The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 6


Chapter 6: 6 Returning to the Imperial City, I immediately went under Leo . Leo knows I’m moving, but doesn’t know she’s connected to Silver . So we need to answer that question .

“I thought my brother was connected to Silver . . . I thought he had a wide face, but he was in touch with such a big guy . ” “I didn’t know from me . I’m helping to bring Duke Kleinert to my ally as a proof of my credibility, so I made a form of me and silver that you turned to silver .

In Leo’s room, I gave a report in the Duke, and then explained Silver . If you don’t make it silver-driven, it will be hard for me to move . I’m just used for silver . Many will make that decision if this story is leaked . Eventually the connection with silver will be barred . You have to be prepared for that too .

“Okay . Did you have an idea for yourself?” “Oh, I didn’t tell you because you didn’t trust Silver completely, but he worked as you declared . It’s definitely a man with a lot of mystery, I don’t know why we cooperate yet, and it’s better to wait for us to gain full-width trust . ” “Let me tell you, but I don’t think I’m going to meet you anymore when I see you come in contact with me . I know how to contact me, but I’ll decide if I will respond It’s not like this, it’s like a free-moving joker . Don’t rely too much on it . “” Okay, but thanks to the Duke of Kleinert, the Duke worked together . I think we no doubt it? What good people’m was supposed to be Do, “” The take only for those who may be doing so . . . . . . “

Sigh as if amazed . Recently, I feel like this is a sigh . Needless to say the reason . Leo and another person of similar type have increased in the vicinity .

“By the way, I heard that people were dispatched from the Duke family, but who came? I guess the Duke would never come by himself . . . ” “Oh, that’s right . Sebas, please call me . ” “

He talked to Sebas, who was in the corner of the room, and Fine, who was in a nearby room, came shortly afterwards .

“I’ll see you first . Your Highness, Prince Leonard . T ra ns l a t e d b y jpm t l . c o m

She grabs the skirt gracefully and bows . Leo, on the other hand, replied in a surprisingly perfect manner .

Aohime Hime “I didn’t expect to be able to talk directly to Leonard Lakes Adler, the eighth prince . He was much more beautiful than seeing from a distance . I’m honored to see you . “Well, I’m good at it . I’m honored to see Arnold’s younger brother . As Arnold was talking about, I was reassured to be kind and kind . ” “My older brother was about me? Would you tell me that story? ”“ Yes, I ’m glad . I ’m going to brew tea . ”“ Thank you . ”

It took less than a minute to get close . It is horrible while my brother . It is no longer a talent to enter the inside of a person . There is little common topic between them . Naturally, my story, which is one of the few points of contact, is exciting . I could only frown uncomfortably . Leo shouts at me, as if he was taking care of me .

“Speaking of which, brother . How are you going to ask Mr . Fine to cooperate?” “Basically, I’m going to be a negotiator . And for a while, I often go from the Imperial City’s mansion to us That’s the only indication that Duke of Kleinert is on our side, for the time being, and I’ve talked about his relationship with Silver, so don’t worry about it . Is cooperating with knowing that I’ve been deceived . “” It’s true that my house made offends to Silver-sama, and Arnold-san . It’s true that she took care of me . That’s okay . “” I’m fine . I think so . It’s my brother’s fault to despise myself more than necessary . “


Somehow Leo feels like we’re together . Well, it’s better to have more good people to collect allies . Although my worries will increase .

“This is my style . Don’t worry . Leo . Did the ally gather in the Imperial City?” “Um, it’s subtle, because all of the influential people in the Imperial City are being taken in by somebody . “

T ran s la ted by jp m tl . co m I asked Leo’s achievements to divert the topic, but as expected . Even if Duke Kleinert is known to have joined Leo, only neutral forces will move . Originally, those who are captured by the three rivals cannot move . That would be the case in situations where the Duke has not yet come to us .

“Um . . . I’m not familiar with the circumstances of the Imperial City . . . Could you tell me about those three rivals?” “Did you not talk?” “I was sorry . . . ” “I’m sorry . . . ” “No, it’s really annoying my brother . Basically, it’s a person who pours everything . ” “Is it true?” meet……”

The three jewels that I had in the room were arranged on the desk so that I could easily see the falling Fine .

