Night Crow Master Chapter 222


Chapter 222: 222

“Thank you very much for saving me! I’m Susie’s travel wizard . I’m marfrend Lanois Susie . . . Hello! Lunger . . . . “

” . . . This guy is really strange . Is he really a wizard? So impulsive . ”

. . .

“Runger, are you going to explore the remains? Can we still find the remains now? How long? About 300 years of burial? ”

“Lunger! Are you ready to defend! what!? No, Don’t you want to live? How can it not matter!? In case there’s a demon above the middle! We are in danger

“You are too rash

“It’s close . It’s close . You’re laughing . You almost died! I didn’t expect that there were blood aliens here . Do mercenaries call them vampires? But at the end of the day, they’re not dead, are they

“What is this thing? Totems? Magic props made by blood alien? Doesn’t the value seem high? Let’s do it one by one . ”

. . .

“for three years, my psychic range has reached the level of middle apprenticeship! I’ve made enough midfield spells, and I’m in the middle

“Cass! Have you been promoted to the middle! That is great! By the way, how did you study the totem last time? I have a clue . ”

“Have you found the remains again? Are you a legendary adventurer? Are you the son of ruins? Why do you always find ruins? ”

“No, I won’t accompany you this time . I’ll study totem first . ”

“This totem is a little strange . It should be the totem of a foreign race first, but it is a little different . Is it really a totem of blood? It’s more like witchcraft

. . .

“CASS, you’re back . . . What? You’ve been promoted to a high position!? This!? You don’t use sapphire, do you? ”

“No? So why? Strange things, after eating, the mental range has increased a lot, so the power range has also increased? ”

“What kind of material can make a wizard who has just been promoted to the middle rank be promoted to the rank of a high wizard? Materials above Apocalypse II? ”

“I think it’s better for you to settle down, meditate, eliminate the sequelae of rapid spiritual and spiritual growth, and not explore any vestiges . ”

“Obviously, it takes at least 15 years to get from the middle to the high . Now Kass’ spirit and power have reached the high level . It only takes two or three years to build enough high-level spells and become high-level apprentices? I’m so envious . ”

. . .

“the graveyard of the powerful and extraordinary? Isn’t it a wizard’s? Go and have a look . Call Cass . . . No, you’d better go by yourself . ”

“This time I’m dead . Ten high-level demons are too fast to run . I’m really not reconciled . ”


“Cass!? Why are you here!? Danger

“If it wasn’t for you, I would have died . . . ”

“are you going to look for the remains again? I really wonder why you can find so many relics? Luck? Do you think I’ll believe it? ”

“I want to meditate and refine potions . I recently exchanged resources with Earl durard to help me construct the magic sequence . CASS, you and others will go . By the way, I have a few bottles of potions that you can take with you . ”

. . .

“after four years, we have finally constructed 34 inscriptions and 10 medium spells . It is much more difficult to construct a medium spell than a low one . ”

“Kass, you’ve constructed six high level spells! Four years!? Are you going to prepare for the promotion of apocalypse? ”

“Inscriptions are too easy to make mistakes, especially to construct a spell sequence . Once a mistake is made, it takes a long time to rest . For the median spell, it is so difficult for 12 inscriptions and 48 inscriptions . ”

“Do you have to engrave all the inscriptions? The prerequisite for promotion to Apocalypse is four to ten high apprentice powers, as well as the construction of psionic compression spells, which require all 81 inscriptions . ”

. . .

“this time, I am going to lanos county . It seems that there are sea elves near the port of lanos . I heard that the sea elves have a lot of precious marine materials . I want to trade some . What, do you want to go too? All right

“Detective magic? I have . Water breathing? I didn’t learn this spell . ”

“Maybe there are sea elves in the caves on the coast? How can it be? It’s a place where blue frogmen gather . They can’t communicate at all . They’ll attack any creature they see . Are you sure you want to go? All right . It’s the ebb tide recently, and the aggressiveness of the blue frogman will decrease

“Black flame!? This size!? Is that the Duke of the north

“Why did the northern Duke come to lyoss? Hey, CASS, don’t run so fast . Although the aggressiveness and vigilance of the blue frogmen have decreased, they are still very dangerous . There are so many of them”This!? This is Apocalypse domain!? Apocalypse blue frogman!? Why do we have Apocalypse blue frogmen here . . . CASS, run fast, you still have some hope, but I should not be able to run away . . . Kass!? Where are you going? ”

“Is it the Duke of the north? Thank you! By the way, please, help Cass! Lunger dilud Kass! He is a high-level apprentice . In order to save me, he led away the blue frog man, the blue frog man of Apocalypse — “


” Kass! Cass! Great! You are still alive . The Duke of the North saved us! ”

“I don’t know why the Duke of the north is coming . It should have something to do with Marquis lanos . . . “? You want to join the Duke of the north? Now Viscount Cass is from the state of SCARA . . . What? You want to be an apprentice to the Duke of the north? There’s no hope for that, is it

“I said, with our third-class qualification, it’s too much for us to become an apprentice of the northern Duke . If we were promoted to Apocalypse, we might have a chance?”

