Looking For A Stepmother In A Parent-Child Variety Show Chapter 9


Listening to what Warm said, Ji Zhang's expression also loosened. He thought about it, nodded and said, "that's okay."

Ruan Jiao Jiao heard her mother saying that she ate a lot, and she was a little sullen. However, after hearing that they could go hunting, she immediately shouted happily, "yeah! We can go hunting!"



Ji Zhang and warm both turned back, staring at her Jiao Jiao veto her idea.

It was so dangerous to go into the island, how could you bring a child?

Ruan Jiao Jiao's face suddenly turned bitter and began to eat. Her pair of large eyes were looking around, and she was forming her own plan.

After dinner, Warm helped wash the dishes.

When she was washing the dishes, her hand was inadvertently touching Ji Zhang's hand. The air had an inexplicable atmosphere.

Warm did not feel anything, but Ji Zhang's lips gently pull upwards.

In the afternoon, Ji Zhang went with Warm into the island, and the production team sent aerial photography to follow.

On the beach near the sea.

Ruan Jiao Jiao, dressed in a small white vest, pink pants, bare feet, legs spread, waist, stood on the sofa looking at the children in front of her.

Well, in fact, it was just Ji Fan, Little Cherry, and another girl named kitten.

"Do you all understand today's mission into the deep?" Ruan Jiao Jiao spoke with courage and dignity.

Little Cherry was unwilling.

Her mother disappeared again in the afternoon because her mother was always very busy every afternoon, so she had always played alone.

After the last time she fell into the water, her mother told her that when her mother was away, she could only stay in the house obediently and could not go out.

And now, Ruan Jiao Jiao brought Ji Fan and asked her out to play. She said that they can play together in the afternoon.


Little Cherry liked Ji Fan very much. She knew that her mother also liked Uncle Ji very much, so she thought, 'mom won't object to me and brother Ji Fan go out to play, will she?'

But now, Jiao Jiao actually said to take her to explore the island.

The director's team warned that there might be wild animals inside the island, and it was not safe.

"Brother Ji Fan, I don't want to take the risk of walking around," Little Cherry said, putting on a pitiful face.

Ruan Jiao Jiao squinted her eyes. "Brother Ji Fan doesn't like timid girls, and girls who love to cry!"

Small Cherry felt aggrieved, but she quickly stopped her tears.

Kitten said, "I also want to go to the island for adventure. It gets boring playing with sand all day. Little Cherry if you are afraid, don't go. We are very Democratic! We won't force you!"

Kitten participated in the program with her mother, who was also a former actress, with a very high degree of national TV series across the country.

But unlike Warm, Kitten's mother, Chen Xia, gradually faded out of the audience's sight because she married a prolific director and returned to her family.

Therefore, the starting point for her to return to fame was not the same as Warm.

As the wife of a well-known director, Chen Xia was a very imposing woman. Even the production team had to call her Sister Xia. Most of the comments of the audience on Chen Xia praise her kindness and lack of airs.

Even her grumpy and occasional dramatic behavior had been commented to be outspoken, that Sister Xia really has aura and so on...

Because of Chen Xia's husband's position and fame in the entertainment industry, no one dared to point fingers at her.


A while ago, Chen Xia shouted that the production team was stingy and complained that the water source given every week as only enough to drink and can not bathe! The audience immediately said Sister Xia dared to speak her true feelings.

However, in another set of shots, Warm was also complaining about insufficient water and could not take a bath. The audience's reaction was-

"Why does Warm complain so much?"

"She has no ability, yet she has so many requests!"

In the program, the same situation with Warm and Chen Xia, there were two different results.

In view of Chen Xia's status in the Jianghu, Kitten was also more confident and liked to show off among the children. She changed into foreign clothes every day, wore cool sunglasses, and had a bad temper, all of which show off her rich family background.

The audience's comments on the kitten were mixed, but she did not care.

At this moment, Little Cherry was stimulated by the attitude of Kitten. Children always liked to compare.

"I'm not afraid. I'll go!" said Little Cherry.

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