The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 8


Chapter 8: 8 “It’s awkward . ” “It’s absolutely . This time, we’re in a pinch . “

The next morning . Immediately, we invited Sebas and Fine to the room and held a strategy meeting . Sebas doesn’t seem to understand the seriousness of the situation .

“Pinch? I think it’s a chance . . . the knight is equally assigned by Her Majesty, and Al-Kho knows Leo’s excellence the best?” “Hah . . . ” Your sigh is stupid!

I can’t help but call out Fine, and I will start explaining . In fact, Fine’s idea is not wrong . Only half fit .

“This is an opportunity, but at the same time a pinch, where Leo could be an ambassador to all powers . When someone became an ambassador, we finally saw a distant back, even though it was a fourth power, still less than the other three, even if any of the three became ambassadors . , But the other two manage to devour, but we don’t have the strength to do so, and unless we do something extraordinary, we will drop out of the battle for the throne . “” That’s right !? It must be done quickly! “

Fine begins to panic and rises from a chair and wanders around the room . I leave it alone and ask Sebas .

“Is information gathered?” “Not much . The Knights have just been heard yesterday . It was almost decided only by His Majesty the Emperor and his entourage . ” Will the future depend on the abilities and luck of the candidates . . . “

Whether you can meet rare monsters . This is really luck . No matter how skilled you are, there is no point unless you have the opportunity to demonstrate it . Tra ns la t e d b y jp m t l . c om

“One more piece of information . The Knights expect the venue to be in the eastern empire . ” “Eastern? Why?” “Because the eastern part is the area where monsters suffer the most and the adventurers are not catching up . Yes, and knights are dispatched to other areas, but only the eastern part is intact . “” Do you want to leave the eastern part as a festival venue, surely my father can do it . “

As expected, I couldn’t help hunting monsters all over the empire, and thought I would squeeze it somewhere, but in the east . If the area damaged by monsters becomes the center of the festival, it will be crowded with tourists . Reconstruction will also be easier . Speaking of a father, it’s like a father .

“In the east, the knights hunt monsters in the east for several days, in which each knight squad chooses one of their confidence . The Majesty the Emperor confirms it and decides the winner . Merchants are starting to flow in the eastern part of the city . “” Because it is a business opportunity, merchants will not miss . This will not make the scale of the festival big . . . Influential people from various places will come to see, and it is troublesome “Ah, Al-sama! I came up with a strategy!”

After Fine clapped her hands, she raised her hand and asked for a statement . I can’t expect it but I don’t hear it . Fine isn’t stupid, just stupid . Possibility to come up with something extraordinary .


“I wish Al-sama would be first!” “I was just foolish, expecting only a little . . . ” “Fine-sama . Arnold must play incompetence . “It’s really unnatural to show it . ” “Oh, that’s right . . . but there’s no other sure road . . . ?”

As Fine says, I’m most sure I will be number one . Anyway, Silver is participating . The other candidates, of course, are not knights . But if you do that, you will lose your trump card and it will be difficult to attach Leo to the emperor . If I get carried out, it will lead to precious votes . It is bad at all costs .

“I’m thinking of other hands . ” “However, there is little we can do from this state . If you are on the other three sides, you will guide the rare monster to the east or know the position of the rare monster . But we don’t have enough human resources to do that . “” I know . There’s always something to do . There’s something similar . I’m east of the monster as silver . “I can’t do that!” Tr a ns la t e d by jp mt l . com

Fine first opposed my idea . I and Sebas smile bitterly in response . After all it is a child like Leo .

“Yes . If you do that, the eastern people will be damaged until the festival begins . So we don’t do that . Leo will never accept that . “

It’s a strategy I really don’t want to do in my personal feelings . I don’t want to be proud of my adventures . But if you have to, you might . But not now . Unless all the candidates other than Leo become tyrants, it’s a different story, but for now it’s only me, Leo, and my mother’s life . Indeed, the people cannot be afflicted with the cuteness of themselves and their relatives .

“I see . . . I was glad . “

Fine is breathtakingly relieved . He immediately bowed down .

“Well, let’s do something impatient again . . . ! Sorry! Al-sama can’t do that!” “Good . You can say what you thought . Your opinion is always right . ” “What do you mean . . . ?” “It means you like the Fine as it is . “

Even though I didn’t say, Fine holds her red face with her hands . It’s selfish to be shy, but what Sebas said right now . It’s definitely not my word .

“I don’t remember you like it?” “Do you dislike it?” “No, that’s . . . ” “So, you like it . Good thing . Finee” “Yes!”

Looking at Fine’s full smile, I was relieved . Eventually, they decided to take home each day without a good idea .


