their souls gradually disintegrate and disintegrate, and then they are involved in the illusory world and are broken up into small spiritual units, which are released from the illusory world .

It is then absorbed again by the organisms to achieve a natural cycle .

The phantom world is the most abundant place of free spirit .

Art glances at the count of Susie, who is lying on the test bench, immersed in meditation, and then glances over promi, who is intent on summoning the phantom creature .

Shaking his head, he sank down, and consciousness came again into the spiritual sea, passing through the dark whirlpool of psychic energy, entering the whirling and never-ending whirlpool of spirit, and reaching the soul .

There are some differences between the soul and the last observation .

It is still human, but the size of the blue soul has changed . Compared with the last time, it is much larger and more condensed, and the color is closer to black .

The slit on the forehead has been opened half, revealing a crystal, filled with fog like phantom eye, which is similar to the magic eye of the magic eye clan .

The empty eye socket is just like a wandering giant beast . It has no eyes at all, revealing the emptiness and hesitation .

Some of the thin lines in other parts of the body have spread to form symbols similar to the shape of the eyes .

A purple, cracked eye symbol – disintegrate .

There is no doubt that it originated from the disintegrating eye of the one eyed crow .

, as like as two peas in the middle, divides the sides into two drops, which are at first glance like the crow’s eye symbol – just like the shared visual skills symbols in the system skill column .

The other threads did not open .

In addition to the soul of ATT, there is a mist of soul debris, as well as a small soul like a planetary belt –

a ring area composed of nearly 500 tiny soul light spots, constantly rotating around the soul of art .

The most blurred is a red and a blue two light spots, faintly can only see the outline of the crow .

Then there is the crow’s soul that becomes clearer .

The most striking are the nine clear spots of light .

Five black crows, two Lavender crows, though small, can see them all with only one eye .

Then there is a bird with four long necks, four heads and long tail feathers – the soul of many birds .

And . . .

the empty eyes of the soul looked past, and a dark gray fuzzy human figure, curled up in a ball, was similar to that of count Susi .

Countless threads of silk thread from the soul of art, connected to these points of light, so that art can freely control their life and death – this is the power of the contract .

At the last glance at the blue blur, art’s consciousness withdraws from the soul .

By the time att withdrew from his soul, the count of Susie had risen from the bench .

Seeing art open his eyes, he comes straight up and stands in front of him .

Looking at art’s cold, unfeeling eyes, count Susie sighed and slowly descended to his knees:

“master . ”

He could clearly feel that the most important fragment of his soul was under the control of the young wizard in front of him .

Moreover, the other party can easily exert influence on him through the soul fragment .

The contract, the whole soul of the slave .

Even if he wants to die, he needs to get the consent of the other party, otherwise he can’t even commit suicide and even break his soul .

“Don’t worry, count Susie, as long as you don’t betray me, I won’t let you do anything to harm his highness Scala . ”

Art shrugged his shoulders and a fake smile appeared on his face .

“I hope so . ”

The count of Susie sighed .

Looking at count Susie’s face, art said:

“you can try to terminate the contract by any means, and I will not stop you . ”


Count Susie looked up in disbelief at art . It’s impossible . He would not believe such things at all .

It’s just a false promise to appease .

However, it is not . If you really have a way to terminate the contract, I will be more happy .

Listening to count Susie’s voice, Yat thought .

In this way, he can find a way to prevent and make up for the loopholes .

However, it is obvious that the normal people would not believe it . The count of Susi did not intend to believe it, and Yat did not say much, so he was immediately employed:

“whether you want to believe it or not, in a word, you can start to assist Prometheus now . I need to summon phantom creatures -”

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