“Suppose that these are three of the rivals . The first is a blue gem . The second prince, Eric Lakes Adler, twenty-eight years old . The prince who holds much of the minister is known as an intelligent school . The eyes are red gems, the third prince, Gordon Lakes Adler, 26, a martial artist who enters the battlefield with the greatest power in the army, and the third is green gems, the second princess, Zandra . ・ Lake’s Adler, 22 years old, exquisite in magic and attracting support from wizards from all over the empire, all of whom are aiming for the throne while expanding their powers . “Some of them may be, but not as good as these three . ” “A civilian officer, a military officer, and a mage . They have a solid support base . The current emperor is taking in It started three years ago . . . since the elder brother of the Crown Prince died on the battlefield . “” I’ve heard that . . . If I was the brilliant Prince of the Prince, I would fight for an emperor . He told me he didn’t get up . “” It wasn’t .

However, conversely, since that person died, every royal family had a chance . I feel uncomfortable there . Intelligent and brave . Will his elder brother, who has excellent personality and upgraded Leo, die on the battlefield? The investigation was done . The emperor’s own investigation . That proves to be no conspiracy, but I don’t feel like I’m hiding a deep plot . But it’s no use dragging the dead .

“He’s no longer there, and his three elder sisters are relentless to opponents . Leo, we have no choice but to become emperor instead of elder . ” “I know, I wonder if I can do it . . . “” Be assured . I will guarantee you . “

With that said, I hit Leo’s back . Looking at Leo crawling, me and Fine laughed .


Fine came to the Imperial City three days . After finishing greetings to the emperor, Fine visited us all the time . Its appearance was naturally witnessed by many, and rumors spread throughout the Imperial City . It is said that Duke Kleinert sent him to shoulder Prince Leonard . Well, rumors spread like that with tail fins . Rumor lovers of the Imperial City are likely to develop a love story between Leo and Fine, but that’s not bad . Anyway, the spread of Duke Kleinert’s shoulder to Leo will spread . Such an arrowhead .

“Would you please show me the Imperial City?”


Fine asked me . I know why you ask me . Because I am much more familiar with the Imperial City than Leo . But there is a problem .

“If you walk in the Imperial City, it will be inevitable . . . ” “I will disguise!”

With that said, Fine took out her glasses with a confident look and hung it . He seems to be in disguise, but he is not disguise at all . Certainly, fewer people may realize that it is Fine, but she has not hidden her beauty at all . Wearing eyeglasses enhanced my intellectual beauty . Many people prefer this . It’s hard to say intellectually when I feel like disguise .

“Rejected” “What, why?”

I am amazed at Finee who is still trying to eat down and sighs . Apparently, the girl is unaware that she is a beautiful and eye-catching person . When you were given the blue seagull’s hair ornament, you were said to be the country’s best beauty .

T ra n slated b y Jp mtl . com “I don’t want to do things that stand out . If you try to make it less noticeable, you can think about it . “

I dismissed Fine’s wish, muttering in my heart that it would not be possible anyway . It ’s not good to be out with me at this time . Finally, the story of Fine and Leo got excited . It is not good for the prince to get out there . With that in mind, Fine came into the room with a confident face at noon during the morning .

“Please show me the Imperial capital!” “I hate it because it stands out . ” “I disguise you!”

As before, Fine confidently took one out . A gray cloak with a hood . Completely for travelers . She wears it like Fine wears it . Nobody will notice at a glance that it’s Fine because he’s completely hiding his face .

“Who’s the idea?” “Mr . Sebas taught me!” “Sebas no ninja . . . I have to think about escorts, so let’s do that again . ” “Mr . Sebas needs escort Arnold-sama said!””……”

Is that butler thinking only of me? I wanted to put together a neutral noble who is going to be here today . . . Staring at the sparkling eyes, I sigh and break .

