Night Crow Master Chapter 6


Chapter 6: 6

Randy likes hunters, both civilian hunters and Hunter professionals, because they bring themselves a lot of cheap fur and dried meat .

He’s not rich, at least, compared to the big chambers of Commerce .

But the businessman from hindra, relying on a few familiar hunters, grew bigger .

He is very happy to help people, of course, if the other party has the value of help, or the money is in place, for exchange of equivalent value .

What he dislikes most is the extraordinary, especially mercenaries, who love and hate them .

When they need their protection, they always like lions to open up, but protection is not necessarily in place, which is boring .

Well, it doesn’t matter . It’s better than the aristocracy .

The nobles hold the way of wizard selection, just as the Holy See holds the power of Knight baptism .

The Holy See and the nobles were vampires, from those who wanted to be wizard apprentices and knights, and then they took blood from their poor merchants .

This small business team, carrying a car of fur and dried meat, is ready to go to philek County, a long way, representing the difference in commodity prices .

By the way, he received a book in the name of the poet’s book of poetry in the hands of villagers who had never read .

In fact, if he didn’t recognize the mistake, it was a noble hand note .

It was also a note of an apprentice to a higher wizard .

Unfortunately, he can’t learn .

Even so, though, it can sell a good price .

It is good to pass through the village, and when passing through the town, it is necessary to pay business tax . Therefore, if not necessary, he will never choose to rest in the town .

But, there is no way, it can’t be in place one step at a time .

“That group of bats is really annoying . ” After complaining about a tariff, Randy muttered to the front .

His men, usually rely on a management affair ran over .

“Mr . Hanson . ” The governor stopped, panting and said, “it’s almost in Faroe . ”

Faroe, located in colora, is only half a day away from the town of golora . They start in the morning from glora and arrive at Faro after about two hours of lunch time .

If it’s riding, it will take about three hours .

The caravan is faster than walking, but it can’t be more than riding .

For art, it is natural .

In his hand, he held a young girl with a thin, slightly higher twig, and the black crow golola stopped at the top of the dead branch, which made him look like a wizard and a wizard .


“I’m sure! Golola! We can get to the town in half an hour . ” “Yat said with great certainty, looking at the outline of the town in the distance .

“Wow Wow,” golola flapped her wings and made a hoarse crow .

All the way, there was no companion, it was boring . Golola became his communication object . Although he couldn’t understand what it was saying, Yat still understood its mood . He nodded: “you can rest assured, I said, it will give you delicious food . ”

A few years ago, at the gate of farrow .

“Caravan, it’s rich . ” At the front of the car, Yat could not help thinking .

He had let crow golola go to town first . After all, he had a crow with him, which seemed strange and even associated with the professionals and the extraordinary .

He is not yet, and golola has no fighting power, no need to be out of the air, and he has another plan .

After the caravan passed, he also entered the town of Fallo .

It’s not a war readiness period, and the inspection is not so rigorous .

The first place he was going to was the hotel .

“Hello, sir . ” The hotel owner looked up and looked, “do you need to stay?”

“Of course!”

Ten minutes later, the figure of Yat appeared in a restaurant not far from the hotel . As soon as he entered the door, he said to the waiter who met:

please give me a roast beef, which location is OK! Another colora! ”

“Of course, please sit down . ” Looking at the bright smile on the face of art, the waiter wondered whether the other party had any good luck recently, and invited the other party to his seat .

After sitting in the seat, watching the waiter standing beside, Yat immediately responded and patted his head with a smile: “Oh, almost forgot . ”

He took out his wallet and poured all the money out – eight copper coins .

After he had put two coins back into his wallet, he handed over six to the waiter .

Seeing the six copper coins in hand, the waiter’s smile became very bright: “OK, sir, please wait a moment, and bring it to you immediately . “In the mind, the waiter make complaints about “only two copper coins left?” Well, thank you for your generosity, though tomorrow you will worry about money . ”

This guest asked for food, a portion of beef, depending on the location, the value was two to six copper coins, the price of malt wine was one copper coin, and these six copper coins?


