Night Crow Master Chapter 5


Chapter 5: 5

After saying goodbye to the two hunters, art left the forest .

The crow, which he had caught in his hand, flew to Yat’s shoulder after the two hunters disappeared .

[LV1] this is a very common crow . Except for being smart, it has no extraordinary power . It will obey all your requirements, and as a smart bird, it will understand your instructions . 】

“Gloria black crow?” Art thought, “I’ll call you Gloria . ”

“Whoa whoa –” Gloria flapped her wings twice and flew up .

“Well, I can feel you’re happy . ” Art shrugged . “It’s a pity you don’t have any special abilities . ”

He did not forget that this world is a transcendent world, and there are all kinds of Knight wizard churches, but he has not yet touched it .

Last night, in his drowsy sleep, he also completely digested the memory of the original Yat .

The area where he is now located, whether it is the town of golora or the Viscount of Claudius, belongs to the Earl of colora . The Earl of Kelvin a hundred years ago belongs to the kingdom of Allen . The current count of Gloria is a new count a hundred years ago .

The kingdom of Allen is a small island suspended overseas . It is not as big as Norway . It is a little bigger than GD province . There are only two Dukes in total .

Moreover, this king of Allen is essentially a Duke of a country on the mainland .

So, in fact, it’s more appropriate to call this kingdom of Allen, called the Principality of Allen .

The kingdom of Allen is also a very barren place, there are not many extraordinary people, especially witches .

At least that’s what the former Viscount Claudio said .

After the message flashed through his head, Yat’s attention shifted to himself .

Now, the most important thing is to upgrade your career level, and then learn some magic, so that you have at least some self-protection ability .

As for extra spells? He’s not sure if he can get it in this world .

The extra spell column is a spell acquired through a skill book . This world is not the game world he is familiar with . Drop the skill book? It’s probably impossible .

Therefore, the only way is to upgrade the level of professional “crow mage” to obtain professional magic .

And then to capture the more powerful crows .

The profession of master crow is more similar to that of warlocks and summoners . Among a large number of special occupations in the supernatural Middle Ages: the rise of mages, this special occupation is considered to be the middle class . However, in the army war, it is a very strong player, and the key point lies in the skill of catching crows .

LV1 can only capture one crow, but with the improvement of the level, the number of crows that can be controlled will continue to increase . At level 25, the number of crows under control will reach 45000, an extremely terrible number .


Remembering the scene of a sea of crows spreading between his waves, Yat can’t help but be in a trance . Then, he is awakened by a hoarse voice .

“Whoa whoa –” Carola kept on singing .

“Shut up, Gloria, or I’ll make you a toasted crow . ” Yat threatened fiercely .

However, his threat didn’t work, and Gloria’s annoying voice sounded again: “wow — wow –”

“I knew that . ” After watching Gloria soar into the sky without a word, at last he realized that he needed to be more serious about his instructions .

“Gloria! Come back to me

“Wow — wow –”

“OK! Stay on my shoulder! Then shut up

” . . . ”

“very good, our first cooperation was successful . ” Art raises his shoulder, and Gloria, standing on his shoulder, exerts a little force in her claws to keep her balance

. . .

golola town is located on the periphery of the golora forest and has four roads to leave the town and reach the next area .

The first was to go south, through a section of the outer glora forest, to the Viscount of crowriedo .

The second was to go north and leave for the grey swamp, led by count Gloria .

The third is to go eastward to the Earl’s castle of colora, which is a plain, the core area of the whole count’s territory, and there are many villages and small towns .

Fourth, in the northeast, across the golora mountains, to the Earl of fileck . By the way, the gray swamp belongs to Earl fileck, but very few people choose to pass through it .

He chose the direction of the castle of the Earl of colora . In prosperous places, it is easier to find extraordinary people .

Although Allen kingdom is a southern island kingdom, but the climate is cold, every 30 years will usher in a strange cold period .

In the kingdom of Allen, the county of Gloria and the Earl of fellock in the north are relatively barren areas because of the golora forest and gray swamp . The agriculture is not very developed and the economy is relatively weak . These two counties can only rely on the glora forest and gray swamp to make up for the economy .

However, the interior of golora forest is extremely dangerous . Powerful creatures can even kill apocalyptic knights, kill an official wizard, or an archbishop .

People only dare to hunt and harvest on the outskirts of the golora forest, and dare not go deep into it .

