The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 21


Chapter 21: 21 “I’m sorry . Count Belz . ” “This is Prince Arnold . What kind of business is it today?”

Count Belz, who lives in the Imperial City, is a court aristocrat with no territory . For generations, he has been in the position of Empire, and Earl Belz is also a Deputy Minister of Industry, helping in civil engineering and flood control . Count Belz was consistently at a distance from the battle for the throne . The other three were not actively involved in the position, as they were not directly affected in the empire battle . I went to such a residence of Count Belz because I heard a rumor .

“Actually hear a rumor . “

Count Belz is a thirties man . Her hair was bald and, combined with a faint looking appearance, had never been seen by women . However, a few years ago, the meeting was finally settled . Originally, he is a talented man who has succeeded the famous family and has even been deputy minister . There is no limit to how to look for a bride unless you make a mistake . However, this man made a mistake in finding the bride .

“Oh, are you rumor . . . ?” “Oh, it’s just a rumor . In fact, the wife of Count Belz is playing gorgeously every night and every night . It’s like playing like a royal family, and where does the money come from? Hear that everyone is rumored to be strange . “” That’s . . . exaggerated . My wife really likes to play, but she’s very much like playing like a royal family . . . “

Earl Belz wipes his forehead sweat with a handkerchief . It looks like Sebas is looking at the information . According to Sebas’s investigation, this Earl of Belz is talking to his acquaintance about his wife . The dissatisfaction was extreme, saying he wanted to part, or if he couldn’t, commit suicide . If you guess from your actions, you wouldn’t like your wife’s flashy play . The question is, how far is this guy doing?

“Count of Belz” “Yes!”

Tran s l a ted by jp m tl . com He changed his tone and straightened his back to make it easier to understand . Is this because I want to be back, or is it my natural temper? Which is it?

“There are rumors like this . You may be using the country’s money . ” “That’s not the case! I’m always working hard as a loyal ministry to the Empire . “Please don’t believe me!” “No matter what, I came here this time because the rumor came to the castle . It’s important if I hear my father’s ear? “


Blood is drawn from the face of Earl Belz . An easy-to-understand man . He may just be faint, but he doesn’t want to be known to the emperor . Can this be expected?

“And your Highness! Please help me! Please help me!” “I’m not going to help the criminals . I’m Leo, of course . ” “Wow, I’m not really touching the country’s money . “Where do you make money from? Would it not be possible to keep my wife playing with the Earl’s salary?” “Well, at first I was fine because I had savings . . . Soon it expires, I borrow money from my acquaintances, and recently borrowed money from the merchants . . . I’m sorry to my acquaintances and the deadline for repayment to the merchants is approaching, so what should I do . . . “

Why did you marry such a woman? The room door was violently opened, thinking of something so rude .

“You! I don’t have much money this month !?” “Betina !? Get out! I’m talking to the prince!”

What came in was a flashy beauty with golden hair . Is the year the same as me or a little higher? Young for a 30-year-old man’s wife . The things you are wearing are also flashy . I wear dresses that I often see in the shrine, and all the precious metals I wear are real . I don’t want to break up .

“Princess? Who are you?” “This is it !?” “Arnold Lakes Adler . I’m bothering you . Mrs . Belz . ” “Arnold? Ah! Birthed prince? A miserable prince whose brother has sucked everything he’s good at, isn’t she incompetent? T rans l ated b y jpm tl . c om

Count Belz is out of luck . Well, it’s the same with me . It’s only Gued that makes me laugh so much so far . I guess she’s gonna do it because she’s doing it, but she’s a childhood friend and the son of a duke . Different positions . Oh, this woman is stupid . I was so convinced of Count Belz .

“Let’s go down . . . ” “What? Order me?” “Go down!”

Probably the first excitement . Bettyina, who was disgusted, distorted her face as she was uncomfortable .