. . .

“war? The kingdom of katesia changed its ownership? Why is it so sudden? Duke Allen? The Duke of the glorious continent

“It’s too chaotic, too chaotic, Kass . Our journey should be over . The Kingdom changes its owners and all kinds of forces clean up . We’d better not wander outside . My father has collected a lot of drugs that can improve our spirit . Unfortunately, he has drug resistance . Otherwise, it would be better if we could use the medicine indefinitely . . . It’s impossible to think about it . ”

. . .

“Cass! Cass! The Duke of the North recruits followers! Are you going . . . OK! Let’s go together

“Yes! It’s a success! We are now the Duke of the North . . . No, your Highness’s followers! ”

. . .

“Your Highness is a little strange . . . Kass, Lord lanos said that his highness implanted dragon blood into his body, so that’s why he implanted dragon blood . . . ”

“why would he lose his identity as a wizard if he implanted extraordinary blood? It’s so strange . Try to help your highness . ”

“Life system . . . My wind attribute is not suitable for . . . Damned necromancer, come to disturb me again . . . Wait, necromancer? May be able to help your highness . ”

“Hoo Hoo – Hoo – it’s too painful . The original meditation method has been abolished, but fortunately, this meditation method of dark and wind attributes is better than my original thinking of wind attribute, and there is a way after the apocalypse . ”

“Not found, not found, now need to try to keep a low profile, in case the enemy knows that my psionic range has dropped to a low level, it will be bad . ”

. . .

“meditation speed is faster than before, but now we need to find ways to improve our own strength, otherwise it is still a bit dangerous . . . By the way, what totem is there?”

“Ten years later, it’s finally restored to its original power range . However, this totem magic is really powerful . For such physical enhancement, only fighting with body is a little weaker than using only magic . ”

“Great! Excellent! No mistake! No mistake! This totem is the same! More complete than mine

“Try to break through the top . ”

. . .

” . . . How powerful is this totem magic?”

“But . . . Is that man really a subordinate of the prince of blood?”

. . .

“I will not betray your highness . Your bewitching is useless . ”

“Will not let me betray your highness, oath, oath!? What is it for? ”

“It’s too suspicious, too suspicious . It’s too suspicious to give me the experimental data of implanting extraordinary blood vessels and the results of Necromancer’s transplantation for free . ”

“I didn’t expect it to be true . It’s all valid . ”

“Is it possible to achieve a near negative energy effect through the psionic powers of dark attributes? Let’s experiment . ”

“Foster, help me find a batch of experiments . ”

“Normal sexual mating failure, human women can not be pregnant with the giant’s child, can only through inheritance transformation?”

“Well, it’s a success . The inheritance transformation is successful, and the mountain giant’s blood has been successfully transplanted . ”

“Success is success . . . But not stability . ”

“The half giant that sold actually mated with a human female and gave birth to an offspring? The mountain giant’s strength has also been inherited? Although it has weakened a lot . ”

. . .

“forty years, forty years! Promoted to Apocalypse, the Apocalypse domain is indeed flawed . What will happen if you change your mind? ”

“I don’t know how Cass is now . After inheriting carsh County, do you still run around looking for relics?”

“Forget it . First, we’ll do the necromancer experiment first, and then we’ll implant the magic blood . There’s no way to move on the wizard’s road . Let’s change the road . Does your highness think so?”

. . . . . . “The living dead, the body is dead, the soul is still alive, but there is no corruption to generate negative energy . It is incredible that once the spiritual bridge is broken, the soul and body will continue to corrupt . ”

“Foster’s life is coming to an end . Transform him into a dead man . ”

“Master, there are no bad memories, that’s all . Although the way you deal with them is perfect, some memories are missing . ”

A pale blue crow floats in front of art, his eyes shining .

Numerous pieces of dark blue fragments are put in a ball and float in front of it . There are many threads in its body, which connect it with the soul fragment .

“Master, don’t worry . Under the master’s command, no one is better at reading physical and spiritual memories than I, Prometheus . ”

Promi patted his chest confidently and grinned in the adoration of five shadow crows and one eyed Crow:

“I’ll try to strip away the memory from the body . This suhexi has become a half demon, and part of his memory is preserved in his body . ”

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