Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money Chapter 57
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"Yun Yun Hao?"
Yun Hao's eye went back and forth between Zhang Angela and Long Yazhu. Out of all the places he would meet them, this was the last place he could think of seeing them. And what the reception lady said earlier was right. The Longs have a hotel just a few kilometers away from here, why weren't they staying there?
He had initially thought that he already got over Zhang Angela, but it would seem that his body still remembers her clearly as his heart started beating erratically. But feeling something and doing something about it were two different things. And so, Yun Hao just nodded his head as he walked past Angela, not even looking back at her.
This was the best course of action he could think of. He had already decided to cut the two of them from his life, and the best way to do that was to completely ignore the two of them. The two have destroyed his life once, whatever he was feeling now was probably just a sentiment that his body will soon also detoxify.
Even if she was a bitch, none of the people in the hotel could say that she didn't look like a celebrity. But even though she still probably ranked on the top of the most beautiful faces that Yun Hao had encountered, he knew that a pretty face was all she was.
If devils existed, they were probably hiding because of Zhang Angela, Yun Hao thought.
However, it would seem that Angela wanted something different as she grabbed Yun Hao's wrist.
"Wait!" She raised her voice.
Yun Hao could only look at Zhang Angela's hand, before glaring at her, "What do you want?"
"I I heard you became a cultivator," Zhang Angela still did not let go of Yun Hao's arm, "Congratulations."
Hearing Zhang Angela's words, Yun Hao's furrowed eyebrows trembled. The memories of her congratulating Yun Hao whenever he won a boxing match resurfaced in his mind, memories that Yun Hao wanted to forget.
"Thanks," Yun Hao's tone remained cold, "You should probably check up on your boyfriend, he seems to need someone to wipe his ass for him."
He then carefully waved Zhang Angela's hand away, before proceeding to turn around and quickly walk away. But alas, it would seem that he was not allowed to relax, as Long Yazhu's annoying voice pierced his ears like sandpaper.
"Yun Hao, what the fuck are you doing here!?"
"Yazhu, no!"
Before Long Yazhu could approach him, Angela quickly blocked his path, "He's a cultivator, don't do anything stupid!"
"Why is everyone saying that!? He's probably just duping all of you!"
Hearing this, Yun Hao could not help but feel slightly amused. Last he checked, even people he didn't know knew he was a cultivator because of the video that Liu Hannah uploaded. The video was at a million views was it really possible that Long Yazhu still had not seen it?
Or was his hatred for him so far down the road that he was refusing to accept that Yun Hao could ever be more than his chauffeur? But no matter the case, it was no longer his problem.
Yun Hao once again turned around, but it would seem that Long Yazhu was not letting up as he rushed in front of him, grabbing him by the collars.
"What are you doing in this hotel, Yun Hao!? Are you here to steal something!?"
"...Seriously, man? What the fuck is your problem?" Yun Hao could only let out a long breath of disbelief as he looked at Long Yazhu.
"Yazhu, stop!" Zhang Angela quickly rushed to pull Long Yazhu away from Yun Hao, but as soon as she did so, she was quickly pushed away by Yazhu, her butt hitting the hotel's floor hard. But still, even as she sat there in pain, Long Yazhu's eyes were still fixated on Yun Hao.
"You have issues, Yazhu."
Long Yazhu could not help but wince in pain as Yun Hao grabbed his hands, pulling them away violently before lightly pushing him to the side. He almost helped Angela up, but quickly decided not to do so as he just looked at her while slightly shaking his head.
Zhang Angela could not help but look to the side as she saw the look of pity in Yun Hao's eye. It wasn't until one of the guards helped her up that she finally once again gained the courage to look at Yun Hao. But alas, he was no longer looking at her, but instead already stepping out of the hotel.
Long Yazhu was about to rush to follow Yun Hao again, but before he could do so, he was stopped by the guards.
"We are truly sorry about this, master Yun!" The reception lady that was previously talking with Long Yazhu then ran and bowed towards Yun Hao, "Mr. Long wanted to book your room, I didn't think he would go as far as harassing you. We are truly sorry about this!"