“Okay . Let’s go out and have a meal . ” “Yes!” “Isn’t it too long? Isn’t it that you’ve applied for talks from a lot of people?” “Isn’t the application coming?” ” . . . It’s my father’s favorite . Is there anyone trying to reach out so easily?”

The emperor is not thinking of Fine as a princess . I just like beautiful Fine like my daughter . But that’s more troublesome . If you approach poorly, the emperor may be angry like a father approached by his daughter . It’s also because Leo has something to do with other nobles . Getting closer to Fine will inevitably lead to Leo . It seems that no aristocracy can make that decision yet .

“Well, then, let’s go . But if I go home, why?” “Yes! Thank you!”

Fine replied happily with a playable smile .


The city of the Imperial City is always busy . Fine looked around the city happily .

“Arnold-sama . What’s that?” “That’s an appraiser . It sells high with a certificate there . And it’s alright . ” “Are you good? By nickname?” “Even if you notice it “I’m in trouble, Al is OK . “

Fine turns her gaze at you . Few people call me Al . But if he wants to call him, why not stop?

“Please like me” “Yes! Al-sama!”

What are you happy about? I’m going to guide Fine through the Imperial City, admire Fine, who is happy with the little things . On the way, you will eat at your favorite restaurant and take a look at the main facilities of the Imperial City . He said that it was impossible for a long time, but when he was traveling around the Imperial City, he ate as much time . When I thought I needed to return soon, I found a store where Fine sells small items . Trans l a t ed b y jpm t l . com

“Huh . . . do you stay too long?” “Yes!”

Since he appealed to look inside, he was forced to give permission . Fine doesn’t tell herself if she is willing to do so . But, as the words say, the eyes speak as much as the mouth, appealing with the eyes is not odd . This is how many times . As expected, I didn’t enter the store, and left my back on a pillar outside the store . However, the guest did not rest me .

“Oh, oh? Isn’t it a prince who is running out?”

Hearing a disgusting and harsh voice, I frown . Honestly, I met a guy I didn’t want to meet . It was a young man with a brown hair that appeared with his entourage . Anyway, the sense of clothes and hairstyle is bad anyway . However, he feels cool on his own and is confident . The name is Guid von Holzwald . The son of the Duke of Holzwald, the second-oldest of the nobles, my childhood friend reluctantly . Duke Holzwald owns territory near the Imperial City . For this reason, he settled in the Imperial City, and he often came to the castle . It was about the same age, so the adults around me and Leo stuck to me . Classes and rehearsals are the kind of affairs that we often attended together . However, only Leo had a good face . I was bullied . The surroundings are also my bully friends from that time . He does not retaliate and does not speak . Moreover, it has been abandoned by surrounding adults . I guess it looked cool . Perhaps he was filled with a sense of superiority by bullying a prince higher than himself . Even now I grow up, I get involved every time I see it .

“It’s a gid . . . unusual . A place like this . ” “If you were running in a carriage, you would find a poor and shabby face that you couldn’t think of as a prince . I thought I had to call out as an imperial aristocrat . ” “What is that attitude?”

Guido squeezes the instep of my foot with the stick in his hand . And he said with a frustrated expression .

“Do you think you can’t be beaten because of the public’s eyes? Don’t you talk about hitting you? No one cares about your face . ” But my face may be broken . ”

Even the imperial people do not remember every royal face . Even if my infamousness is widespread, he should know only about black-haired black eyes . He appears in front of the people at ceremonies, but he is far away, so he does not know his appearance . However, recently Leo has become famous . There is no doubt that it will be important if me with the same face is beaten .

“You’re not Leonard . You can see . You’re always dressed in a stoop, and you’re always looking down . It’s a sign of lack of confidence . It ’s far from a royal family! ”

With that stick, Guido hit my shin with all his might . Frowning on the sharp pain, but not falling down . You can’t stand out in such a place . Now it is only thought that somebody is still entangled in the nobility, but it will be a fuss if you get attention and find that my face resembles a royal family . Whatever the consequences would be troublesome . Well, what to do .

“What is it?”

I almost seemed to tap . No way to come out here . Don’t make things complicated . Fine became angry when she saw Guido hit my leg again with the walking stick .

