Night Crow Master Chapter 29


Chapter 29: 29

Even though the Professional Association awarded the “professional” badge, these people still maintain the awe of the blue blood .

Whether it’s middle-aged Barbaro or young bayas, it’s the same .

Art’s eyes move to the “Dark Wizard” who has been transferred to the main occupation field, a little disappointed .

“If the wizard Lord dominates the town, the criminals will be directly handed over to the wizard master to deal with . There are no opportunities for the public security officers and guards to intervene . There will be fewer crimes such as human trafficking . ” Byas shook his head . Young, he was much more mature than his face .

“Not necessarily . ” Barbaro looked at him, “the wizard master can’t deal with criminals himself every time . There will always be people below to help deal with them . The main problem is not the criminals or the wizard masters, but the tail responsible for catching and the sheriff interrogating the criminals . ”

Barbaro sees better than the young bayas .

Yat is also a little surprised at the two people’s remarks, did not expect them to see so clearly .

This is true . According to the old saying of the past, it is “better for the hell than for the devil” .

After chatting for a while, all of them will fill their stomachs and set off again after a rest .

After entering the forest this part of the journey, began to meet the danger .

Until a few hours after sunset, there were five or six wild animals, but they were directly killed by truno and others, and became meat for dinner .

They chose a cliff with its back against the rock . After the arrangement, they all sat around the campfire . The meat of the wild animals was put on the campfire and gradually became ripe .

Although he was despised by the public, baruto did not notice it, or deliberately did not notice, and communicated with the public eloquently .

Whether it was the Flores or a few mercenaries, they were all brought up to talk with him .

And Yat, after chatting a few words, uses urine escape as an excuse, and leaves the camp in the instructions of several people to “come back early” and “be careful of the wild animals” .

. . .

Where is the beast?

Art did not leave the camp too far away . He was always cautious . He certainly understood his own weight . He did not become arrogant because he learned the first offensive magic . He thought he could kill wild animals at will .

Compared with humans, animals are much more agile and in the dark, and they are much more dangerous than before .

He searched for ten minutes, but found no wild animals .

A failed hunt .

Hunting wild animals is a lot more trouble than killing thieves . Art sighs .

At this time, Gloria, a black crow on his shoulder, gave a warning cry:


“Yaya –”

there were some hasty, coarse and hoarse crows, full of warning .

Without much thought, Yat had an iron bar in his hand and swung it around .

The impact almost let the iron bar burst out of his hands, but also brought a sad cry .

“Roar -”

the sad sound of pain comes from the body of the black shadow that was hit and flew .

Although the moonlight was bright, the intricate shadows of the trees made Yat’s vision not clearly reflect each other’s image, only to see the size of each other – larger than wolf dogs .

Art’s teeth clenched, his face taut, guarding against the shadow .

“Roar -”

it seems that his stick has made its pronunciation wrong . The fierce roar with trill sounds sounds, with a funny feeling .

A smile flashed by, but Yat didn’t relax his vigilance .

When killing a thief, he always ambushes and takes the lead . Now the situation is not the same, and the other party is not a person .

After twisting his wrists, the iron bar with red and black blood stains disappeared in his hand and was replaced by a long sword .

The beast was stunned when he found out this, but Yat did not let go of the opportunity . He stepped on his right foot, and his sword was slashed down .

The beast dodged in a hurry, but was still left a deep wound by art .

Although he couldn’t see it, he could understand the touch of the sword into the flesh and the sad whine .

At this time, he suddenly felt a gust of wind behind him . He dodged to the side in a hurry, but he did not escape . A piece of clothes behind his back was torn off, leaving three bloodstains .

Pain, let Yat spirit, backhand is a dark energy erosion throw out .

A dark ball of fog flew out of art’s hand and hit the attacker .

“Whoosh –”

the dark hair thrown by Yat can erode and paste on the beast’s face, causing it to breathe out bitterly . It does not maintain a good balance in the pain and falls directly to the ground .

When the opportunity came, the loosened right palm once again grasped the handle of the sword and chopped it toward the fallen beast .

The body of the sword cuts into the flesh and blood and hits the position that should be the leg, which brings a sense of block . The beast falls on the ground and roars again, and the wounded beast in front of him also roars at Yat leisurely and is about to rush forward . Art didn’t dare to hesitate . He pulled out his sword and slashed at the head of the beast .

