Night Crow Master Chapter 21


Chapter 21: 21

Yat, who has been monitoring the gray wolf mercenaries, also found some sudden movements .

Before that, their actions were disorganized, or aimlessly wandering through the melancholy woods, but now, suddenly, there is a pattern .

This change happened after the thief and the hunter had been in the forest for ten minutes .

“Is there anything?” When the gray wolf mercenaries were a little further away, Yat appeared in their position .

He looked around in disbelief .

There was nothing but rubble all over the place .

Maybe it’s not enough observation? Art was a little suspicious, and then he was stunned .

“Gravel?” He thought of his doubts the day before, “Why are there so many stones here?”

Art, frowning, picks up a stone and puts it in the inventory .

[contaminated rubble Lv2: This is an ordinary piece of gravel, before it was contaminated by psionic powers . 】

“psionic pollution Art’s eyes widened .

It’s a familiar word for ATT, who from time to time grasps a book given by the count of Gloria .

However, it is precisely because of this that he has a sense of crisis in his heart .

Psychic pollution is a condition that exists in every wizard, which is not uncommon . As long as a wizard apprentice reaches a low level, he or she will start to spread psionic radiation .

Although not very powerful, these stray powers are a way for many extraordinary professionals to identify witches .

At the official wizard level, this kind of psionic radiation will reach the state that can affect external things .

Just like the count of Gloria, Yat could feel the count’s spiritual radiation, which was disappearing all the time, while he was in the castle .

What scares him most is how he feels about the whole castle .

That castle, like a living thing, is a living existence .

Although he did not have any substantial evidence and knowledge, through the description of the foundation of magic medicine and the material guide, he probably understood what kind of state the official wizard’s power would be .

Some materials recorded on the basis of the book of magic medicine, such as a plant called “grueling flower”, the above description is –

[special plants growing in the environment polluted by high power . ]

there is no doubt that high psionic pollution creates a special environment .

Art frowned and looked at the description of the stone in the inventory . There was only one voice in his heart .

Trouble .

There is only one reason why an area can be contaminated by psionic powers –

this area has a long-term residence of an official level wizard .


“Or . . . Was . . . ”

art took the stone out, stroked it gently, and stuck it on his forehead .

When he calmed down, he entered a state similar to meditation, and his mental strength showed a little, guiding the poor power to touch the gravel on his forehead .

There is a strong sense of rejection that keeps psychic powers from the rubble .

“No mistake . ” Art breathes out and removes the stone from his forehead .

This melancholy forest should be the area where a wizard once lived .

And the rubble . . . Art lowers himself, squats on the ground, observing the gravel .

These rubbles vary in size, but they don’t look very different in color and should belong to the same building .

Art narrowed his eyes . In this forest, there once lived an official wizard .

After making such a judgment, there was only one thought in art’s mind – to leave the forest immediately .

The power of witches is too weird, not only from other people’s point of view, but also from other witches .

A large part of the reason is the contamination of the psionic powers .

A place that has been a wizard for a long time will have all kinds of anomalies .

It was something that Yat did not know, but his experience and sense of staying at count Gloria’s castle for one night told him not to approach any other official wizard at will, even if the other party was well intentioned .

Because of count Gloria’s reputation among the aristocrats, ATT chose to accept ELTI’s invitation . It was that night that made him understand the terror hidden in the elegant postures of witches .

He looked at his palm and murmured, “the blue blood devil . . . The blue blood . . . ”

what kind of blood created these existence?

Now that he knew it belonged to a wizard, art did not intend to go any further .

Now, even in the face of an ordinary bandit, he is a little bit choked . His weak physique and adult’s frontal combat are problems, not to mention falling into a very dangerous area?Without hesitation, Yat turned and left along the path of memory .

Feeling the cold fog around him, he looked up and looked at the sky of the sun, though it was bright, and he tightened his nerves:

I hope there is still a chance to go out

. . .

What about it? Sheridan? ” Roft asked, with his pen, recording the route, and asking .

In his hands, it was a map, not the fur map, but a map of sheepskin, on which the rough shape of the melancholy was depicted, and roft, at this time, was drawing on the map by route .


