The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle For The Throne Chapter 3


Chapter 3: 3 “I’m really sorry!”

Duke Kleinert bowed . A blond young man who was guarding beside him also bowed . However, she seems to have been taken by force, and seems to be dissatisfied with the situation not being understood . It’s great to be able to dissatisfy in this situation .

“Duke . I’m sorry for the apology, so let’s hear what you mean?” “Huh . . . Actually, it seems that Silver had visited five days ago, but this stupid son turned it back without even confirming it . ” . . . Did you turn back . . . ?” “But my dad! Do you normally think that SS class adventurers will come to us suddenly? You think it’s fake?” “You must be silent! It was so useful that while I was going to defeat the monsters, I left the gatekeeper around! It couldn’t even be done! ” It’s a job to get rid of the coming man . . . “” I don’t remember saying that you should turn away the SS-class adventurers! It’s just a matter of checking the silver adventurer card !? “That, that Is . . . “

The son’s eyes swim . That’s the eye that’s wondering whether to lie . Stupid guys lie quickly . If you lie here that Silver didn’t give you an adventurer card, you’ll just be confirmed to Silver later and bale . In such a case, it is the least damage to keep your head straight .

“Duke . I want to preach to my son later . I’m sorry to say this, but your son’s blunder is your blame . ” “Ah, I know it! How can I apologize to the Crown Prince and Prince Leonard . . . “” Apology? Turn away the SS-class adventurer dispatched by the Prince and apologize !? Then ask! How do you apologize? The muddy silver probably won’t cooperate with us anymore! What are you going to make up for it!? “It’s . . . Please forgive me with this old man’s neck!” “I need your neck! The incompetent son who turns away SS adventurers! “

Duke Kleinert expressed a desperate look in my words, and his son exhaled . This father often made such a son . The Duke of Kleinert needs to offer something else, beyond his own life . And it must be important to the Duke and worthwhile to me and Leo . I mean .

“–I’ll give you . So please forgive my father and brother, Your Highness . “

That’s why Fine, dressed in a blue dress, came into the room . If you look up close, you can’t help but marvel at its beauty . Despite this situation, I kept my eyes on Fine . The long blonde is slightly wavy, reflecting light and shining pale . The deep blue eyes, like the sea, tended to emit a tolerant light that wrapped everything . The body is small but you can see it is glamor even from the top of the dress . Her face is a bit tense, but to the extent her beauty is not fragile . To be honest, please be happy if you can give me . Every man would think so, and instinctively spilled a reply . However, this is not the case with such instinct . The appearance of Fine was unexpected to me . I wanted to hunt down the Duke a little more and ask for help in the fight for the throne . T r a nsla t e d by Jpm tl . c o m


“Wow, Fine! Please forgive me! Your Highness! Your daughter is still a child!”

The appearance of the Duke, begging on his knees, is desperate, and his affection for his daughter is transmitted . He should be a good father, as if he had put his own neck first, not the neck of his blundering son . She kneels and pleads to protect such a duke and Fine .

“Please help my father and brother! I was watching when Silver came! I am guilty of sin!” “Sister is not bad! It’s my fault Please forgive me! “

At last I fell to my son’s knees . This is that . I’m totally a bad guy . I didn’t expect this to happen . I thought it would be a bit of a psychological battle with the Duke . When he looked at Sebas for help, he sighed as if he was amazed and then opened his mouth .

“His Highness . The Dukes are doing this . How about calming down your anger?” “Forgive me? It’s almost as if you’ve been mossy !? Forgive this one case In the future, we will not be able to show any dignity! “” I just have to deal with it confidentially . Let’s make this one not happening . “” What do you do with Silver !? ” I will not abandon the request once received, and it may be still nearby . Let’s use a person to search for it . If you apologize in good faith, will you accept Silver? ” If we clear up the territory, will the fact that we were mossed by the duke of Kleinert stay? “

I could see the good things to drop . And if Sebas points out my dogma, I can get back . Well, from the Dukes, it’s a small thing that I borrow from my brother, but that’s where I want it . Leo is the only one who takes part in the battle for the throne . Not me .

Tr ansl at e d by jp mt l . co m “I wonder if we should discuss it later with His Highness Leonard . ” “It’s useless to talk with him! He’s a person who forgives anything !?” “That’s why people gather . Hey Arnold . Is the elder brother of Leonardo, but it is under the presence of Leonardo that even if his brother is silent, worsening his relations with the Dukes would worsen his position “Kit . . . I understand . . . I’ll do what you say . Duke, use people to search for silver . When I find it, I’ll talk . I’ll help you Sebas . “

I summarize the story while acting reluctantly . Then solve this territory problem as Silver, and Duke Kleinert will be on Leo’s side . This is a reasonable step to start the Empire battle . With that in mind, I was wondering how to play the role of each one after this .


“Isn’t it normally still in the territory? It was surprising . ” “I thought that somebody would be dispatched . In that sense, it was surprising that the prince who had gone dry was coming . “

An ordinary inn in a territory . Silver was there . Precisely it seemed . He used to remember the owner of the store with ancient magic and made him think that a strangely-shaped customer had been staying five days ago . It seemed Sebas had found it, and I met as Silver .


