Night Crow Master Chapter 27


Chapter 27: 27

For example, he killed a thief with a low professional badge three nights ago, but his body was Lv2 .

Combined with the information I have learned these days, the level and occupation are probably –

low level professionals: those who have certain skills or specialties, have combat experience, do not use other props, only use weapons, can defeat the low position demons captured by the professional association one on one . After that, no matter what means are used, as long as you win, even LV1 They are also low-level professionals .

Compared with physical fitness, it is more comprehensive combat skills and combat experience to assess .

The middle professionals, too, need to go through the combat test of the special test specialists in the association .

He recalled that he had asked elty what level of “shadow art” belonged to before, and elty replied that he was a middle wizard .

In the dark, it’s on the lv4 line in the Dark Wizard class column .

Therefore, the median professional is LV3 or above .

The hand of darkness, which LV7 can only learn, belongs to advanced apprentice magic . Therefore, high-level professionals should be lv6 or LV7 or above .

In the future, if you want to upgrade your level by killing people, you can also distinguish the strength through those people’s badges .

At heart thinks of the cableway .

The level must be improved, or some spells can’t be unlocked at all . Skill points can slowly find opportunities .

I don’t know if I can get skill points by killing the nobles directly .

His eyes turned to an item in the list of items:

[blood of nobility (unable to use): after the death of a blue blood nobleman, the gem formed by the blue blood remaining in the corpse is extremely beautiful . You can obtain skill point 1 . 】

the blood of the nobility is undoubtedly related to the nobles and witches . However, we don’t know what the conditions are for the formation of gemstones .

However, such a matter, or do not casually ask, find a chance to explore in the future .

“Gem . . . Gem . . . ” find a chance to collect gems .

“Who has more precious stones? Businessman? Aristocrats? ”

At this moment, the woman of the couple next to him suddenly said, “Mr . rat, what are you thinking? Are you thinking about a new score? ”

Art was stunned and then replied, “no, just in a daze . ”

“Ah . . . ” this Mrs . froll was stunned, with an embarrassed smile on her face .

Mr . froll was about to speak, but Lina, in the carriage, said first:

“Mr . rat, what are you going to do in durard? Have you been invited to perform


The curiosity in the girl’s eyes flashed with light .

“No, I just want to visit durard county and repair my harp . ” With a wry smile on his face, Yat patted the harp gently . “It’s a little broken . ”

“Is it?” Lina has no doubt . A bard, of course, should value her instrument .

Mrs . froll nearby, looking at art’s smiling face, did not know why, but felt a burst of strange, especially after her eyes moved to the other side’s head, and the black crow’s eyes, the feeling in her heart was even stronger .

Art with a kind smile, in her eyes, also became a little strange .

It’s strange .

Mrs . froll, not knowing why she felt this way, shook her head gently and threw the strange idea away .

After that, several people began to talk in a friendly way .

However, no sooner had the carriage left town than a voice came from behind .

“Wait! Wait

The carriage stopped slowly, and a middle-aged man came to it panting .

Yat put his head out and looked at him . The middle-aged man saw him, and his face improved immediately: “Dear rat! It’s a good thing you didn’t leave! ”

This man is the baruto, another baruto that I know these days .

Art said with a smile, “baruto, are you going to durard County, aren’t you just back?”

“Ha ha, there are some things to do, so go back, Rath, so you can continue to learn music with me! Isn’t it? ” Baruto loudly flaunted his identity with art .

At smell speech, just pick eyebrow, did not say any more .

Baruto was also a little nervous . Although he was a bard, he was not as good as art .

Compared with art, who has been nurtured for more than ten years in the world of rich music culture, is a half baked bard who only gets music knowledge by traveling?

Even though both are half baked and have water, it is obvious that the former has more water .

At the beginning of the day, he still taught art some as a “teacher” . The next day, when art combined some of the original world’s tunes, he surpassed the past . Apart from other things, he played more theme songs and background music for Medieval background games than baruto had ever heard in his life .

