Danger Zone Chapter 38


Primo is at the faculty room when he felt as if someone calls out to his name from somewhere. He turns his head towards the window blinds to hear more of the voice but it slowly fades away.

He shakes his head and sighs as he looks towards the door of the faculty room to see his students passing their papers one by one. He looks at the current student that he is interrogating at.

"So, you are telling me that someone cheated in your class during the quiz?"

The student nods, avoiding her professor's piercing gaze. Primo has a feeling that the student is lying to him that's why he tries to intimidate her with his presence.

The student visibly squirms and fidgets in her seat while the other teachers were thinking about ways that they can do to help the student. But since Primo is the one interrogating her, they know that there is not much that they can do.

They were scared of Primo as everyone else. Primo sighs as he stares at the student before grading her paper from zero to five.

The student bulges her eyes open and immediately stands up from her seat. Her face is furious of the grade and staring at Primo with anger visible on her face.

"Five!?! What kind of a teacher are you giving me a grade of five!?!"

Primo just looks at her, not caring what she intends to do. For him, a mastermind will always show one of his tricks. He doesn't care if the student has a proof of evidence that one of her classmates is indeed cheating.

The student already shown her attitude towards the given grade and she is not confident enough with her complaint. Primo had seen through her, giving her a verdict of guilty as charged.


"Why can't I? I'm the professor. I make the rules."

It's a simple statement coming from Primo but the impact towards the others is heavy. Inside of the university or any university in the matter, the students were like slaves here. Freedom is not one of the options.

There are rules to be regulated and followed. But outside, any student can rule the streets for all the teachers would care. Peacekeepers will be the one punishing them for all the rules that they would break.

Inside of the classroom, teachers will always make the rules. Students are only there to follow. Nothing more or less.

The fuming student is still glaring at Primo. After a moment, she takes out her phone and immediately contacts her brother, telling him to immediately go to school as well bringing the family lawyer over.

The dean of the department is trying to apprehend the situation but Primo tells him not to. He is not going to jail for a pathetic reason.

After an hour of waiting for the student's brother and the family lawyer, they came wearing formal suits with ties and leather shoes. Their presence is rich and sophisticated.

Ready to fight anytime soon.

But that changes when they see Primo sitting at his cubicle while grading the other student's papers. Her brother stops in his tracks and looks at the family lawyer, who is sweating profusely.

Primo looks at them with a smile on his face as he sees a very familiar figure in front of him. As the leader of their fraternity, he knows everybody especially the student's brother.


It's an unusual exclaim coming from Primo. But for her brother, it is somewhat a warning that it is a mistake coming to the faculty without checking of who is the professor that they are going to meet.


"I am sorry that my cousin is late. Please sit down. She will be here any minute now."

The student looks at her teacher, who is smiling from ear to ear. She doesn't know why he looks so excited when his brother and the family lawyer are here.

Does he doesn't know that he can go to jail any minute from now?

Her thoughts are cut off when a knock on the door is suddenly heard. The door opens and reveals a woman in a navy blue suit. She is holding a bag that looks like a brief case.

Her hair is tied all the way to the back. She is wearing a black heels and her facial expression is somewhat similar to a cat.

Soft and fluffy but she is also feisty and ready to kill.

She sits down in front of her brother and the family lawyer and puts her bag on the table. She is chewing a gum and as she sits comfortably on the chair, she puts the gum on a napkin and looks at her brother.

"So, what is your case?"


"I can't believe you asked me to come over for something so petty. I didn't even had fun. What is your student even thinking?"

Primo looks at his cousin with a small smile on his face. It has been years since she had last visited the country. She is here before when Primo first landed in the Philippines.

She is the one that Drax tasks to help Primo to hide away from all of the people who are looking for him. He sighs and thanks her for coming over to watch a petty and dying fight.

She chuckles and ruffles the boy's hair. She is about to say goodbye when a familiar voice calls her over.


She looks over to the source of the voice and smiles. It's her other cousin, Drax. Daime also smiles to her and gives her a wave.

"How are you, kids? I miss you all so much."

Daime and Drax smiles while hiding their blush that kept on creeping up to their faces away from her. Primo scoffs and goes to Aiden's side, kissing him on the hair while no one is around.

Aiden almost flinches by the sudden gesture but it is too sweet for him not to give in. Daime sees this and frowns at Primo.

"Again? Give me some room."

Natalie, their cousin, looks at the direction of Daime's eyes and lands at Aiden. A smile creeps to her face.

"What is this? Kindly tell me what is going on?"

Drax is panicking since Natalie is here. He doesn't want Natalie to know about Aiden. He is scared that she will tell Grandmama about him. Primo is just looking at her with a blank expression.

"The Beast and the Garbage Can."

Natalie widens her eyes and looks at Aiden again before going back to Primo. She never knew that she will meet the one who changes Primo's life for the better.

The ones violent man who is tamed by an unfamiliar force is here in front of her right now. It is like a dream come true meeting him.

"That's him?"

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