The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 9


Chapter 9: 9 A few days back to Imperial City . The day of fate has come as many are busy preparing for the festival .

“Who’s coming?” “I’m sure you’re the top commander . “

I was waiting for a guest in the castle room . Today, the children of the emperor are taught which squad is the knight squad attached to them . The method is simple . The knight’s captain visits the room . The Knights of the Guard Knights are numbered for each unit, with younger numbers tending to be more elite . The top three are especially led by the strongest class captains . The drop-offs will be assigned to higher ranks to equalize their strength .

“Erna alone isn’t coming . . . ” “I’ll do that again . . . A young prodigy of the Ambersberg prince who joined the Knights Knights at the age of 11 and became captain at the age of 14? “Isn’t it a good place?” “Only ability is impossible . It is impossible for human beings . ” “It is said that you are good and you are the future leader of the Knights of the future . ” I didn’t even know what he was . I never forgot to meet him, when he was seven . Did he help me get bullied, do you understand the words he told me? ” “Is it a weak man? Is it a word for a child who is bullied and hurt? And after that, he was given a wooden sword, called rehearsal . So I was beaten unilaterally, so I won’t meet Erna that day . I had to play with it . Was I! Who’d a terrible story to hear!? That woman’m like a woman devil! “

Explaining eagerly to Sebas, Sebas simply shrugs his shoulders . Let’s go! Why not! The doors suddenly opened when I was busy . There .

“Who is a demon-like woman?”

The devil wanted to smile . The moment I saw her, I pulled her face . And .

Tr an s l at e d b y Jp m tl . c om “Sebass! Call the knight! The devil has appeared!” “Unfortunately, no one will come . There is the best knight here . ” “I know Sebas well . Arnold Lakes . Her Highness Prince Adler, a member of the Knights of the Guards, commander of the 3rd Knight, Erna von Amsberg, will meet with you for the first time in a few years, but it seems like she will not change . Yeah, of course, it’s very popular in the Imperial City, isn’t it called the prince of hydration? It’s wonderful . “” Oh, thanks, I’m having fun . “


Laugh at each other . Even if I haven’t met for several years, I’m a childhood friend He is known to be a prince and a daughter of the Duke’s family . After a while with each other with a smile, I frown .

“Where did you come? Don’t you ever call me?” “I don’t know if I came?” “I don’t believe . . . ” “I’m sorry . “I’ll ask the Emperor to say that Al is good . ” “Don’t do anything extra !? You’ll be staring at your brother and sister !?” “I don’t need to worry . Al is aiming for the throne . “Isn’t it?” “That’s not the problem! Oh already! Why have you been so long ago?”

I know I’m doing well, but that doesn’t match the interests I seek . In this case, I wanted my father to go under Leo . Well, I don’t know if you want to go under Leo and get it . At least with Elna coming under me, I’ve jumped out of the worst participant to be a winner . This made it even harder to move . Erna is naturally attracting attention . It’s no longer impossible . I don’t want to go to other people, but I’m more troubled if I can come to myself . That’s Elna . I didn’t really want you to come, not only for compatibility issues .

“I’m going to win the championship . Let’s say those who say the prince are dry!” “I don’t want that . . . ” “No, it’s not like that . I’ll show you how much your equestrian arm is now . Let’s go to the training area . “” . . . Sebas . I’m getting a headache . “I can’t do it . . . ” “It’s tough . It’s a serious mental illness, a sickness .

He stares at Sebas with grudge, but where does Sebas blow? No more days until the Knight Hunting Festival . I guess just a few days of training will not change anything . With that in mind, I was dragged and taken to the training ground .


Translat e d b y jpmt l . com “That!?! It hurts . . . ” “I’m sorry too!

Next day . I was stuck in bed because of my sore muscles and had Fine apply the medicine . Anyway, my back is bad . I don’t feel like moving at all . And that’s because Elna was thrilling me with equestrianism . Would it be the first time to swing a sword or spear on a horse? I was so crazy . I fell a lot of times and hit my back each time . If this continues every day, you will die .