In the gray swamp, the size of a county or a Earl’s collar, there are not only powerful demons, but also powerful Orc Aliens – lizards with gray scales, powerful physical fitness, and snake men with gray scales that can spray venom .

Whether it is a demon or Orc alien, ordinary people encounter, almost only one way to die .


Compared with the gorora forest, where no demon will escape as long as no one provokes it, the orcs in the gray swamp are very aggressive . There are many troops and many extraordinary people stationed near the gray swamp .

At present, Yat will never run to the interior of golora forest . Although he said that his way to upgrade his career level is a little special – he can only improve his level by killing creatures higher than his own level or finding powerful treasures to upgrade his level directly .

This setting is criticized by players in the game . Although it greatly improves the life of the game, it is a difficult thing for Yat .

It’s good in the early stage . There are more high-level things than him .

But at the back . . .

Art shook his head and threw the remote difficulty out of his mind .

Now that the direction has been decided, Yat doesn’t have to delay any more and starts off quickly .

Br >

, especially for those who are younger than 14 years old, they are not painful .

Moreover, after walking for a long time, he did not meet any caravan or hunter or mercenary troop .

You know .

This road is the main road .

But after walking for five hours, I didn’t see anyone .

“I knew, I knew . ” Art is sitting next to a tree by the road, and now he needs to think carefully about his identity .

As the only son of viscount aikaya Angus crawledo, he should have the right of succession to the town of Claudio, and be loyal to seven of the manor knights . However, five of these seven manor Knights have been under the command of his uncle, andak Angus crawledo .

If he died together, then andak would have a period of time to make the father and son’s death seem “normal”, and then he would “quite legitimately” inherit the position of viscount Claudius .

But now, the escape of “Yat” will inevitably add an uncontrollable factor to andak’s plan . It can be expected that the other party will speed up the speed of blood exchange and reorganization in Claudio .

Even when he returned to Viscount crorito, he would become a “father murderer”, or “a swindler disguised as art . ” .

Anyway, his identity is no longer secure .

Even if he went to the territory of other barons, he could not use this identity .

He needs to change his identity . He doesn’t need to be too high . He is a free citizen . He doesn’t have to live for a long time . He doesn’t need to stand up to scrutiny . As long as he exists .

“Let me see . . . ” Yat touched his chin . “I remember that Viscount Claudio had a lot of servants who were freemen . . . ”

“that’s right!” He patted his leg . “The son of the housekeeper in the Viscount’s house is called lat! Latatt, it’s about the same . Big, lat . . . Rat . . . Is it Bronte or browning? ”

Forget it, no matter whether he is Wuthering Heights or pistols, the pronunciation is almost the same .

Although the housekeeper’s son is only four years old, the identity registration similar to the medieval times is not strict . At most, he has a name, and he has no age .

As for identity? The housekeeper was originally the last son of a certain Baron, but his son still had the status of a freeman .

After that, art is ready for dinner .

What’s for dinner?

He looked to one side of the black crow, Gloria, and grinned: “Dear Gloria, I need five fruits!”

Twenty minutes later, art looks at the five bluefinches in her arms, smiling .

“Gloria, you are a great hero, so I’ll give you one . ” He placed a medium-sized bluefinch in front of Gloria .

“Whoa -” cried Gloria, and the beak pecked at art’s hand .

“Ah Yat quickly took back his hand, and said angrily, “isn’t it just for you to find more fruits? As for being so angry? ”

“Wow — wow –”

“OK, well, I’ll give you other food in the future . ” Yat kneaded his hand . Although it was a little painful, it was only painful . There was no bleeding and no broken skin . “Wow — wow . ”

Art looked at Gloria, who was generally pecking at bluefinko, with her mouth cocked and began to eat her own dinner .

However . . .

“to tell you the truth, it’s hard to eat fruit every meal . I don’t know how those girls can stand it . ”

Late at night .

Early in the morning .

Dawn .

Early to bed and early to rise, Yat stretched out, then stuffed the sheet borrowed from Gloria town into the inventory, and cried, “Gloria ~”

“wow — wow –”

after two hoarse crows, a dark shadow flew down from the tree and landed on att’s shoulder .

All night, it’s on the lookout .

And, it looks like, it’s on good alert .

Art looks strangely at the place where he just slept, two dead scorpions, half a centipede, and . . . Half earthworms?

“Thank you, dear Gloria . I think your supper looks rich . ”

It’s dangerous and tiring to drive at night, but it’s dangerous to find a tree and sleep under it .

After all, snakes, insects, rats and ants .

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