“Well, what’s your daughter?” “I’ll see you first . Silver . I’m Fine von Kleinert . ” “It’s not my first time to see . Five days ago, I saw you . “

Fine is scared slightly by saying such a thing . For a 16-year-old girl, talking to SS adventurers is a daunting task . It’s even more challenging to try to forgive in situations where we have something wrong . The duke of Kleinert seems to be able to keep his hands on because he has to deal with monsters . So I said I could only persuade Silver, but Fine insisted that she would follow the dukes . That’s why I’m making silver with fantasy magic and playing two roles in front of Fine . The reason that silver is created by illusion is that even if it is lost, it can be an excuse to say that silver would be wary . If it’s a reverse pattern, you’ll be forced to use super advanced fantasy magic that can reproduce not only your figure but also your voice . By the way, there is no barre in the voice . The silver mask of silver is a super powerful magic tool . Voices are of course changed, and tools that can even affect body odor and the impression of the other person can never be considered the same person even when they are together .

” . . . I’m sorry for my duke . . . I’m sorry . . . ” “Apologies are fine . Your reputation has already fallen to the ground . But it seems that it was only a reputation . “” It is . . . “” It is not unusual for adventurers to flow to the land suffering from monsters . If you really think of the people, you are ready to accept any adventurer That’s why your brother turned me away because the Duke failed to do so . “

This is the important point . It is not the fault of the son, but the responsibility of the entire duke . In that case, just treating the son will not stop . Well, that duke wouldn’t do that .

“I’m sorry . . . we didn’t reach the duke of Kleinert . . . “

When I see the drooping finesse, I propose to Silver soon . I came here to convince Silver . If I managed to convince Silver, I would have achieved my goal . I didn’t bring Sebas to this room because I didn’t know what to say if I saw the Sanbun play to achieve it . Anyway, I’m going to persuade me .

“Silver . Are you still willing to continue your request?” “I’m not here, but I need to check before that . ” “What?” “Isn’t it possible?” “The prince who ran out” ” . . . I haven’t been assured . “

Silver sighs at this . It’s a strange feeling to degrade yourself, but if Silver goes like this, the duke’s cooperation will almost certainly be obtained .

“I want you to cooperate . I want you to be relieved . ” “I promise you to cooperate fully . I’ll fulfill your request if there is . I will be emperor to your brother in my circumstances . I came out of the Imperial City and came to such a place because I wanted to create a duke who would be an ally of Leonard . This duke is a reputation . You may betray if you can’t write even a voucher . “” My father won’t do that! “” The defense is useless . Miss Finee . I have already lost my credit . ”

Silver announces plainly . There is no reason to say this . Silver was reluctant to do so, but he wanted to convince him . That would be heard in the Duke’s ear from Fine’s mouth . Naturally, the aim of silver . By this point the Duke will definitely be with Leo . It may be roundabout, but Duke Kleinert is an important figure in the throne battle .

“Silver . Wouldn’t you be willing to help if you didn’t promise it?” “Of course . ” ” . . . I want you to bend it and get the monsters defeated . I’m sure the Duke is on your side . ” ” . . . Princess Prince Do you realize that this is an unreasonable request? “” Of course . I still ask . Tr a nsla ted by Jp mtl . c om

I say that and bow my head . Originally unrelated to pride, anyone can bow down . It doesn’t hurt or hurt to bow down to the genjutsu that I made .

“I don’t seem to be really proud of being a royal family as I bow down soon . ” “If Leo is here, Leo should do this . . . I know I can’t trust me . What, I’ll do the minimum work, so I want you to defeat the monsters . I don’t want to prolong this problem anymore . “” Well . As an adventurer, I can’t leave monsters out anymore . I’ll accept the request, but Miss Fine, I’m expecting the Dukes . Don’t forget to cooperate on that . “” Oh, thank you! I’ll always follow your expectations! “

So we finished Silver’s persuasion and left the inn . When I boarded the carriage that Sebas was waiting for outside, I exhaled deeply . Looking at it, Fine bowed down apologically .

“Thank you . . . ” ” . . . ? Why are you thanking?” “The prince bowed down for us . . . . We’re having a hard time because of us, He even persuaded Silver for the people . Thank you . “

I’m making a huge misunderstanding . Is this child the same type as Leo and can catch anything good? This has to be corrected . If you are misunderstood as a good person, it will be hard to move in the future .

“I bowed my head for me . It’s not the reason you think . I’m misunderstanding . ” “I see . . . I’ll misunderstand on my own . I thought she was scared, but it wasn’t . “” No, so . . . “” Yes . I misunderstood . Did the prince bow down for himself? Not for us, not even for us, but . . . please forgive me, right? “

Fine smiles softly . The smile once floated when the emperor was given a blue seaweed hair ornament, and was much more natural and beautiful than the smile that fascinated the imperial people . Can I say that I was moved? I was so impressed when I saw my meteor shower once every few decades when I was taken by my mother . A shooting star that fills the magnificent night sky without clouds . It was just beautiful and wonderful . The joy and joy of seeing them . The same kind of thing that I felt then came up when Fine smiled . I unknowingly fell in love with the smile and turned my eyes away because I couldn’t see the reddish face . He lost the opportunity to correct his misunderstanding . I thought that it would be bad for Fine to be misunderstood, and after that, she could not correct her mistake .

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