The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 10


Chapter 10: 10 Night . I headed for the basement of the castle, and reached for a constant wall . Then a glowing line ran on the wall and the wall opened . I enter into it without surprise . The inside was a single-pass staircase, leading down . As we proceeded, there was a wooden door . When I opened the door, I was waiting for a beautiful study . There are countless old books, and the candles are lit all the time, even though no one is groomed . Because the person in this room was a mess, he magically lit the fire .

“I’m still afraid of studying magic . Old man . ” “I can’t figure out the essence of magic even after many years . “

Yes, it was a dwarf old man who answered my words . And translucent . Sitting on the desk, reading a book happily . I use magic to turn books . You can’t imagine this, but it was once an emperor .

“I often do the habits that were sealed in a book at the end of the study of magic, and you’re called a madman, right?” “That was a strange thing . I was completely unaware . “

The name of this old man saying that is Gustav Lakes Adler . He is my great-grandfather and the emperor two generations ago . As you can see, he has no eyes on magic research, and he is a magic addict who made and researched such hidden rooms . It was taken over by a demon that had been sealed in a book, and the demon ruined the imperial capital, and it was described in history that it had gone crazy at the end of the study of ancient magic . That is why the ancient magic of the royal family has become taboo . However, he met me over time and was a teacher who taught me ancient magic . Right now, only the spirit is in the book, there is no substance . What you see now is a thought body . The seal of the book itself was broken when I opened it, but I don’t seem to be trying to get it . I am happy to be doing my own magical research .

“It’s easy, you have to hide that you can use ancient magic because of you . ” “Think the other way around . Because I was sealed here, you were the ancient magic . Isn’t the mysterious silver mask also useful? “” Well, moderately, “” Thank you, the great grandson of thanks . “

The old man keeps an eye on the book while saying . I read magic books and start writing them if I come up with magic or a new theory . That’s why this old man is here all the time . In fact, I don’t want to bother me because I’m happy . Still there is a reason to come here . It seems they know it .

“Are you talking to me? Don’t be shy . Don’t be shy . ” ” . . . My brother was caught in a battle for imperial rule . ” “I should do so . If I oppose, I can dismiss it openly . ” Tr a ns l at e d b y jpmt l . co m


I’ve been thinking for a long time . The assassination of an old general forced us to make a choice . However, no matter how old the Elders were to take Leo, they should not have been a threat to the three brothers . Still, he appealed to assassination at an early stage . You may have watched out for Leo, but it really means that you made Leo hostile as an excuse to get rid of it .

“I have another question”

Here is the former emperor . In other words, the victor of the throne battle . If you’ve survived all the plots, you’ll be able to answer my questions . He opened his mouth with that thought, but earlier than that the grandfather answered .

“If I’m the second and third son, I’ll assassinate the Prince . That’s the answer . ” ” . . . I haven’t asked you yet?” Was the eldest brother, but was repeatedly in the danger of assassination . In my opinion, the elder brother who was assassinated was bad . If the best candidate was assassinated, the wait was for a muddy struggle . ” “Was there anything other than the death of the war?” “Is it so clever, or is the emperor’s aide involved, or . . . is the emperor himself involved? It’s a weird story, for example, that the Crown Prince died in the battlefield . Isn’t the Lord trying to protect himself if his brother enters the battlefield? “” Of course “” That’s the answer . If you still can’t keep it, you can see the shadow of the plot That . It is not uncommon even when viewed from the history of the past of the throne dispute “

An old man who says he gets depressed . But it is compelling . And if that guess is all right, all that is to come must be considered some sort of conspiracy . In other words, there is also a knight hunting festival .

“Is there a magic to manipulate monsters? Old man” “Are you talking about magic ?? Good! Let’s hear more!”

Tran s l a t e d b y jpmtl . com Looking at the old man who turned to me suddenly, I sigh . It’s because of people who only have magical things in their heads . Perhaps this person is crazy because he gives priority to magic over my serious consultation, a disciple and great-grandson .

“Recently, the monsters have started to increase in the empire . There are some powerful rare monsters among them . I suppose there is a man who is manipulating them . ” It would be possible to manipulate it, but there is no magic that manipulates monsters in such a wide range . “” Yes . . . you are thinking too much . . . “

If magic, I thought that Zandra, the second princess, was involved, but if there was no grandfather, it would not be . Does that mean that monster occurrence is accidental?

“Well, there is no magic, but there is a tool . ” I guess, “Is there such a thing?” I can do it too . “

The old people have developed something useful and cumbersome . At a time when magic was more advanced than it was now, the magical tools that used it were even better . Such objects are excavated from archeological sites and are used as national treasures in various countries, but they sometimes appear at unintended times .


