The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 26


Chapter 26: 26 We were able to move with peace of mind, as we had the valor escort Fine . For the next two days, Zandra pierced his supporters with a possible target, but on the night of the second day, he finally set up .

“I’m an enemy . “

While running in the carriage, Sebas told him . Despite what I expected, I sighed . I guess there’s blood on my head . To do this here is to give the fisherman’s interest to Gordon and Erik himself . Sebas is beside me, and even if I succeed in assassinating, my strength is reduced . In that state, they are attacked by two parties, and assassinated me, I can give it to a spearball .

“I’m a woman who can’t see the point . ” “In a sense, I can say that the point is visible . It can be said that your eyes are high when you aim at it . ” “Sorry, but it’s a good annoyance . ” I want his staff to work .

Zandra’s power is based on mages . Of course, there are more than mages, but the best civilians and military officers flow under Eric and Gordon . As a result, there are few staff members under Zandra who have a strong political sense . That’s why you can’t beat Gordon or Eric while having a lot of powerful mages . I would say it would be different if Zandra had an excellent staff member and could get his opinion .

“I’ll get rid of it . ” “Okay . I’m going to the castle . ” “Be careful . There may be ambush . ” “That’s the time . “

After such a conversation, Sebas jumps out of the running carriage . Well, there will probably be eighty-five soldiers . On the other hand, I am only a servant running a carriage . From the enemy’s point of view, you can see that Sebass was successfully lifted . If so, there will be some assassins who know the situation again . Let’s get this machine to collect information again . When he was doing such bad things, his servant running a carriage screamed .

“Hey!?! Oh, Prince! There’s a person in front of you !?” “Don’t worry . Proceed . ” T r an s late d b y Jp mtl . com

You may have realized that the assassin was in front of you . When the young servant stopped the carriage, he left me and ran away . I am sighing in the carriage . As expected, this is easier to do, but I’m stunned by my lack of hope . If Leo was riding, he wouldn’t have escaped .


“Get down, you won’t be dragging down from the carriage . ” “I just want to see my face . “

I honestly get off the carriage, whispering back to the assassin who says plausible things . In front of the carriage was a middle-aged man who had cut his brown hair . His dignified face had a strong sense of history . Why is Zandra really serious? Probably it seems that he has sent in five talented people even under Zandra . At first glance, it has the power of the A-class adventurer class . Being assassinated by a surprise and having such a skill is a great deal of skill . If an A-class adventurer suddenly appears in the background, even those of the same abilities would easily be killed . Assassins are different from adventurers . Because he is a professional killer .

“I’m sorry to be escaped by my servant . ” “It’s not just that I have no hope . ” “I see . Isn’t that distracting . Is that because of your trust in your steward?” “Sebas will come to get rid of you soon . ” “Beautiful trust between the master and servant, but that won’t come true . It will take time for even that deacon to get rid of the twelve assassins and rush to them . ” What? “

I won’t break my room . The man approached me with a bitter smile, as if he saw it as bluff . And he creates a dagger made of flame in his hand .

“The order is assassination, but not killing . I will not move and let me come under my Lord . ” “I do not want to go under my torture-loving sister . “

Tr a nsl ated b y jpm t l . com He’s a very nice subordinate . Abduction is better in this case than assassination . Anyone who is missing can be accommodated . Eric and Gordon wouldn’t do my best to rescue me, and if I could do it, I would be able to break into my aide . Just take me out of the Imperial City and torture before my search begins . Once your heart breaks, it’s Zandra’s favorite pot . Even if they were rescued, I wouldn’t talk about Zandra, who was broken by torture . Or you could break your mind and make it a crap . You can be hit harder and less dangerous than assassination .


“It’s pathetic . If you grudge, you grudge your brother . “

The man throws a dagger of fire . But there is a defensive barrier around me . You can’t break through with that level of magic . So he was ready, but the dagger of fire was countered by a sword from the side .

“!?” “Who are you?” “A passing adventurer . “

Surprise, turn to the intruder . There was a girl with brown hair in a ponytail . However, when he wears a hat deeply and looks rough, he looks like a boy . I remembered the girl . An A-class adventurer who was defeating Mother Slime in the Duchy of Kleinert .

“If you’re an adventurer, go down . Isn’t he asked?” “Yes, we didn’t . We don’t know who was behind him and why he was being attacked . And I have no obligation or obligation to help such a person . “” If “” But killing in front of me has a bad aftertaste . I was abandoned by my followers . “If you don’t do it, it’s unfair?” “You . . . I mean to turn you over to the enemy? Is that all right?” “Help rather than abandon and regret!” It’s better to regret . ”

Upon hearing the words, the man completely judged the girl to be an enemy . Take out the dagger in both hands and throw it at the girl . It is not a dagger made with the same magic as before . The girl played it with a sword, but immediately behind it was a dagger made of ice . If you avoid it, it will hit me behind . The girl responded to such acrobatics with further acrobatics . He turned the sword into a shield and received the ice dagger .

“A magical sword that changes its shape has an unusual advantage . . . ” “I got it at a certain archeological site . You can also do this . “

The girl turns the shield into a spear this time . The girl swings it around and slowly approaches . At first glance it was a plain spear, but soon it was discovered that it was unusual .

“Kuh . . . !?” “It’s true that it doesn’t sleep . It sounds like a powerful monster can sleep . ” “Sound . . . !”

Is it emitting a sound that invites the subject to sleep? I don’t know at all what I’m hearing here, but that guy seems to hear a lull in the lullaby . Awkward ability . It’s not a joke to get sleepy while fighting seriously . Even if you overcome drowsiness, you can’t fight well . I guess it was a man . Get away from the girl immediately . And at a glance at me, I caught my tongue and retreated . Shortly after, Sebas came .

“What kind of situation is this?” “Thank you for helping me in a dangerous place . Thank you, I was saved . ” “No, I can’t overlook the murder . By the way, it looks like a noble man to see a carriage . ” I’m Arnold Lakes Adler, the seventh prince of the empire . “” The seventh prince? Indeed, the rumored empire battle . I’m trying to help people . It’s a lot closer to the purpose . “

The girl takes a hat and kneels on the spot . A slightly neutral but well-formed face appears . Is the year the same as me?

“Prince . My name is Lynfia . What is the gratitude that saved my life, could you hear my request?”

No, I don’t remember asking for help . I lost the chance to catch the enemy assassin . Despite that, she doesn’t know I’m silver . And Arnold cannot save this request as a life-saving form . I declined, but finally, no one helped me or Leo . But I can tell from my experience . This is definitely annoying . However .

T r an s l a t e d b y jpmtl . com “Let’s talk to the castle for the time being . Please take a carriage . I don’t know if I can help . “

With the last precautionary line, I invite Lynfia to the carriage . Jeez . The problem doesn’t go away one after another . I could only sigh with a small sigh .

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