Looking For A Stepmother In A Parent-Child Variety Show Chapter 25


Sister Lan looked at the Warm condescending. "This is the fact, and there is no way to change it. Of course, the company will not let your mother die in vain, the process of suing the bad people is underway, and the company decided to bear the cost for you."

Warm looked at Sister Lan numbly, her tears still flowing.

"You just need to keep this mood and cooperate with the company to make a voice in front of the media," she said, "rest assured, this matter will definitely give you justice."

Warm mouth pull up a sad arc, "my mother is dead, you still plan to use her for the show?"

Sister Lan's expression froze for a moment, then frowned. "Warm, you must understand, the company is for you to get justice, if you rely on your own prosecution, can you pay the fee?"

Seeing Warm's bowed head, Sister Lan's tone softened, "as for the show, this matter depends on you. As an artist, some speculation is of course better than no speculation, the company is not a charity enterprise. You may use this matter to help you stir up attention, the income is also your own. Think of it rationally, this is a win-win result."

Warm wiped her tears with a smile. "Has the boat arrived?"

It's the day to get off the island.

Sister Lan frowned. She did not know what Warm was planning, and she was afraid of her temper. So to confirm, she asked, "do you understand what I just told you?"

Warm expressionlessly turned to the house.

Sister Lan followed two steps behind. "You just got a good degree of attention in this program now, the company is also doing this for your development. Don't be difficult!"



Warm closed the door, isolating Sister Lan outside.

Ruan Jiao Jiao jumped to the ground and jumped Warm's arms without wearing her shoes.

"Mom! Don't cry, Mum!" Ruan Jiaojiao held Warm's neck and kept caressing her hair on the back of her head with her small hand in an attempt to bring her comfort.

Warmth buried the face in Jiao Jiao's delicate shoulder. Even if she tried to restrain, the shaking of the shoulder still betrayed her.

She was devastated.

Warm felt that for the first time in her life, she hated the profession so much.

Being an actress, being a star, was her pride and also her dream, but now, this career has brought her life so much pain.

Those who hate her, blocked the road so that her mother who suffered a heart attack could not get treatment in time?

At this moment, Warm thought she would never forgive herself for life.

It's like, you know, you killed your mother.


The program paused, and Warm left the island with her daughter.

On the road, no matter the plane or bus, Warm silently stared out of the window, not speaking at all.

Ruan Jiao Jiao used Warm's mobile phone to search the internet for 'how to comfort others when they lost their loved ones.'

Because she really lacks experience in this area!

[Talk to her about anything else, anything she cares about, distract her.]

She was satisfied with this answer. She turned off the mobile phone to embrace Warm's arm. "Mom, can you talk to me about dad?"

Ruan Jiao Jiao remembered that when she was just born again to this body, she heard Warm mention the bad man.

Warm to participate in TV programs, as if to find the father of Jiao Jiao.


The car whizzed past.

Warm was sitting by the window and just barely calm her mood when suddenly she heard the sweet voice of her daughter.

"Mom, why don't you tell me about dad?"

Warm expression froze, her heart instantly fell into the bottom of the valley. Her mood was once again devastated...

She turned her head to her daughter and saw Jiao Jiao staring at her with her big, watery eyes.

She could not bear to refuse any of her daughter's requests.

What was more, she had been a little stupid in her early years. Now she's getting better. Was it not normal to ask about her father?

Jiao Jiao did not think that it was not the best move to use sad questions to diver somebody's attention!

She held her Warm's arms and looked eager.

Warm could only force a smile. "I don't know what kind of person your father is, but I think he must be an excellent person."

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