The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 16


Chapter 16: 16 “I’m scared . . . !” “It’s okay . Her Imperial Highness . The knights will come soon . “

Fine calms Christa in the mansion and gently strokes her . The ladies came to Fine with such a troubled face .

“Well, Finee . . . that . . . ” “What’s wrong?” “It’s . . . a lot of the folks want to enter the mansion . . . “

The emperor’s order forbids folk from leaving their homes and inns . However, he may have wanted to enter a mansion that seemed safe from anxiety due to a battle nearby . Fine did not do anything to blame it .

“Who is your wife?” “I can’t judge, so let’s leave it to Princess Christa and Fine . . . ” “Yes . . . Your Highness . What do you want to do . . . ” . . . . . . “

Krista grips Fine’s clothes because of anxiety . Holding back his little hand, Fine replied, saying: The lord is fighting with the emperor . This is because Christa’s opinion is prioritized here, as far as the person has left the decision .

“I see . . . then do you forsake those who have the same thoughts?” “It’s . . . no good . . . ” “why?” ” . . . my brother gets angry” “Yes, that’s right . Priority is given to the house . Will it be noisy, but is it okay? ”“ OK . . . ”“ Remove it a little . Is it OK? Everyone is anxious . Yup……”

Tr a n sl a t ed by jpm tl . com Fene wrote, saying that he disliked his face, but let Krista sit on a chair with a laugh . Then head to the entrance of the residence . There, a few soldiers in security drew their swords and turned to the people .

“Return home quickly! Can’t you hear His Majesty’s orders !?” “Please! Please put in!” “This!” “Stop!”

In a state of imminence, Fine shouted at the soldiers . Although Fine himself is a daughter of the Duke, she was known for her role as the Princess of the Blue Sea, and the emperor herself was treated like a royal family . There was a royal class voice here . Therefore, the soldiers immediately dropped their swords and kneeled on Fine .

“Wow, Fine-sama . . . ” “The person who pulls the sword isn’t the people . Right?” “Yes, you’re right .

Fine, satisfied with the soldier’s words, saw the crowds in front of the gate . The number is not a hundred or two hundred . You can see the noblemen and merchants who have traveled, as well as the commoners . Everyone had anxiety on their faces .

Aohime Hime “It may be easier for you to say that I am Fine von Kleinert . “

Fine points to the blue seagull’s hair ornament . It is a testimony of an exquisite beauty given by the emperor . The people who knew that the emperor was a daughter of the beloved Duke like a daughter, kneel all at once . However, there were some young men who came out of the crowd .


T ra n s l at e d by jpmtl . c om “Oh! Miss Fine! I am! Guido!”

For Fine it was the voice she didn’t want to hear most . Arnold’s childhood friend who did something that Fine could not overlook, hitting Arnold . Guido von Holzwald and his surroundings found Fine and smiled . Selfishness that divides the people and does not doubt that they will enter . A figure that doesn’t go to battle, but just boasts in a safe place . Looking at it, Fine felt that the blood of the nobleman flowing inside her had been defiled . I’ve never seen that after seeing my father . Even stupid brothers don’t act to help themselves in a crisis . There is no point in doing it . It is because you do what you deserve . So Fine ignored Guido .

“In the mansion, children, the elderly and the sick are given priority . Healthy people should join together in the largest building and solidify the entrance . Tsunami is a big monster movement . Human life is not the purpose Even if a monster invades this keel, it will save you a lot of time if you gain time . If you can understand, I will open the gate . ”“ Foo, Miss Fine! Is it me! I remember, Mr . Guido of the Duke of Holzwald . “” Oh, that’s good .

Despite the attitude that was justified, Fine came in as expected . If you think of Arnold, it’s better to welcome Guido here . There is no point in conflicting . But Fine did not do that . I thought it wasn’t worth Arnold . Because .

“Let’s shame! Don’t fight with the Emperor, but look back on yourself to see yourself in a safe place! Don’t you think?! “” Nah . . . !? This! Who is me! “” It doesn’t matter who you are . The mansion accepts a child, an old man, and a sick person . This is the decision of Her Imperial Highness Princess Christa . If I do not want to waste any more time, I should appeal to the Emperor at a later date, but which one should be punished at that time? I guess it’s more obvious than looking at the fire! “” Cum . . . ! Don’t be afraid! Leonardo is behind! Remember! I will never forgive you! “

With that, Guido leaves the place with his surroundings . After seeing the leaving Guidos, Fine exhales deeply and then orders a gentle smile to open the gate . When they saw Fine, they talked to each other without asking anyone, leaving only the children, the elderly, and the sick in the mansion, and others leaving . After preferentially receiving the people, Fine ordered the servants inside the mansion to harden the entrance of the mansion with furniture .