“Please forgive my wife’s disrespect! Your Highness!” “I don’t care otherwise . I’m used to it, but I’m a shocking wife . ” ” . . . When my seventeenth came to me My wife, a daughter of a local aristocrat, was famous for her beauty, and I met her and fell at a glance, and gave her various gifts until she got married . However, I escalated more and more, and now I’m misunderstanding that I’m a royal or senior aristocrat . . . “” I definitely think that the back is bad, but it is your responsibility to increase it If I were a husband, I had to scold me and change my behavior . “” Yes . . . you’re right . “


My heart is completely broken . The countless Belt’s appearance is tragic . Well, what to do . From here you need to change your plan . The original plan was to gradually gain the Earl’s trust, but if left unchecked, it could lead to suicide . Can’t help it?

“Why can’t you cut off your divorce because you applied to your wife?” “Is there too . . . When I reported my marriage to His Majesty the Emperor, I was greatly pleased . . . and received some congratulatory items . “I see . It’s hard to get divorced . “

I noticed Count Belz not only because of my wife’s weakness . My father buys Count Belz very much . You are probably thinking of the future Minister of Industry . Counting Belz, who is loyal to his job and doesn’t play too much, is easy to trust from the user . If you know the current situation of Count Belz, the emperor will also promote divorce . Here you need someone to stand in between .

“Count Belz . You shouldn’t be stupid, do you know why I came here?” “Yes . . . to add me to Prince Leonard’s power?” “Oh, maybe a little more time I wanted to make sure I could trust you . . . but it seems that you’re not going to take the time, ask Leo to tell you what you are up to, and your reaction to divorce Divorce immediately if you are inclined . Write a letter to your wife’s parents’ home, so don’t worry . “

Count Belz looks at me as if looking at the Savior . I was just cornered . Well, it’s a bit selfish, but this is also due to the empire . Let your back drink tears . Both are self-employed . However, Count Belz is worthy of use, not in the back . But how do you explain to Leo? That’s him . I’ll tell you that you should talk . However, I don’t want to show Leo that tight woman . I could bring trauma to a woman .

“Count of Belz . I’m sorry, can you write a letter of plea to Leo?” “That’s a letter?” “Oh, right now . That’s easier to persuade . ” Leo is a good person . If I just talked, I might try to take hold of you . Is that unwilling for you too? “” Yes, I write right away! “

As prompted by me, Count Belz began writing a petition to Leo . The elite who was born into the noble of the imperial capital and succeeded in the job was so miserable by one woman . After all, you have to be careful when choosing your bride . For a moment, the nearby women, Fine and Elna, cross their heads . I was terrified, imagining they would be wives . There seems to be a lot of hardships whichever becomes a wife . Let’s stop it I like everything as a normal woman .

“And your Highness, are you okay with this . . . ?” “Which one?”

I look at the letter and pull my face . It was a statement complaining of his wife’s wrongdoing . Dissatisfaction with the wife is often transmitted through the letters . I sighed, watching it no longer be a curse .

“Be careful with the honey trap after cooperating with us . ” “Yes, I will never pass a woman anymore! Sincerely, I will serve Prince Leonard and Prince Arnold!” “Don’t get me wrong . They just cooperate . Your Lord is His Majesty the Emperor, not us . “” This, I’m sorry . . . “

I need to put a nail in such places . If Leo acts like the Lord, he will show the enemy extra time . I want to eliminate such places as much as possible . Tran sl ated by jp m tl . com

“Then, I received the letter . I’ll tell you the result in a few days . Wait . ” “Yes! Thank you . “

Then I left Count Belz’s mansion . When I left the mansion, my back gazed at Count Belz from a distance, but I was patient for a few more days . Eventually, when I showed Leo a letter, why did he get married? The natural question came back . Well, persuading Leo and telling his father the status quo, he told him to divorce, and Earl Belz’s divorce proceeded quickly . My father will not be able to crush future ministerial candidates by daughters of local aristocrats . In this way, Count Belz joined Leo’s power, and Leo’s power grew slightly .

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