Night Crow Master Chapter 221


Chapter 221: 221

Art looks at each other indifferently .

and blood . . .

Art’s eyes turned to the fog of shadows . There, sixty little red Ravens were flapping their wings, and the blood condensed into inscriptions on their body surface, making them form a magic array .

Their bodies are covered with blood red light, controlling the blood mist in the Apocalypse realm .

Under the control of the magic array formed by the shadow crows and the extraordinary ability of the blood crows, the blood mist in the Apocalypse realm of Earl Susi could not move at all .

Count Susie’s face was extremely ugly, but he could no longer use the power of the blockade .

The core of the magic array is composed of five huge shadow crows, five shadow crows Lord, nearly 200 high crows and nearly 160 middle crows .

A large number of crows in the gray fog of mind, flapping their wings .

The count of Susie could no longer move .

This is what he has prepared when he finds out that the opponent is delaying his time, because he has long regarded the Duke of blood as an imaginary enemy, and he is also studying various kinds of magic techniques that can restrain the blood Duke

it doesn’t take long for him to change into a fog Raven .

The change to fog crow is just for the effect of “total attribute increased by 30% and psychic spell efficiency increased by 30% . After strengthening, the mind fog combined with shadow successfully covered Yat’s intention .

The most time consuming is the construction of the four layer magic array .

Suppression array for blood alien .

Block array for dark powers .

Fixed body magic array for count Susi .

For spiritual bridge, reduces the connection between soul and body .

It is not difficult to kill the Earl of Susie . Now he can summon the second magic eye .

When the opponent is unprepared, he can directly kill the Shadow Lord of Apocalypse level 1 . For those with Apocalypse level 1 or above, judging from the situation last time, it is no problem to severely damage the presence of level 2 or above of apocalypse .

The second magic eye . . . Consumes more mental power, but it is also more powerful . As long as the second magic eye is summoned, he can directly kill the count of Susi, but . . .

he can’t get the memory he wants .

The count of Susie was struggling while the array was working .

The blood totem on his back kept flashing light, making the black scales on his body surface more and more bright red, and even blood oozed from the black and red bat wings .

But this struggle has no effect .


The overflow of blood as if coagulated in general, blocked in the wound .

Count Susie’s whole body trembled and looked fierce and frightened . He felt that the blood in his body could not be used at all .

At this moment, the count of Susie could feel that he had lost the power brought by demonization .

Close to the Apocalypse level of physical fitness, not only fell back to the demonized before the only high point out of the point, even the weakest force has dropped to the high position .

Only the powers in the spiritual sea can still be used .

However, because of the long-term demonization transformation, his casting speed and power were affected .

But it can still be used .

Spell: cast quickly!

In the spiritual sea, around the psychic core, there is a magic sequence composed of 120 inscriptions, and psionic powers are constantly pouring in .

Although the body is rigidly fixed in place, but the head can twist a little angle, the next moment, a black ray from the mouth of the count of Susie, shot into the fog .

Under the cover of the fog of mind, he, with only five meters of perception left, can only attack blindly .

Spell: sojad corrosion storm!

With a slight puff of cheek, the power flowing into the mouth whirled like a whirlpool .

The next moment, a terrible black storm came out of his mouth and shot out into the gray mist .

Yet Yat was prepared .

Above the castle, the eyes of the one eyed crow were covered with purple light at the same time . A purple dot quickly expanded into a huge purple whirlpool, unfolding in the front of the count of Susi .

Super essence · disintegrate the eye!

Apocalypse · disintegration vortex!

The strong erosive black storm and disintegration vortex have positive impact .

The black power that impacts the disintegrate vortex does not have any effect on the disintegrate vortex . Psionic powers with a firmness level less than lv12 are quickly crushed and disintegrated .

When the black storm that lasted two seconds was over, a purple light flashed through the eyes of the one eyed crow again, and the purple whirlpool slowly shrank and dissipated .

“Damn it!”

The count of Susi, who was held in place by a more solid magic array, roared . The huge array of Raven minions glows, and the spell keeps him in place .

“Ah, ah, ah, ah

The more and more intense sense of crisis, so that his previous grace and calm are completely disappeared, the rest, only the loss of life under the crisis, panic and anger mixed into madness .

