The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 28


Chapter 28: 28 The Vogel continent is sometimes described as a bird with spread wings . The ground that spreads to the left and right and the land that jumps out slightly up and down are not invisible to the wings, head, and tail . In the center of the Vogel continent, that is, the torso part, we are the Ardasia Empire . And Leo is dispatched from there at the tail . The name of the country on the southern continent is Principality of Rondine . One of the two countries in the tail .

“One of the two countries that survived the Southern Sengoku Period . . . “

It was on a boat that I read the material of the country to go . The Imperial Mission Fleet is led by Leo, the Ambassador to the Plenary . It consists of two vessels, each carrying souvenirs for Rondine . Once, Leo is on one and I am on the other . Just in case of an accident . Well, this is a calm sea, and it just doesn’t happen . There’s only one man on the ship I’m on, trembling fiercely .

“If you tremble in such a calm sea, can’t you go to the sea elsewhere?” “I don’t have to go . . . “

It was Erna wearing a futon on her bed . Why this guy is here and why it’s shaking . Well, it doesn’t get long after we talk . The escort of the ambassador is simply a guardian knight, by convention . And it’s just my elder brother’s nomination for Elna . Anyone who helped us would have wanted to be separated from the Imperial City . Well, I was anticipating that, and I left Lynfia beside Fine in preparation . I’ll be fine . Well, it’s quite a problem to send a Holy Sword veteran out of the country, but that also has the advantage of showing that you’re serious about this goodwill . In the end, my father accepted the recommendation . The father himself would have considered it as one hand . By the way, one of the most important forces of the Empire is the valor who can use the Holy Sword in the first place . Once dispatched, there is no way to prevent it in other countries . There is one problem in that sense . The other is that you cannot use a sacred sword outside the country without the permission of the emperor . This is a safe device attached to the first duke in case the duke is betrayed and goes to another country . Little is known about this . In the first place, it is rare for a valor to go abroad .


“I’ll curse you . . . I’ll do my grudges . . . I’ll never forgive those three . . . ” “I’m not convincing to say while shaking . “

The reason why this is trembling is that the sea is usually scary . Elna doesn’t care for baths, but she’s a useless person in rivers and the sea . He said water phobia . This is the only weak point for near perfect Elna . Is it a weakness that Elna, who dislikes exactly, could not overcome? When I look at the sea, I feel nausea and dizziness due to anxiety, and when I get on a boat, I can not stop my body trembling due to abnormal fear . When I go outside and see the open sea, I’m probably stunned by a shock .

“Shikashima, have you ever been able to keep up?” I thought, “I’m afraid that the brave man with the holy sword rarely goes abroad . . . There is a lot of land, and I knew that when I was twelve, I could go crazy and summon a holy sword . . . because I didn’t want to sail . . . ” T r a n s la te d b y jp m t l . com

Erna sheds a small tear with holori . Erna would be the first to summon a holy sword for such a reason . Moreover, that effort makes water bubbles and laughter .

“I laugh now . . . I’m afraid of my childhood friend, but it’s terrible . . . ” “I’ll laugh if I remember how I got waterphobia . But there is a part of the responsibility . . . ?! I was afraid of the water because I saw Al drowning . . . ! “

Yes, about eight years old . I was taking a bath with Erna . At that time, he seemed to say something disturbing Elna, and I ended up eating Elna’s body blow . Then she fainted and sank in the bath, almost drowning . And what he was lost in, he looked at him and thought he was afraid of water, and he became water phobia . That’s the most unreasonable reason ever . No violent king will be so unreasonable .

“I’m good at my own business, and it would be ok if I got waterphobia .

Elna is half-crying with a weak feeling . At all, if you’re so scared, you have to decline . Why did you follow it?

“I guess he would have taken this into account to my dad?” Not really . . . “” How are you fighting, are you . . . “

The ship shook a little when she was amazed . It wasn’t a lot of shaking, but it seemed shocking to Erna . Tr ansl ate d by jpm tl . co m


“It’s so painful !?”

He rolled on a small bed, struck his head and crouched . The situation was absolutely impossible on land, and I felt good because it was fresh .

“You’re really useless on the water . If a pirate hits here, it’s the end of a volume . ” “If you don’t make a fool . . . ! The shaking was so big right now! Did not there be a hole at the bottom of the ship? ”“ I don’t think it would be useful if it had to happen . What?

The scariest thing on the sea is the sea dragon, the king of the sea . A dragon that adapts to the sea, a mere superb monster, rampages in the sea . Its horror is more than land . There are countless sailors who died after sinking the ship . The fleets of the two nations engaged in naval battles were sometimes sunk together . Of course, that scary story would have been known to Erna too . As soon as the story of the sea dragon came out, he looked completely broken .

“I dying here . . . ?” “I don’t want to die, ah . I’m no longer a different person . What is it like as a guard knight? That’s it . “Huh . . . “

Well, I don’t know if I don’t want to show my weakness . And they don’t fight on the sea, and no pirates have their escorts attacking strict mission ships . If you return to land, it will be the usual Erna, and do you keep this much bullying? I’ve done the usual revenge and I’m clear, and I form a barrier with Elna in secret . It is a barrier that cuts off from the outside . This will make the shaking a little better . I can’t usually use it, but I don’t notice it with the current Elna .

“Well, the shaking seems to have stopped a little . . . ” “I’m not shaking so much originally . ” Has only sinked twice in its long history . “” But there is no guarantee that the third time is not today . . . ? “

Unusually, it’s annoying minus thinking . Why are you scared by the information you said to reassure you? It’s just useless to say something . Let’s scare as much as you like . With that in mind, I heard a modest knock . Elna reacts even to the knocking sound . I’m not ready to reply, so I’ll reply instead . Then a middle-aged knight, a subordinate of Erna, came in .

“Please” “I’m sorry . . . that captain?” “I’m alive . . . ” “Can I go up on the deck?” “I want to say I’m dying . . . ” “Isn’t it . . . ” “Is it a storm or something outside inside? Today is fine .

He looked bitterly at his subordinate and smiled over there . He seems to know his direct reports . Well, I can’t hide it .

“Then just a report . A ship from the Principality of Albatro is asking for a talk . For the time being, both we and Prince Leonard’s ship have dropped anchor, what should we do?” “Principal of Albatro, already in the waters of another country I was there . “

Principality of Albatro is a country next to Principality of Rondine . It is a maritime nation and a country with extensive maritime trade . Once the empire was distant from the empire because it cooperated with other nations during the war . It is a talk at this timing . You don’t want to go to Rondine . It’s a meeting, but it’s a real inspection .

“Come, the knights all go into the room . . . it’s not good to stimulate . . . ” “I agree . What is Leo saying?” “It’s . . . Prince Leonard seems too sick . … So I ’m going to ask the captain for his opinion . ”“ Huh… I ca n’t help it .

With that said, I left the room . There is a boat next to Leo . If you give a sign to receive the talks as it is, the Principality of Albatro will come in . As expected, I would not have searched every corner of the Empire’s envoy, and it would be fine . When I move to the next ship, I head to Leo’s room . There was a little blue face Leo there . As expected, I can’t have talks with this face .

T ran sl at e d by Jpm t l . com “Isn’t it sick? Is it a seasickness?” Take a rest on the boat next to you . “” But . . . “” Go, go and say that Prince Arnold feels sick . “” But if you say that, your reputation . . . … ”“ I ’m good .

When I told Elna’s subordinate, I moved Leo to the next ship . Of course around him is Prince Arnold . I left my hair and clothes and went out of the room with a tight expression .

“Receive an offer for a talk . Get ready . “

Thus I was replaced by Leo on the sea .

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