Looking For A Stepmother In A Parent-Child Variety Show Chapter 15


The two girls opened their mouths wide and could not understand what she was saying, but at this moment they just thought she was very good.

Ji fan nodded, "Jiao Jiao said right, I saw the principle in a meteorological magazine, but it was not very clear, Jiao Jiao's explanation is clearer than the magazine."

Ruan Jiao Jiao crescent-like eyes bent up, "brother Ji Fan, you're really good."

Jif Fin eyes staring at Ruan Jiao Jiao, he asked "then you can explain why thunderstorms can produce lightning?"

Ruan Jiao Jiao pressed her thumb on her chin and nodded. "If brother Ji Fan wants to know, then I can explain it to you!"

Ji Fan nodded vigorously.

Ruan Jiao Jiao said, "when the small water droplets in the cumulonimbus cloud continue to collide and form larger water droplets to fall down, they will generate friction with the hot air rising from the ground, and they will be charged after friction."

"The rising air stream carries a positive charge, the falling water droplets carry a negative charge, and the charge in the air begins to discharge, accompanied by a rumbling thunder."

Ji Fan gave Ruan Jiao Jiao an appreciative thumbs up. He was the absolute top student in school but did not expect Ruan Jiao Jiao, at such a young age, to understand more than him.

Ji Fan had some basic knowledge on this topic, but basically, he could be sure that Jiao Jiao Jiao explained it correctly.

Ji Fan was a well-known student, with good results. In the previous season of the program, everybody knew this. Ji Fan also gained numerous fans because of this program

Seeing him give a thumbs-up, Kitten and Little Cherry knew that she was right.

Little cherry stared at the sky outside, and could not help but ask a question to try to surprise Jiao Jiao. "Then why do we only see lightning every time, and have to wait a long time before we hear the thunder? Didn't you say that little drops of water would cause thunder when they rubbed electricity?"


"Oh, that?" said Jiao Jiao, "because lightning travels at 300000 kilometers per second of light speed and thunder travels at 331 meters per second of sound speed, people see lightning first and then hear thunder."

Little Cherry was stunned.

She could answer that?

You're not making it up, are you?

If it were Little Cherry being asked, could she have made this up?

She widened her eyes and stared at her, her face full of wonder.

Kitten looked at the Jiao Jiao with a puzzled face. Did the fool really become so smart?

By this time, the rain outside had stopped.

The storm and lightning seemed to be just a dream, and the whole forest seemed very peaceful except for the wet ground and the fallen trees, which foreshadowed the disastrous storm.


The production team has long been a mess.

Due to the heavy rain, they have lost control over the drones. Whether it was the Warm and Ji Zhang's group, or the group of children, they lost track of them both.

Chen Xia patted the table angrily. "Quickly contact the search and rescue team! Why didn't you call me earlier? Shi Kui, what do you do as a director? You can't even stop a few children from entering the island by themselves?"

Shi Kui paled and dare not make a sound. He barely gained his fame as the variety show director, and Chen Xia's husband was the industry's tycoon. It is not someone he could afford to offend.

He was frustrated that he played with Josie too much, did not expect that so much trouble would happen in that period.

At the same time, some secret hatred in his heart, this Warm and Ruan Jiao Jiao, mother and daughter, can they not give him trouble?

Subconsciously, Shi Kui blamed the mistakes on the Warm and her daughter.


Shi Kui placated Chen Xia. "I have sent people into the mountain search and rescue. It takes time to contact people and send them from outside. Now, we can only rely on the production team with their own search and rescue team. Sister Xia, it was only rain, everything should be fine."

Chen Xia's anger flared. "Should? You say should? Kitten is only six years old. Even if it's a 1 in 10000 possibility, can you bear the responsibility for something? When the children act on their own, you, as chief director, should inform the parents in time. You can't even stop this simple thing? Don't tell me you didn't know! Are all the cameras in this program just decorations?"

Shi Kui could only smile while making the best effort to find a guarantee. "All the drones have been sent out, I believe the aerial photography will soon bring news. Please wait a while, calm yourself!"

Josie stood to one side. Although she was also very worried about her daughter's safety, she did not dare to speak. After all, she had an affair with Shi Kui which caused him to miss the news about the children.

It would not do her any good to make a scene about it.

Now, she could only hope that the children are okay. Otherwise, if this thing becomes a huge deal, she was worried that she could not hide her activities with Shi Kui. Then, she would be completely finished!

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