The next day, I was commissioned as Silver . This is because the Adventurer’s Guild has contacted us to receive a higher rank request . I’ve hardly ever moved twice a month . It seems true that the empire has a lot of monsters . Well, it doesn’t mean that there’s enough monsters to mess with SS class adventurers . The monster that appears is red Kerberos . It is an extremely strong and repulsive instance of many adventurers, and has been designated as a bounty by the guild . The rank is AAA class . The same level as King Minotaur, who had previously defeated . Cerberus itself is a rare monster, not a monster that lives in the empire . It is a monster that has always escaped from adventurers and entered the empire . I quickly defeated Kerberos, thinking that I wouldn’t get lost in this busy period . As expected, he did not die in a single blow, but he died after hitting magic three times . The last blow left almost no body left, but the tusks left, so I decided to take it home . While working on such an adventurer, the cavalry came here from a distance . It is quite fast . Where is the cavalry squad? The nearby lord should have been informed by the guild that Silver had gone to defeat Cerberus . . .


“People there! Is the explosion just like yours?” “What then? Why not give yourself a name?”

Answering the questions that came over my back, I recovered the fangs and turned around the cavalry . And he was stiff . He was there because he was an unexpected person .

” . . . !?”

T r ans l a ted b y Jpm t l . co m It was a surprisingly beautiful girl riding a horse . Jade eyes with long cherry-colored hair . The straight back and strong gaze resemble a powerful sword . I knew the girl . I knew well . I haven’t been involved in the last couple of years, so I didn’t even notice with my voice alone, but I knew it immediately . In other words, there is only one house in this empire as a combination of cherry-colored hair and jade eyes .

“I’m Erna von Amsberg, Commander of the Knights of the Guard Knights . I’ve heard the news of Cerberus . Did you subdue it?”

Amsberg . The surrounding countries tremble just by hearing the name . It is the bloodline of a brave who defeated the Demon King who shook the continent about 500 years ago . After the defeat of the Demon King, the emperor at times wanted to keep the hero in the empire, but the hero refused to reward him, saying that he did not need the status of a duke, marquis, or count, and set out to travel . The emperor devised such a hero and gave him the sole title of the continent, leaving him to stay in the empire . Its name is 〝Duke Family〟 . It is the highest rank among imperial nobles, whose head is higher than the prince and practically never kneels except for the emperor . But no one complains about the treatment . It’s a house that has been worth more than that for hundreds of years . Guardian of the empire . This is Elna, the daughter of the reputed Duke of Amsberg . And when I was young I helped me to be bullied, and it was a natural enemy who gave me spartan education as a weak and wimpy, and planted a weak sense . Let’s say it was bullying . From that consciousness I stepped back a step back and did not immediately speak out, but now I remember that my bare face is hidden by the silver mask and I am reminded . Yes, I’m silver now, not Arnold . Don’t be afraid to say Elna!

“Don’t you see? The prince of the Valkyrie doesn’t look very good . ” “Why . . . ?”

Ah…… . I’m done! ! ? ? It’s been a bit of a tone with years of depression! ? Yeah! !

“I guess you’re a silver SS adventurer, judging from their style . Do you seem to be in good shape just by playing a little bit?

Nikoli and Erna laugh . But I know . Elna laughs and gets angry . That is an angry smile . Well, bad . . . I can’t help getting up with Elna . I can only deceive here . . .

“I’ve been sitting in the Imperial City, and you’ve been told that you’re the guardian of the Imperial City these days? Is that it? Is it okay to say it’s a challenge to the Amsberg family?” It’s just that I’m not saying, and I’m not interested in the nickname of Guardian of the Empire .

Okay, good . How about this . To appeal that I am not an enemy . . .

“Do you want to say that my family is obsessed with a small nickname, or are they not in my eyes? In any case, are you still provocative?”

Ah! ! ? ? No more! Your first impression is too bad and you’ll get bad no matter what you say! First of all, Elna hates super losers . Once you’ve been sold out, you beat your opponent and aren’t satisfied until you win . Go! When it comes to this! Let’s clear the years of resentment . It seems impossible to build friendship anymore . When I reopen, I laugh at Erna with my nose .

“Well, apparently you seemed pretty conscious of me . The royal family seemed very important to their reputation . It would be small if someone could not be praised . ” “I won’t forgive my house!” “Is there rudeness? I was defeating this monster at the request of the guild . But if I were not defeated, you would hunt . I guess you can hear the words, but it’s a provocation to the clear adventurer’s guild? “” I’m not going to do that! Just think of the people! “” Captain . This is a downfall . If we had a request from the adventurer’s guild, we would not have it, and we would have to hurry to the imperial capital . “” That . . . Silver! Remember! It is my valor to protect the empire! And the knights, I Judges us! Never I is not the adventurer! “” Remember the time being . Do it might soon forget, “” This Tsu . . . ! “

Watching Elna leave on the verge of excitement, she thought she had done it, and felt very radiant with years of remorse . Elna is a genius among the geniuses who joined the Knights at the age of eleven . Since he was often assigned important duties, he had rarely met since becoming a knight . Because I have no time to meet occasionally, it is about whether there is a little conversation . But he took the Elna as a beanbag . I feel good! You can easily understand the feeling of a bully who revenges on the bully .

“I’m still making extra enemies . . . “

What are you doing, I . . . This is completely my fault if you are hostile to the Vampire Amsberg .

“I’m sorry . . . ” Tra ns la ted b y jpm tl . co m

I scratched my head and went home .

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