“Rude!” “Hmm? What? Your servant?”

So Fine took the food . For a brief moment, Guido was fascinated by the beauty, but seemed to be surprised at the person .

“Oh, you . . . Huh, Miss Fine!” “Yes, I’m Fine von Kleinert . You?” “Bo, I’m Guid von Holzwald . I’m the eldest of the Duke of Holzwald . ” “A son of the duke of Holzwald, a venerable genius? I’m sorry . I thought she would have been more courteous . ” Tr an sl a t e d b y Jp mtl . c o m

Guinea begins to make excuses for Fine, who looks disappointed . The situation was very terrible . Guido, who is particular about his body, would be reluctant . Guido’s pride probably wouldn’t tolerate being criticized in front of such a crowd .

“That’s different! This is . ” “Prince Arnold Lakes Adler . What can I do if a prince called a lavender prince? Is there no respect or loyalty to the royal family?” No, that’s not the case . . . “

I stare at Fine . Souohime It is not good for Fine to crush Guido’s face . Fine . In addition to being overwhelmingly popular in the Imperial City, it is a favorite of the emperor . It would be easy to help me with such a fine, but it wouldn’t be in a way that would destroy Guido’s face . You don’t have to make enemies for such a useless thing . Guido would be happy if you let him do it, and if you hit me unilaterally, your reputation would just go down . He keeps staring in the sense of quitting, but Fine doesn’t care . And Fine said something ridiculous .

“In the first place . . . do you think I’m going out with Prince Arnold?”

Fine looks straight at me . Recognizing Fine’s intention, I sigh . I can’t help if this happens . I have to take Fine’s idea .

“I’m in trouble, Mr . Fine . I don’t want to be rumored, so I pretended to be my brother . . . ” “Sorry, Leo-sama . ” “Yes, that’s right, Mr . Guido”

Dress up your hair and clothes and straighten your back . The tone also imitated Leo, and the expression changed to a gentle one . Guido opens his eyes to the transformation, but immediately recalls what he did . The face turns blue at a stretch .

“Leonard . . . I’m not . This is that . . . ” “I’m fine . Mr . Guido . I know you’re doing that to your brother, and he doesn’t say anything . I don’t want to do anything, but I’m just picking it up today, because I’m guiding Fine to the Imperial City . “” Oh, oh . . . I’ll do that . . . “

Guido returns uncomfortably . If I do anything to Leo anyway, I may be regarded as losing respect and loyalty to the royal family, as Fine said . Anyway Leo is fourth in the fight for the throne . A prince who might be the next emperor . Different from me . Even Guido knows it’s bad to make things worse . The appearance that returns quickly is the accessory itself . However .

“Did you do it?” “I’m sorry . . . ” “Huh . . . let’s go anyway”

I have to leave this place anyway . Too much attention . Move fast and get close to the castle . So I stop and look at Fine . Fine looked at me with a crying face .

” . . . Did you selfish?” “I’m sorry . . . ” “If you leave it alone, his reputation will only go down . But this time he’s a bit hostile to you and Leo . And because of the information that Leo may be pretending to be me, it makes me hard to move . “

Tears accumulate in Fine’s eyes with the momentum that seems to start crying . I looked away and looked away . Nothing changes here even if I say something to Fine . You can’t help but blame what happened .

“If you are disciplined with this, don’t do too much in the future . You may be in danger . Don’t do anything easy . ” “Yes . . . “

The face that seems to cry does not change . He looked down at Fine and wondered what to do, and after all, he couldn’t help and uttered only words .

“Just . . . I know I’m thinking of me . Thank you . ” ” . . . Al-sama . . . ” “I’m sorry, but I had a lot of fun but I ended up with a bad aftertaste . ” It’s not Al-sama! I was careless! I’ll be careful next time, so . . . can you guide me again? “” Oh, next time I’ll disguise you too . “

She smiled brightly with a bright expression . Even after seeing such a smile, I returned to the castle with Fine, thinking that it was worth the effort to guide the Imperial City .

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