Obviously, the extra one is my own tip .

Of course, it is also possible that the guest has miscalculated the price .

No matter which one he is, he has at least one copper coin income today . If he operates it again, he may have two copper coins?

No one can’t get along with money .

Art didn’t know the price, but he did know the price of beef and ale in the town of Gloria, not far from here, and had at least one copper coin .

He didn’t haggle over it .

After all – his helper, Gloria the black crow, will bring him more money .

People steal money, the goal is obvious, but crows go? The goal is small, and it’s easier .

He is very familiar with this technique in the game –

[passive · crow mage LV1: you can use the ability of crow itself, and in turn, cast magic through these cute little creatures, but no matter which direction, the power will be reduced by 50% . Note that if the crow dies, the ability you get will disappear . ——As I said, cherish your little ones, just like loving your arms! 】

after he got the profession, the first thing he did was to learn the stealing skills of thieves .

Then, the game more “crow robber”, was attacked by the crow players, will be sad to find that their backpack is missing something .

In this world, he doesn’t know if there is theft, even if there is, it is difficult to start with, but it can still be done through crows .

As long as you don’t steal from the professionals, those extraordinary human beings .

That’s why he’s not worried about spending .

“Your ale, sir . ” the waiter brought it first . As for beef, it must take a little time .

As the waiter leaves again, art’s eyes scan the rest of the restaurant, just like the other diners waiting to be served .

On the first floor of the restaurant, there are some ordinary people, there are no professionals .

Probably .

He has no way of judging professionals .

The system will only generate information about what belongs to him, items in the inventory, or servants like Gloria .

No professionals?

Art looks around and knows that the waiter has brought his beef, but he doesn’t see any suspected professionals .

It is also true that there are not many extraordinary and professional people in this barren Allen kingdom .

Since ancient times, extraordinary power has always existed .

The nobles, relying on the power of blood, embarked on the road of wizard .

The Vaticans, on the other hand, control the holy power, and they control the baptism of priests and knights .

What is left is all sorts of professionals, who take a different path from witches, priests, or knights .

These professions may be the experiment of witches, or accept the power of nature, demons, demons, or ectopic forces .

For example, druids and hunters given by nature, demon warlocks with demon blood, demon warlocks who have reached an agreement with the devil, and sneakers given by shadow planes .

Of course, the world is still controlled by the wizard and the Holy See .

The two biggest forces .

Art’s father, the former Viscount of Claudius, who was supposed to have passed away, was a wizard, an apprentice to a medium-sized wizard .

A noble descendant of blue blood nobility .

The blue blood flowing in the body represents the dignity of their identity . It is the blue blood that gives them the ability to cast magic, and gives them powerful power to control their territory .

This is the information that art got after sorting out his memory .

His cheap father indomitably instilled the dignity and greatness of the blue blood aristocracy to the former owner of the body .

In fact, their blood is no longer blue .

Yat, who was cut out of the wound by the prickly flowers and plants, shed red blood, but the color was a little lighter, and there was no blue tone at all .

“Unfortunately, if it hadn’t been for this, I might have started to learn witchcraft and get a second career . ”

Art was enjoying his late lunch, thinking .

In the game of “extraordinary Middle Ages”, the second class is not a strange thing . On the contrary, everyone will have a second class . This is not a life class like enchantment or alchemy, but a second combat class .

After reaching the level, the core breakthrough, essential, is the second occupation .

Now, of course, he doesn’t have to think about it . Now to be able to raise the “crow mage” to a higher level and gain strength promotion is the first priority .

“In other words, can the cultivation methods of this world upgrade me?” Art’s thoughts began to drift .

Just as he was thinking and eating beef, there was a loud noise in the restaurant .

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