Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law Chapter 166


Henry opened the door and saw an unfamiliar man standing in front of him. The man didn't look pleased at all to see him at the door.

'Who are you?'' Henry asked.

''That is my question exactly? Who are you? Where is Gu Nian?'' Thomas asked.

Niania rushed to the door and gasped when she saw Thomas. His suit looked wet.

''Mr… Mr. Sun, what are you doing here? come in first…'' Niania pulled Thomas inside and looked at his body, ''you are wet. Wait here, let me get you a towel first''

Niania said and rushed to her bathroom. Thomas and Henry looked at each other without saying anything. Henry was wondering what kind of relationship they had. The way Niania pulled him into the house made it seem like they were close. He didn't like the sound of that.

''Here, wipe yourself first. It is raining so heavily, why didn't you wait until it stopped raining first?''

'If I had waited, would I have seen how you were cheating on me?' Thomas wanted to ask her but instead, he smiled and threw the towel back into Niania's hands saying.

''Help me, my hands are freezing''

''Oo'' Niania nodded and wiped his face before leaning closing and stepping on her toes to reach his head. She had completely forgotten about Henry.

Henry found the situation uncomfortable and cleared his throat. Niania came back to her senses and turned to him.

''Brother Henry, let me introduce you two. This is…''

''I know who he is…'' Thomas cut in and stretched his hand, ''hello​, I am Thomas. Niania has told me a lot about you. She said that you two grew up together and you took care of her a lot. She also said that you are like an elder brother to her'' Thomas stressed on the brother part.

''Hi, I am Henry but Niania and I are not relatives. Calling me her brother is overrated. We indeed grew up together and I can be considered as the person who knows her the most. Even her parents know me very well…'' Henry said as he shook Thomas' hand.

''Let's go to the hall'' Niania said and pulled Thomas away. As he walked with her to the hall, Thomas turned and smirked at Henry.


''It's raining so much, yet, you came all the way to see Niania. Whatever reason it was, couldn't it have waited till tomorrow? Considering that it is getting late and she is a single woman'' Henry asked Thomas.

''I couldn't wait because I suddenly missed her… food. After all, the heart wants what it wants'' Thomas smiled mockingly.

Niania flushed as she looked at them. She was confused about what was going on, but hearing Thomas say those words made her heart race. Her face became red.

''What about you? It's so late and yet you are still here?'' Thomas asked back.

''I came from the countryside. I was coming to do some business in the city and brought some things that her parents wanted to give her. Niania's parents and I are close so they often ask me to bring things to her and to make sure she is doing well''

''I see''

''I will make ginger tea for you to drink if not you will catch a cold'' Niania said and stood up, rushing to the kitchen. She couldn't stand the awkward, yet tensed atmosphere in the hall with the two men. For whatever reason, she felt the tension high between them.

''Niania is an innocent girl. I don't know what a man like you is doing with her but let me warn you, I will not sit back and watch you hurt her or play her. She is girl who wears her heart out on the sleeves and believes in the goodness of other people. She is not like other girls who are after material things. She works hard for everything she wants and also she… she gets hurt easily''

Thomas smirked, ''Henry, right? if I were you, I would stop acting like a protective brother and tell her my intentions. But, even that is too late because I will not allow you to tell her what is in your heart. You are right, Gu Nian is innocent and trust people easily but that is not all. She is also smart and is able to distinguish between the good and the bad. She knows her boundaries and also someone who will never take advantage of anyone. Therefore, I am going to protect her and make sure she becomes the best of herself''


''You seem so sure of yourself? I grew up with Niania and we have a lot of memories together. Do you think she will let all of that go for a stranger like you?''

''Are you sure she will choose a childhood friend over me? If you don't want to lose the friendship that you have with her, then I suggest you continue to act the role of a neighbourhood Oppa and don't ever let her know of your feelings for her. In any case, the person who will hurt Gu Nian won't be me'' Thomas leaned back when he saw Niania returning.

''Here, a cup of ginger tea'' Niania was about to place the cup on the table when Thomas wrapped his fingers around hers before slowly taking the cup from her. His actions were flirtatious and made Niania's fingers to quivered after their touch.

Niania turned to the single comfy relaxation seater at the side middle and sat down. She noticed the fierce gaze exchanged by the two men and sighed.

''Are you two… okay?'' she asked them and they turned and smiled at her.

Niania didn't know what to say or do anymore. The hall became silent and awkward. She looked at Thomas who was purposefully sipping the tea slowly and sighed.

''Niania, when are you free? Last time you said you wanted to go and watch the movie, ''Blood Gun' that is going to air this weekend. If you have time, let's together. We can take some pictures and I will show to your parents when I get home''

Thomas chuckled and almost rolled his eyes. He placed the teacup down and turned to Henry, ''Blood Gun is a horror movie. Gu Nian doesn't like horror movies. She prefers family comedy, right, Gu Nian?''

''When did this shift to me?' Niania was speechless for a while before answering, ''oo, I like comedy. I like to laugh… ah ah ah'' Niania bit her lips embarrassingly. She felt that Thomas was purposefully putting her in the spotlight.

''I remember you used to love watching horror movies. You would even jump all over and cling on to me when they get to a gory scene…''

Henry and Niania turned at once when they heard the sound of the teacup being bang on the table. The cup almost broke as the tea spilled on Thomas.

''You… are you alright?'' Niania stood up at once and asked, holding Thomas' hand.

''I'm fine''

''Let's go to the kitchen'' Niania pulled Thomas away to the kitchen. Henry looked at them with a displeased expression.

''Why did you put the cup down carelessly? You hurt yourself… are you a kid? Must I teach you how to put down a cup?'' Niania started scolding him as she put his hand under the running water.

Thomas looked at her and smiled. Niania frowned when she saw his smile, ''you are even smiling? What is funny?''


''Aye, I don't know why I have to explain this to you but, that was when I was twelve years old. Now, after joining the entertainment industry as Alice's assistant, I realised all those gory scenes are just graphic and MT, CA effects used in movies. I am not afraid of them anymore''

''Is he going to sleep here?''

''No, he is going to leave after the rain stops. He came to give me some things parents gave to him. He is my childhood friend; I can't ask him to leave when it is raining. But, what are you doing here? I didn't know you would suddenly come because we are supposed to meet tomorrow evening''

''I already told you earlier on. I came because I missed you. I needed some energy so I came to see your face. Now, that I've seen you, I think I can carry on again''

''Huh? I don't understand, what do you mean?''

''You don't have to understand it now. You will slowly adapt to the pattern'' Thomas took the napkin that was behind her and used it to wipe his hands.

''It has stopped raining, I still have something to go and do, so I will leave first'' Thomas said as they walked to the hall.

''Oo, then…'' Niania looked at him.

''I will see you tomorrow night'' Thomas replied and picked his suit. He looked at Henry who was still sitting and nodded his head before going out.

Niania followed him to the door and waited for him to get to his car before she entered and closed the door.

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