Pa –

pa –

the blood totem on the body explodes in two explosions .


Regardless of the consequences, breaking through the limit of the explosion, let him temporarily break free from the shackles of the magic array formed by blood crows .

His body was immediately given the opportunity to act, and his physical quality rose to that of the apocalypse .

In an instant, his huge black wings fanned out a storm, incarnated as a blood shadow, and flew out in an instant .

The direction of his movement is a complete straight line . The straight line leads to a position that is not a castle or a crow gathering place .

He wanted to run away .

Art understood his idea in an instant .

“How can you escape? You are important information . ”

It’s all slow to say, but it’s just a matter of a moment .

Att just glanced at the count of Susie, who had escaped with great speed .

If the other party moves quickly in front of his eyes, his eyes may not be able to keep up with him in an instant .

But . . . Now he is far away from each other, and he is standing high .

Buzzing –


A pair of huge eyes emerge from behind the high-speed flying count Susie .

It is not so much the eye, but the eye socket with only the outline of the eye, and the empty orbit without the content .

In an instant, the count of Susi, who was fleeing quickly, was shocked .

Soul and spirit in an instant came a strong sense of pain, the heart in this moment, as if lost the beating strength .

The connection of soul and body – the vortex shaped spiritual bridge is like a bridge that has been hit by an earthquake . It is buzzing, with cracks emerging in the sound .

He only felt his eyes black, a trance and a sense of loss enveloped him . .

It was a sense of hopelessness, trembling, unable to struggle, and a total loss of direction .

Originally, the soul on the other side of the spiritual bridge was shaking and shaking, and the thin thread connecting the spiritual bridge was almost broken .

While losing all sense of direction, he saw a strange creature:

a rather strange and twisted monster, with many biological characteristics mixed together .

Similar to the Griffin, the body of a quadruped combined with the giant wings of a bird .

A bird’s head and sharp beak, two canine teeth extending upward from the beak, empty, no eye socket .

“This What is this . . . ”

The count of Susi, who had been distracted to resist the fog of the soul, was unable to resist the effect of the fog at this moment .

He was enveloped in indescribable fear by the ever expanding negative emotions and hallucinations .

He couldn’t imagine what was going on, and he didn’t know what this creature was!

“Ah!!! Die

Frightened and flustered, he quickly raised his right hand and waved it forward . A long and narrow black blade emerged and chopped in front of him .

More than a dozen black blades flew out .

In fact, he was cutting towards the ground, towards the sole of his own foot .

Under the combined effect of psychic hallucination and hesitation, the count of Susie could not distinguish the situation around him .

The Dark Blade completely cut off the center half of his right leg .

The blood spurted out, and the count of Susie’s body suddenly lost its balance in the severe pain . His body fell down and hit the ground, marking a long gully on the ground .

His body trembled, his eyes showed a strong fear and horror .

“Ah, ah, ah, ah

All over the mud and blood mixed with him, constantly throwing magic to the surrounding .

Black blade, black fog, black snake, black storm .

He seems to have completely abandoned the power of the blood alien, and constantly used all kinds of magic .

The spell flies around without a sense of direction .

When they fly to the crow’s minions, a huge purple vortex emerges from the air .

Before they get close, the force of the disintegrating vortex makes them shiver and crumble .

A lot of spells are constantly being cast .

In front of the disintegration vortex, the material that is not strong enough can only be destroyed by disintegration .

After throwing nearly a hundred magic tricks, the count of Susi seemed to have reached the limit, and fell to the ground with fear and perplexity in his eyes .

The use of psionic powers has reached its limit . The crow servant’s magic array was also reestablished, and the Earl of Susi was imprisoned in his place .

The red bat wings waved weakly . He was in despair . He was trapped in the same place by the quadruple magic array . The spiritual bridge was shaken, which made the connection between his soul and body more and more loose .

“It’s over . ”

When a shadow crow approached the count of Susi with a magic prop at his command, Yat’s spirit revived .

Hesitating gaze!

Kala —

the connection of the spiritual bridge is completely broken under the continuous attack .

The crow’s servant brought the magic props close to the count of Susi, and all of a sudden, white tentacles appeared .

At the moment when the bridge of spirit broke, the white tentacles had rolled up most of the body of count Susie .

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