“That should be the direction . ” Sheridan nodded, “but the fog is getting thicker and stronger around . ”

A black appearance crosses the bottom of the map, which is a “safe passage” written by numerous passers-by with various signs, which can let other passers-by quickly leave .

They are not far from the black line, they are not far away from the black line . They will arrive only half an hour, and they are sure they are not lost .

But they don’t know that they are gradually deviating .

The curve path, which was carefully recorded by rovett, has deviated by almost 80 degrees .

Hope is a little upset, although he is a little timid, but also has to say that timidity also means caution .

He always felt that the fog around him was a little wrong .

“Captain . . . ” he said hesitantly .

“Coward, are you afraid?” Norton laughed, his right hand on the handle of the axe, ready to attack the incoming enemy .

“It’s a coward . ” Soly glanced at hope, and they had been investigating the melancholy for nearly two months . What else was unclear?

Is it not the fog and the lower magic? If the middle demon appears to be a little bit more troublesome, others, it will be OK at all .

Although so, her hand was ready to touch the dagger towards her waist .

She is a Bowman, but she has also practiced close body defense .

Sanger squinted, walked to the right side of the team, put his shield on his left arm, drew out the sword, and whispered, “put the formation in order . ”

Hearing the captain’s words, the others did not hesitate, but also quickly set up a formation, will Sally and Sheridan around the center .

Nortonk walked in front of him, took the axe half a man high from his back, and the silent swordsman, sandike, walked silently to the rear, and warned .

The shield hand Rand took down the sword and shield behind him and came to the left side of the team consciously .

They have been cooperating with them for three years, and have formed a skilled corresponding formation .

The thief, hope, is alone on the outside of the team, responsible for investigation, and the most flexible one . Once he finds danger, he will return to the formation at the fastest speed .

Roft also gathered his back pocket, stood by the swordsman sandike, and took out his weapons to prepare for it .

Eight people were waiting for a while, and they were alert to the surroundings .

The fog gradually became strong and a little cold, but there was no danger .

But the people did not relax their vigilance because of such a situation . They are not a rookie team, so they need to be more vigilant .

“Slow forward . ” Sanger whispered .

He, who usually doesn’t speak at all, is the most trustworthy one at this time . He is calm enough .

It’s like a wolf waiting for a chance .

It is also for him to stay in the captain’s position .

“Right front!” Suddenly, the carefully watched hope eye glared, pointing to the right front of the team, Sanger and Norton Ke in the corner direction .

Hearing hope’s words, Sheridan’s eagle eyes narrowed up and swept to the target . After seeing the vague shadow, he immediately took an arrow, the bowstring pulled open and shot .

Boom –

br > whew – with the sound of bowstring loosening, the arrow flies out .

Swish –

br > in the light noise, the shadow flashed, dodged the arrow, and then rushed to Norton, the sharp teeth, and gnawed hard at the strong arm of Norton cro .

“To die!”

Nortonk’s eyes flashed a trace of ferocity, and the axe was slashed forward .

However, the black shadow flashed through his attack, and the sharp claws left two blood marks on his wrist, but it was forced away .

At this time, they saw the real face of the shadow —

this is a wild cat like creature, with a dark body, only one eye and a long tail . Like a snake, there are a line of fine teeth on the mouth of the snake .

“One eyed snake badger!” asked rovette! Be careful! ”

The public look was also cautious .

Because of its special ability, this thing has been separated from the category of ordinary beasts, belonging to the low level demon, which is very fast, even more than the ordinary medium demon . “Let me do it . ” Sanger stepped forward and exchanged places with nortonk .

The heavy axe hand, facing such a flexible enemy, always brings his own natural disadvantage .

Hoo –

when the one eyed badger came again, Sanger stepped forward and slashed his silver sword .

The nimble one eyed badger shrank sharply, and a fluorescent light appeared on the surface of its huge eyes, and Sanger’s sword speed was suddenly improved .

Block .

It is its ability, a mind like ability, that can temporarily block the enemy’s movements .

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