Hearing this, both Long Yazhu and Angela could not help but stare at Yun Hao. He was the guest that booked the penthouse suite for a month? Perhaps even more than Long Yazhu, it was Angela that held the look of utter shock in her face.
The last time she was with Yun Hao, he was living in a scrapyard. And now, not only was he on his way to becoming a celebrity cultivator but he could also afford the most expensive room in a 5-star hotel?
Suddenly, he remembered the times that Yun Hao had treated him even though he had nothing to offer, even going as far as not eating anything for the day just to buy her things. Did she really just give all that up for a whiny rich kid who had never worked a day in his life?
She wanted to say something to Yun Hao, but remembered the cold look in her eyes when she fell earlier there was probably no longer any chance for them to get back together.
"It's alright," Yun Hao then said as he gestured to the lady who had been bowing for a few seconds now to stop, "It's not your fault that there are retards in the world."
"What did you say!?"
Long Yazhu once again tried to rush towards Yun Hao as he heard his words, "Just you wait, once I become a cultivator, I will kill you! You hear that!? I will hunt you--"
But before he could say anything more, a loud rumble thundered in the air, almost shaking the chandelier that littered the ceiling of the hotel. The others thought that someone was firing a gun inside the hotel, Yun Hao, however, could not help but put a wide smile on his face.
"Don't overdo it, your father is not here to clean up your shit," Yun Hao then whispered into Long Yazhu's ears.
"You fucker, if no one was here--"
"If no one was here, you would already be dead," Yun Hao once again whispered before excitedly heading out of the hotel, not even taking a second glance towards the young man he just threatened.
He could hear Long Yazhu still screaming, but the sound of his new motorcycle welcoming him completely overwhelmed whatever it was he was previously feeling. The hotel's automatic doors opened up, allowing Yun Hao to get a full view of the motorcycle.
"...Holy shit."
Yun Hao could only curse as he saw the monster in front of him. Yun Hao's knowledge of the Danger Zone was almost non-existent, but he knew his motorcycles and this motorcycle was one of the few capable of surviving the harsh and unpredictable environments of the Danger Zone.
It was huge since it was an adventure motorcycle, but for Yun Hao's height, it proved no problem. The engine is rated at 3,400cc, and due to this, only cultivators were allowed to own one. Yun Hao was wrong, even with money, he wouldn't be able to buy this as there were only a few in development.
Most cultivators immediately wanted to get flying swords, artifacts, or other fancy mounts they could get their hands on, and so only a few of these motorcycles were made by the company. Yun Hao even thought that it was illegal to ride them in the Safe Zones apparently not.
Yun Hao could not help but slightly cover his mouth as he sat on the motorcycle, even though it was producing noises of thunder as he throttled it, he could not even feel any vibration on it. Truly, a wonderful specimen.
"Master Yun, please don't forget to wear your helmet!"
The valet quickly rushed towards Yun Hao before he could take off, handing him his helmet.
"T this is--"
"I'm in a good mood," Yun Hao said before wearing his helmet and proceeding to take off, causing the windows of the hotel to tremble. The valet attendant was also trembling, but for a different reason-- Yun Hao just gave him a beast core as a tip.
The valet attendant quickly hid the beast core. From now on, he promised himself that he will always be the one to assist Yun Hao. Even though he was scared of riding Yun Hao's motorcycle, he would always get it ready as soon as Yun Hao wanted to use it.
Yun Hao, who was completely oblivious that he just made someone's month, was laughing hysterically as he zipped through the traffic. Of course, once he got to the congested part of the city, he quickly started riding responsibly.
"Hi Boxby," he then said.
[Yes, I am here. What do you want me to do?]
As he said that, a monotonous voice rang through his helmet as the virtual assistant that was connected to his phone was activated.
"Call Sun Fang."
First things first, he needed to gather a team.
A peruser will be occupied by the comprehensible substance of a page when taking a gander at its format. The purpose of utilizing Lorem Ipsum is that it has a pretty much typical appropriation of letters, instead of utilizing 'Content here, content here', making it look like meaningful English. Numerous work area distributing bundles and page editors presently use Lorem Ipsum as their default model content, and a quest for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many sites still in their outset. Different variants have developed throughout the long term, in some cases unintentionally, some of the time intentionally (infused humor and so forth).
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