“Please block as tightly as possible! Let’s hold down when the monsters come! Let’s just give up and let the course change!” “Yes! Fine!” “Fine! Princess Christa “I’ll call you soon!” I’m going right away . Everyone is not afraid and I’m fine .

Fine who spoke to the people inside the mansion acted as brightly as possible . At the very least, I thought I had to smile . In fact, I could only do so much . Although Fine was a Duke’s daughter, she knew magic, but she was good at recovery spells, but at the same time she used magic in combat . You cannot fight as brilliantly as Elna . I felt sorry for that . Arnold has never been helpful when he left the territory, hoping to be useful . For Fine, being with Krista is the first job left to Arnold . That’s why I thought I wouldn’t leave anything .

“I have to take the whistle! Monsters are coming!”

Seeing Christa screaming, Fine remembers something . A conversation between Arnold and Christa over the door . Krista said the city of Kiel is surrounded by monsters . In fact, it was . As Arnold listened seriously, Fine concluded that something was justified . So Fine hugged Christa tightly .

“His princess . I’m fine . If you’re looking for a flute, Fine will pick me up . Can you tell me?” “No . . . I’m dead . . . ” “I’m fine . Al-sama will help me . “” . . . really? “” Yes, it is true, so please tell me . Where is the flute? “” . . . I saw it falling on the clock tower . . . Cause . . . “” It’s smart . Then I’ll take it . “

Saying so, Fine went to the clock tower, the tallest building in the center of the city, without listening to the maids stopping .


The clock tower in the city of Kiel is different in scale from the clock towers in other cities . The clock tower, dozens of meters, was a tourist attraction in the city of Kiel and a valuable tourist resource . Fine climbs up such a clock tower, out of breath . Elna, on the other hand, was fighting equally with Sam and Dean .

“Chick! Depressing!”

T ranslat ed b y jpm t l . com Dean abandoned repelling Elna in a straightforward manner . There is nothing wrong with two people, but it takes too much time . I decided to use Karadame here . Dean picked up a magic flute (Hameln) that manipulates monsters . If you add more monsters, Knight Elna will have to escort the emperor . Then Dean and others need to be on the high side . In an attempt to invite more monsters to the keel, Dean talks to Hameln, but Elna intuitively felt it was bad and attacked him .

“Don’t let it!”

Dean evaded immediately, but Hameln fell from Dean’s hand and fell into the city of Kiel . Dean rushed after seeing it .

“Bad!” “Wait!”

The flute is not a Dean thing . Dean and his colleagues gave it to Dean . Using that, Dean and his team involved Carlos in thinking about this conspiracy . However, Dean and his colleagues told him to dispose of it . That was the promise with my collaborators . Without the help of collaborators, it is difficult to escape even if you survive here . The proper disposal of the whistle will help Dean’s lives . So Dean desperately followed . When she sees Dean, she feels something extraordinary and follows her . Both clash in the air many times, during which the whistle falls rapidly . When he approached the clock tower, a white hand extended from it received the whistle .

“That !?”

Fine, who had fallen under force, managed to leave her body on the clock tower . He catches the whistle and exhales, but immediately, Elna’s sharp voice begins to fly .

“Run away! Fine!”

As he lifts his face, a mass of magic that Dean fires hits the top of the clock tower . As a result, Fine loses his footing and falls as it is . However, Fine ignored it . From the beginning, the danger was determined . That is why Fine threw a whistle at Erna, who was coming here . And she laughs as she catches the whistle astonishingly .

“Oh . . . it was helpful . “

Despite his anger, Dean threw a block of magic at the falling Fine . Fine has no way to avoid the approaching mass of magic in the air .

“Fine! ??”

Elna’s cry shouts . Fine gently closed her eyes while entrusting Arnold to Erna . The moment you close your eyes . I felt something shined in the depths of the sky, but Fine couldn’t afford to worry about it . Despite her determination, Fine closed her eyes, but did not have the pain or shock she had imagined . Rather, I felt warmth . Opening fearfully, Fine was embraced by a silver masked adventurer . Fine loses words in surprise . I went to Christa to help her, to reassure him . I never thought I would come for help . Meanwhile, there was a surprise as well as Fine . Dean .

“You are the one who will cancel my magic bullets . . . ? Give your name!” ” . . . Silver, an SS class adventurer belonging to the Adventurer’s Guild Imperial Capital Chapter . . . Silver you . . . “

Black robe with characteristic silver mask . Adventurers claimed to be the strongest in the history of the Empire appeared on the spot .

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