Night Crow Master Chapter 219


Chapter 219: 219

“Although you may be your Highness’s favorite person, I can’t let you know what I’m doing now . The cost of these spells you use should be very high, right? In order to save energy, your noumenon should be near the castle, or . . . This is you . ”

The count of Susie went to phantasyat with a flat face, which turned pale with every step .

By the time he reached phantom art, his skin had turned gray and his eyes were black and red .

Like a dead soul, sharp canine teeth appeared at the corner of his mouth .

More like a vampire than a necromancer .

“Yes, not only the count of CASS, but also the Duke of the south?” He did not answer the previous question about the location of his noumenon .

Strong judgment .

If it wasn’t for not feeling the peep, Yat would even think that the other side was using some kind of prophecy .

Unfortunately, he didn’t intend to hide at all .

In the face of the enemy, there is no need to worry that your doom will spread to others .

The count of Susie glanced at the unresponsive art carefully and said without expression:

“I’m just using the power of the blood wizard . ”

“There is no doubt that the South Duke, who has acquired the ability of blood alien race but has not lost his identity as a wizard, has the most reference value . ”

“I see . It’s not that the count of CASS betrayed the northern Duke, but was induced by you? Has become your shield? ”

Yat turned slightly, his right hand akimbo, and his robe fluttered like a cloak, revealing his tuxedo below .

“No, CASS did not intend to betray his highness, and he could not have thought of harming his highness . ”

Count Susie’s body is surrounded by a black wind, but in addition to his psionic powers, there is also a red, blood like force:

“but he actually did something harmful to his highness . ”

As soon as he opened his mouth, black psychic powers and blood mist flew out of his mouth .

The black and red bats flew to Yat .

“Your judgment is praiseworthy . As I said, count . . . ”

I am not afraid of Legion war .

Apocalypse control shadow!

With a swing of the arm, the black and gray robes are flying . The shadow under Yat’s robe is not completely condensed . It splits, stretches and stretches into countless shadow crows .

Shadow bite!

The crows were flying and colliding with bats .

Under the attack, the blood mist splits the shadow .


However, the crows, who were completely incarnated in the shadow, were not hurt . The crows’ shadows gathered again, tearing the bats in the blood mist and swallowing their shadows into their stomachs .

Shadow bite!

In an instant, the dominant bats lost their ability to move and fell from the air .

But just then, on the ground behind art, a black wind, with blood mist, came towards him .

The psionic ring –

shadow servant –

the shadow behind att stretches, extends and expands, forming three overlapping black human shadows .

The black wind, rolling the blood mist, instantly penetrated the bodies of the three shadow servants and hit the psychic ring behind art .

Nine Rings of black psionic power form a shield behind ATT, blocking the blood mist .

After penetrating three psionic rings, the blood mist’s power is exhausted, and it doesn’t touch the innermost invisible shield, which is feather like and relief like .

At this time, Yat, protected in the center by the psionic ring, has turned into a shadow and disappeared in place .

In the distant shadow, a shadow stretches and surges like a piece of black smoke, and becomes the shape of Yat .

“It’s close . ”

Although I have fought against many Apocalypse level Shadow Lords, it is the first time to fight with Apocalypse sorcerers in real life .

The count of Susie did not stop attacking because he lost his target .

“It’s a strange way to escape early, but not late . ”

There was a chill in count Susie’s Scarlet eyes . At the moment of Yat’s appearance, the blood mist and the black wind split in two and swept over from both sides .

“I’m in such a hurry, my Lord . I didn’t say I could only run . ”

There was a purple glow in art’s eyes .

Super essence · disintegrate the eye!

Apocalypse · disintegration vortex!

Two huge purple vortices formed on both sides of his body . The blood mist and black wind swept over him directly hit the whirlpool .

In an instant, the part that touches the vortex begins to disintegrate and disintegrate .

“I didn’t expect that you are so talented in the life system . Is this a magic skill that imitates the ability of one eyed crow? But it’s a pity that there’s already cracking . Similar spells can’t bring you honor . “Count Susie’s Scarlet eyes swept through the smile on the face of art, the red light in his eyes flashed, and the blood mist and the black wind gradually solidified .