“Arnold, I told Elna that today’s lesson should be in the afternoon . ” “Is there no word in his dictionary to take a break . . . ” However, not Al, but Silver is on par with that? Is equestrian acting as well? “” Arnold specializes in ancient magic . Basic health is less than ordinary people . Equestrian, swordplay, modern Magic: There aren’t any big arms because they keep skipping the training . Finee-sama . “Is that? All the adventurers thought that they were all physically good . ” They are . . . but I’m using ancient magic to fool my low physical ability, and I’m not going to be able to gain physical strength in the first place . ” Go to territory I because the was a long time . Since that even during the outing was to strengthen the body’s ability in ancient magic . Is that ancient unless the used magic as says Erna like “weak person” “


There is no willingness to counter Sebas’s poison . I sigh while lying on the bed . However, Sebas asked me with a slightly brighter voice .

“I’m thinking of things . It’s a painful opportunity for you, Leonard-sama . ” “Yes . . . ” “What?”

I decided to give a brief explanation to Fine, who seemed to be confused . You don’t need to talk too much .

“Erna is said to be the strongest knight, so if I win Elna I won, no one would think it was my strength . ” “Yes . Leonard, as Fine said, If you can’t win, it’s best to have Arnold win, but it was unnatural if Arnold won, but suddenly the strongest card rolled in . “” I see! “Well, if I don’t do anything, I’ll love Elna, and I think that’s what I can win . I think Elna is so far ahead . If I don’t pull my legs, I almost certainly won “I can do it . ” “That’s why the Emperor handed Elna to Arnold . That’s why he pulled and stepped on . ” “The result was the strongest knight of the empire and the strongest adventurer of the empire . The Imperial Majesty wouldn’t have imagined that it would be a bag! “

I’m amazed at Fine happily speaking, and I get up in my jacket . A few days until the knight hunting festival . You have to do what you can do .

“Even in the worst case, I win and I don’t give the title of the ambassador to others, but the best is that Leo wins . ” “Why? Isn’t it the end of Leo-sama even if you build it? “” Even so, it’s better to be elected ambassador to the ambassador . But isn’t the ambassador just troublesome? “

My shoulders rose unintentionally . Sebasto sighed in response to the star’s reaction, followed by Fine .

“Al-sir . . . I don’t have to give up to Leo-sama . ” “Hmm? Yield?” “I know . What Al is saying and giving up for Leo-sama . ” Huh . . . Fine, you seem to have misunderstood something, but the prince in front of you is a genuine and troublesome person? “” Can you hide it in Fine? . . . I really want to give Leo everything . I’m emperor . “” That’s right! It’s fine for my brother, but it’s not too much . I think Leo will be sad . “

By using Fine’s misunderstanding, she escapes Sebas’s short story . Sebas frowns at me when she tricks Fine into being good .

“I’m not impressed to deceive women . ” “I’m not deceived . I just misunderstood . ” “I can say things . I’m angry with Elna again . ” “Is he my mother . . . ” I’m jealous of having a childhood friend who can be kind . I don’t have anyone who can be a childhood friend . “It’s just messy . Especially he’s a lot of extras . ” “Oh? What’s extra?”

The voice came flying . He saw Erna standing near the door . I feel like I’m smiling but there are anger marks everywhere . For a moment, he loses his eyes to the planted fear, but reluctantly opens his mouth because there is no sign of returning .

“Don’t you think it’s superfluous when you don’t call me . . . ?” “I’m sorry . Did you bring a topical medicine because someone couldn’t move because of muscle pain?” “It’s okay to have it painted on me . ” Souohime “Oh? Is it there?” “Oh, yes . I’ll start with you first time . I’m Fine von Kleinert . ” “Erna von Amsberg I didn’t expect Leo’s room to meet you in Prince’s room .

Tra nslat e d b y jpm t l . c om Erna smiled at Fine . The quality is different from the smile that I show . It’s a smile of impression operation .

“Al . Did you feel like you were ridiculous?” “It’s because of your care . ” “I hope it’s okay .

Elna grabs my neck in bed . Elna explained with a smile as usual to me who was confused by sudden things .

“You said you’re fine, then you’re training . ” “Now! That’s what I mean! Oh, it hurts !? Stop! You’re an injured person !?” No, move and cure . “

That’s what led me to drag me back and practice like yesterday .

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