The music style of “rat” surprised the half baked bard . Seeing the performance of the other party in the pub, especially the cheers of the guests, spread to his ears, which made him crazy with jealousy . He also left behind the generosity of the other party to invite him to dinner .


Baruto was very excited when he saw that Yat didn’t show anything . Then he put up his neck and looked at Lena, who was admiring because of his words: “can I come with you?”

Because of his words, Lina’s face was even more admired . After staying in the pub for several nights, she admired Mr . Yat’s musical accomplishment . But this is Mr . Yat’s teacher?

The girl immediately turned her head and looked at the strong man beside her: “Uncle truno! Is that ok? ”

Truno is the leader of the mercenary team, and it is up to him to decide whether to accept employment or not .

Truno and bayas and others looked at each other, and then gathered together .

“Byers, do you want to add him?” Truno blinked . As a middle professional, he was not very good at judging these things . “That baruto’s music level is too poor . I heard some friends say that his music is too bad to listen to . After staying in melenko for more than ten days, no one would like to reward him, or even run away when he played music . However, it seems that he really knows lat?”

Hearing truno’s words, bayas gave a wry smile: “truno, we were hired to escort people in the past to make money . It has nothing to do with his music level . ”

Barbaro laughed and shook his head . He knew that baruto was a very arrogant pauper . After listening to baruto’s poems for a few days in durard, he went to learn how to sing poems . He was still a poor man for more than ten years .

Next to sivia, chuckling, truno said “a few friends” who were drinking in the pub .

“Oh . ” Truno scratched his head awkwardly . The big man was embarrassed and said, “so take him with you?”

“Take it with you, as long as he pays . ” Byas shrugged his shoulders, and there was an indifferent expression in his young face .

After the discussion, several people decided to take baruto .

Bayas looked at baruto, who had already climbed into the carriage, and said, “Mr . baruto, isn’t he? Please pay in advance . ”

Baluto was stunned and then asked, “how much is it?”

“Four silver coins . ”

“What? Four silver coins? What greed Baruto’s heart roared, clearly the last mercenary team only wanted three silver coins!

You know, four silver coins are enough for a civilian to eat and drink for a month .

However, he was not so stupid as to scold directly . If he angered the mercenaries, he would not be able to follow Yat to durard county . He had to take advantage of art’s talent to do business in durard county .

He suppressed his anger and turned his anger into a smile: “OK . ”

With that, he pulled out three silver coins with pain, and the rest, only copper coins, could not make up fifty, and he could not save four silver coins .

At this time, he inadvertently glanced, caught a glimpse of art, the other side did not pay any attention to him, just looked at the other side of the landscape .

Baruto’s heart suddenly burst out a burst of anger, you can be so popular, it is my credit! You’ve changed your plan a little bit . He looks at art and smiles, “Rath, can you lend me a silver coin?”

“Lend you?” Art is a little confused . Are we familiar?

Although I talked to him on the first day and got two songs from him, they were only the music scores of the local ballads of Lola . Moreover, because baruto’s music theory was too poor, he thought for a long time to understand what the other side was saying . It was better than the fragmentary poetry novels and music scores piled up in the study in Yat’s memory .

However, in exchange for music score, he invited the other party to have a meal, until he left, the accommodation fee for these days was also given to grace by him .

This “deal” should be over .

However, a silver coin was not a big deal . He got a lot of things from the thieves, almost 30 silver coins . It was not a problem to borrow one .

“No problem . ” Ya characteristic nodded, seemingly from the money bag, in fact, took out a silver coin from the goods column and handed it to him .

“Oh, what a generous art Baruto was smiling, but his heart was full of anger . Yat’s stupidity was the source of his anger . He made him popular! He would have hesitated!?

“What’s the matter? Is there anything else? ” Art looked at him strangely .

“No, nothing!” Baruto quickly shook his head with a smile on his face, then immediately turned around and gave the money to bayas, who was standing behind him . There are only three levels of money for Barto, but there are only three levels of money for Barto

Trigonometric level and quadrilateral level are the official names of “low position” and “middle position” of professional association .

“Yes, I understand . ” Baruto had a smile on his face, but a curse in his heart .

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