“Honor? I’m not interested in those things . That kind of thing doesn’t matter to me at all . Besides, this kind of magic skill with a long guiding time should not be used directly in front of the enemy


Yat hands up, master into boxing, the scope of the two whirlpools rapidly expanded, blood mist and black wind condensed contour to be broken at a faster speed .

“I don’t think it will succeed . ”

Count Susie spoke, and blood red lines appeared on the skin of the body covered by clothes .

“Although the use of totem of foreign people is very shallow, totem itself, even now, can not be fully analyzed . ”

His indifferent voice sounded:

br > it is sad that, except the South Duke, other people use totem as a way of imitation, but only by gross means

In his eyes, the same pattern as the blood pattern appeared on his body . His right hand clenched slightly, and a red light flashed on the storage ring on his finger . When his right hand was raised, a blood colored bead appeared in his hand .

“Sir silver crow, you are still too young in the fight . ”

The blood colored beads, constantly gush out the liquid of bright red, that frowning bloody smell, no doubt, is blood .

The blood of a powerful demon .

The bright red pattern of count Susie’s eyes became more detailed and vivid .

It was like a scale of lines, and it spread rapidly in his body .

Next moment, his body began to expand, and his body was covered with thin scales, covering most of his face .

Then, count Susie’s back extended two black red wings with thick blood, and the membrane red flesh quickly healed .

A long tail extends from his tail vertebrae, and in the moment when exposed to the air, the flesh and blood have grown . Scales cover the tail as quickly as a spreading flame .

Although the body still maintains the human shape, however, it is far from human .

It’s more like alien, sub – ethnic demons .

And looking at the art that happened, nodded:

I still know that you are procrastinating

His eyes swept to the crows on one side .

This battle with count Susi, he had the intention to test his strength, and the confidence that recently expanded with his height was also the reason why crows were not involved in the fight .

Crows have already left the two people, hiding in the shadow of the distance, the one eyed crows are standing at the top of the castle, two purple one eyes quietly looking at the battle below .

Looking at the physical characteristics of count Susi, he filtered through the images of several conforming demons, and then fixed them on the names of blood bats and several black scaly monsters .

“Although there have been speculation, but you this, is a permanent blood vein?”

Yes .

The bat – like count Susie, with a cold look, swept to the art, still smiling:

it was foolish to know that I was procrastinating and let me go

Before the voice fell, he turned into a dark red shadow and flew to art .

“Sorry . . . You’re procrastinating, but . . . So am I . ”

Now, it’s done .

. . .

blood duchester, looking at the red beads in his hand indifferently, made him feel a crack on it .

“Another piece has broken . I wanted to find who it was, but . . . There was such a dangerous prophecy as a protective measure . ”

“Who is it? Can’t we detect directly with prophecy? Who is the guy behind? ”

“Scarra? Or the Rosa? Or the hell kid before? ”

He squinted his eyes:

br > he thought of turning my chess pieces into his own toys

“Come on, and then send someone to search the information directly . ”

Shaking his head, the young prince of blood, looked at the broken bead .

It is no doubt that human beings are lower in nature than the evil .

But it doesn’t mean that humans will be weaker than demons, and that other races, who are stronger than humans, can do it, and humans can do it .

But . . . Other races can do it .

If you don’t progress, you will die .

“Whatever race, as long as you start to be arrogant and lazy, you will gradually die . ”

Holding the so-called “human race supremacy” is one of the stupidest acts .

What is race?

“Why not push the evolution of the whole race, rather than keeping the idea of race in its conservative position, giving up the favorable conditions again and again?””Since the end of the glory Empire, the development of witches has not progressed much, on the contrary, it has lagged behind a lot . ”

The existence of blue blood makes the wizard’s power maintain its peak for a long time, but it also slows down the progress of wizard .

Only the dela Empire, which inherited the blood research tower and the life research tower, and the Arabella Empire, which created the research tower and the alchemy research tower, inherited the spirit of the glory Empire and committed to progress .

It’s just that they’re going in totally different directions .

One is life itself, the other is instrumental .

“Who will win in the end?”

I wish I could have a chance to see the results in the future .

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