However, the beast didn’t really come, it was just a gesture of attack, and Yat’s blow was directly defeated .


Damn it . . .

Yat scolded in his heart, but he suddenly remembered something .

The head injured beast, who had made a false move to deceive Yat’s chopping, pounced on Yat, who was trying to slow down the rest of his power .

This time, however, it was a real attack . The wide open blood mouth and the sharp claw with cold light under the moon would tear the flesh and blood of nyat .

However, at this moment, because of art’s violent action, he fell on the ground, and a circle of darkness flashed through his dark eyes –

dark energy erosion!

A half circle of dark energy ball shot into the beast’s open mouth .

Compared with the injury, the pain and impact of being directly attacked in his mouth made the beast lose his head immediately –

hiss –

the attack aimed at his neck was deflected, and the clothes on Yat’s left waist were torn by sharp claws, and the head of the beast hit his waist side, leaving a bright red on his body .

His body was shaken by the impact of the wild animal . Even if he stopped, he just stepped back and did not fall down . He raised his sword and turned to chop down the beast who had lost his balance and fell to the ground .

“Roar –”

the whine coming from the ear is mixed with sobbing, and the feeling of cutting to the bone –

there is no doubt that this is a heavy injury .

At the next moment, he slowly lifted his sword and cut down at the seriously wounded beast who wanted to climb up and escape . The deep bloodstain spread from the beast’s head to his neck, and the bright red blood gushed out, and dyed the fur that Yate could not see clearly .

Without further pause, the sword aimed at the first beast that had been wounded in the leg and cut it down .

After a few swords, two wild animals that could not escape lost their lives .

Squinting, ATT slaps the beast’s body with his palm and receives them in the inventory . So does the sword .

Then he sat down on the ground and covered the wound in his arm .

Art looked at the blood on the ground . A dagger appeared in his right hand, scratched in the pool of blood at his feet, stained with blood, and threw out the body of a thief killed in melenko .

Lola, the black crow, fluttered up to him .

Not more than a dozen seconds after he sat down, bayas’s cry came: “Mr . rat! Where are you? ”

“I’m here!”

In this way, the scene is finished – the Bard who found the body was found and attacked by the beast, and then wounded the beast with his own defensive dagger . The mercenary who heard the howling of the beast rushed over . The beast realized the situation and chose to flee .

“Ah – ah -” cried Lola . However, it looked a little depressed . The dark energy used by the passive master crow just now eroded and consumed its mental strength .

This little guy doesn’t have much mental power .

After Yat’s response, a series of quick footfalls came to Yat’s side and took him back to the camp .

“What a thrill, Mr . att . . . ” Barbaro looked at Lina carefully bandaging the wound for art and laughed . “There are more wild animals around here . There are fires in the camp . It’s safer . ”

“Camp and fire are the patron saint of travelers at night, and ordinary wild animals dare not approach . ” Bayas also grinned . “Mr . rat, can you tell us something about it?”

Art said with a wry smile . “I didn’t see the beast . I went there to solve the problem, but I saw a figure lying there . I was a little nervous . I took out my defensive dagger to check . But at this moment, the wild animals came from behind me . Although I tried to fight them, I faced two wild animals at the same time I say there are some difficulties . . . Fortunately, you came here and scared them away . ”

Br >

at this time, he almost ate the meat with the dagger on his feet .

A few people also saw the body just now . Sylvia rubbed the handle of the sword on her waist . “It should be the blood of the corpse that led to the wild animals . Mr . art, you go and meet them . ”

Truno and bayas looked at each other and nodded: “I checked the body just now . The man died not long ago . It should have been attacked by wild animals . ”

Although it is to check, but also only a cursory look, by the way, search the body, but no harvest .

He was more inclined to be killed and robbed of property .

This is not uncommon in the wild .

However, in order to appease the guests, he could not say so .

As a team, we do not have this “business expansion” . The froll and his wife’s expressions were somewhat alarmed, and baruto stammered: “so, what shall we do?”

Sylvia gave a gentle smile: “it doesn’t matter . Let’s move forward a little bit, just stay away from there . ”

Then she glanced at the wry smile at Art: “Lena, help Mr . rat clean the blood, Mr . art, do you have any replacement clothes? You’d better throw away the clothes with blood on you, or the wild animals may follow the taste to find them

The situation is not so bad that it only needs to be dealt with to abandon the poet .

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