Night Crow Master Chapter 4


Chapter 4: 4

Feller and old Feller looked at each other, some vigilant, but, looking at the young man without any weapons, they also put down their vigilance .

Before they could speak, Yat said, “my name is Kuwait . I’m a bard . When I was sleeping around here yesterday, my package was stolen, including my beloved harp . ”

Pretending to be depressed, he continued, “I don’t know where to find the damned thief, but I know there’s no hope of finding it back . Just this morning, I saw a black bird near here . Can you help me catch one?”

In some distress and embarrassment, he took five copper coins from his inner pocket and said sincerely, “although it is a little less, I hope you can help me . ”

“Well . . . ” Feller looked at his father, and then the old hunter said, “Oh, it’s unfortunate, Mr . Kuwait . I’m sorry for your misfortune . There are a lot of thieves around here . Your hope of finding the package is really slim . ”

For this young “bard” identity, old Feller some doubt, but he did not reveal, and . . . Encountered a thief?

Such things are not uncommon . In this year, 20 or 30 of the 100 travelers who came to the village met with thieves .

As for the Commission of five copper coins?

Although it’s not a huge reward, it’s also a matter of convenience for old Feller, who has lived for decades on the golora forest .

So, he’ll take it, but the black bird?

Black Woodpecker? myna? Black finch? crow?

Well, I hope the young bard doesn’t mean the woodcarving .

“Mr . Kuwait, what is the black bird you are looking for?”

“It doesn’t look very big . This morning, when I was frustrated to find that I only had the plucker of the harp, that bird appeared and took it away . If I remember correctly, it should be a crow . ”


“Crow? All right Old Feller and his son looked at each other, “crows like to collect more than other birds, especially the glittering things . Then, your harp paddles are attracted by it, but . . . ”

old Feller coughed: “Mr . Kuwait, we still need to hunt in the forest, so we can only help you to catch a crow, as to whether or not to take your stand We can’t guarantee the one with the paddle . ”

At the end of the day, isn’t it that the reward is low?

Art’s eyes were white in his heart, but he still pretended to be lost: “Oh, why, I thought I could at least get the pick back . . . Well, well, you just need to help me catch a crow . ”

The depressed tone and the dejected look made philer and old Feller believe it . Perhaps because he was sorry, old philler didn’t say anything more, and immediately began to prepare for catching crows .

There was no smile in the corner of her mouth .

After that, however, it was not very smooth .

After a morning, old Feller and Feller caught a beaver, a squirrel and a Gloria grouse, but did not catch a crow .

The three of them sat around . Old Feller and Feller were eating dry food with fruit, while art bought half a piece of black bread with a copper coin, and ate ate the fruit in a similar way .

As the rumor has it, the black bread is as hard as stone, and it’s terrible to eat .

However, art, who plays fast, needs to be very adaptable . At most, he should complain appropriately and express his admiration for the nobles .

Finally, like a bard, she remembers a song and sings the melody softly:

“she has breakfast . ”

“She’s out . ”

“She forgot the basket and the handkerchief on the table . ”


“She bought a lot of food . ”

“And then I went home . ”

“At night, the town is quiet and serene . ”

“The terrible wizard fell in love with the girl in town . ”

“But the girl has an incurable disease . ”

“She will die on her twentieth birthday . ”

“The wizard can’t accept it . He’s a little crazy . ”

“So, the time of this village is always fixed on that day . ”

“The last day of her nineteen years . ”

“Every midnight, it’s like an opera house . ”

“Keep repeating the same day . ”

“She had breakfast . ”

“She’s out . ”

“She forgot the basket and the handkerchief on the table . ”

“She bought a lot of food . ”

“And then I went home . “Yat sang softly, though the sound was not beautiful, it was not bad .

If he had a harp at this time, people would regard him as a real bard .

No, old Feller, he’s convinced of his bard status .

“Oh, Mr . Kuwait, this is a sad story . ” Old Feller wiped the corner of his eyes . The old man is always more sad than the young .

On one side, Feller shrugged his shoulders . Although the story of “Mr . Kuwait” is touching, the tears are still too exaggerated . However, even so, he also affirmed the identity of Yat: “it’s a pity that if you have a harp at this time, it will be more perfect . ”

Sincere praise came from the young man’s mouth .

At this moment, a voice came from the distance .

The hoarse voice of “wow — Wow -” came from the location of the trap .

Old Feller and Feller were stunned, and then the old hunter said with a smile, “Mr . Kuwait, if that’s right, our trap has caught a crow . ”

After art gets up, the three of them rush to the front .

In an inverted basket, a black bird was flapping its wings and making hoarse calls .

Old Feller stepped forward and lifted the basket . The one who had been ready immediately reached in and accurately grasped the two wings of the crow .

The crow, whose wings were under control, kept waving its claws and even tried to attack philler with its gray black beak .

But it didn’t help .

Old Feller reached out and held the crow’s feet and wings in his hands . He took it from philler and handed it to art .

After Yat took over, the old hunter said, “crows are not easy to get along with . They are very clever and even more vengeful than wolves . Mr . Kuwait, if you can’t tame it, then it’s more suitable to be a meal of food . . . ”

the old hunter put forward suggestions .

“OK . ” Art grinned .

Neither philler nor old philler noticed that after the crow was taken over by Yat, he no longer resisted . As a faint light flashed, there was a submissive mood in the dark crow’s eyes .

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