“Is there such a thing . . . Actually, a knight hunting festival will be held . The royal family will lead the knight . ” “Huh? Why is this modern emperor interesting? We can’t lose in the situation, but if the whistle is in the enemy’s hand, we won’t win . . . “” That’s right . A whistle that can guide monsters to places you like . If you don’t do it, the person who owns it will win, but I wouldn’t do that stupid thing . “

The grandfather affirms it . I agreed with the words . I do not imitate such a stupid thing . At first glance it looks like a good idea, but in fact, it’s just an immediate benefit . If three of my brothers and sisters are using the mage, I, of course, will go after them . Despite the empire’s struggle, doing something against the empire itself is guilty of sin . There is no doubt that trying to penetrate the unknown will cause great damage to the power . I don’t think they would bother making such a bet . I mean .

“Is the person moving behind the scenes a different person than the favourites of the imperial battle?” “Yes . It doesn’t matter whether the person moving behind the scenes is connected to the favourites or not . With that danger, he wouldn’t be content with just being the ambassador to the plenipotentiary . “” . . . I have one more trouble . “

You have to look not only at the top but also at the bottom . It is no longer a matter of simply winning . I have to find someone who is moving behind . This knight hunting festival may not be just a festive battle for ambassadors .

“What’s going to prevent the flute called Hameln?” “It’s only enough to break it . It’s hard to prevent it because it emits sound waves that can only be heard by monsters . ” That’s right, but that’s right, but that’s not the case . It was hard to judge whether a knight hunting festival would be held . That is, using monsters before the knight hunting festival There was something behind the festival . Tighten . “

With such advice, I left the room .


On the way home . I felt a sign behind . He turned around, but was stopped by the voice of a man .

“Don’t move . ” ” . . . Do you know me as Arnold Lakes Adler?” “Of course . “

The man who went behind and said so drew a dagger . No way it moves quickly .

“I won’t kill you but let me sleep for a while . ” “I can’t just say yes . ” Tr ansl a ted b y jp mtl . co m

I slowly turn back . In the meantime, the man did not move at all . There was a man dressed in black at the turn . A typical assassin . However, he did not seem to be killed .

“What did you do . . . ?” “I stopped moving at the barrier . It was an enemy to call out to avoid killing me . “

There is no doubt that he is a skilled assassin . Anyway, they are invading a strictly guarded castle . However, it is difficult to make sure that such assassins fall asleep, but do not kill them . So I called out to stop me . That gave me time to build a barrier . If not, I have a detection barrier around me so there’s no room for the assassins . Suicide is a good place to go out without caution during such nights .

“Hey, wasn’t he an incompetent prince !?” “Well calm down, answer the questions for the time being . When you put it in the castle, did someone guide you? “If you say the name of the client, you will die!” “I won’t deny you .

Only three brothers and sisters can affect the security of the castle . If someone wants to guide the assassin, a lot of preparation is needed . It would be hard to think . Anyway, the only reason I can attack me is because of Elna .

“I guess she attacked me to prevent her from taking part in the Knight Hunting Festival, but she was indeed straightforward . I am prepared for it . ” “Huh . . . that’s the same here! “

At the same time, someone appeared behind me without any sign . Sebastian was there .

“It seems that he was acting as a group of four . The other three were stunned . Mr . Arnold,” “Sorry, Sebas,” “What, . . . ?” “I walked alone with Arnold “Let’s lick it . ” “Cum . . . !” “Well . . . let’s vomit . Who was asked?”

I used genjutsu while setting up soundproof barriers around me to project the scene where my opponent was most afraid . The sight is invisible to me, but clearly visible to the other person . And surprisingly, it was clear who the client was .

“Hi !!!!? Forgive me! Forgive me !!!!! Zandra-sama !!!!!! I’m not talking! I’m not talking anything “Hey . . . Is it an assassin of Zandra’s breeding house? It looks like you’re training very hard . ” “It’s like he’s tied up with fear . How do you do?” It does not damage Zandra, but if you kill it, it’s troublesome to clean up . Keep it in a suitable place . It may be used later .

I turn my heels to the man who is still watching Zandra’s illusion . At this point, Zandra is white on monsters . I was trying to get rid of me because I was aiming for the Ambassador to the Knights Hunting Festival . If you put all your effort into it, you wouldn’t be the one who invited the monster .

“Well, who planned?”

Leaving such words, I returned to my room .

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