Your Turn To Chase Me, Reborn For Revenge Chapter 27


Casey and Michael shared a meaningful glance towards each other and sat back, they couldn't believe their friend was loved up but had not declared or wooed the young girl yet. They thought they would be in for a good show.

"Let us help, what is she like?" Casey asked keen to help his friend secure his wife.

Knock Knock

Michael turned to the door and stood to welcome April, the designer that Dean had chosen though now the thought that he knew why.

Michael had thought she was beautiful and sweet and would give Dean a run for his money, it was a show he would pay to watch. But he would certainly help him if he messed up.

Dean sat up and ran his fingers through his black silky locks and then fixed his suit. He smiled at the door as it opened.

Casey watched his friend smile and it not only shocked him but horrified him. This man only smiled when something horrible was about to befall someone. He glanced at the door and saw his design manager Emily walk through the door. He thought of something and turned his head back to his friend Dean. Dean's smile dropped and he looked angry, Casey felt like he definitely missed something. He thought maybe Emily was his new sister in law but now he was sure he had misunderstood.

Dean who's heart raced as he had waited for his angel to arrive felt his heart sink when he saw another woman walk through the door. He didn't care who she was, he just wanted to see April again. He looked at his friend and frowned unhappily.

"Hello, CEO Casey, Michael and CEO Davis." Emily smiled coquettishly at the men opposite her.

Emil had opened the door and her heart fluttered as she saw Dean Davis who was smiling at her. She approached the sofas where the three handsome men sat. She was hoping to get Casey or Deans attention. Who wouldn't want to be Mrs Walker or Mrs Davis, she showed what she thought was her best feature as she pushed her chest together rather seductively.


Unbeknownst to Emily none of the three men were the least bit interested in her bosoms as long as they weren't anywhere near them.

Micheal took over the situation fearing Deans wrath spiking and the newly appointed manager would end up fired. "Emily did I not say we had an important client Dean Davis and I wanted April to attend this meeting?"

Emily looked shocked but then quickly regained her sultry smile as she looked at Dean and Casey. "But I am so well equipt in so many ways to please you gentlemen and I have great experience."

"I'm sure you do," Dean mumbled under his breath he had no time for this flirtatious woman with vile makeup, he stood up. "Casey take me to your design department."

Casey was intrigued to see what his friend was up to and he stood and smiled back at him, "This way buddy."

The three men walked out of Casey's office and straight past the gawping Emily. "... wait for me."


In her heels, she couldn't match their stride as she then watched the lift doors close. Only then did she let her smile slip. As she waited for the lift she thought of how to get even with her new employee.

In the lift Micheal was nudging Casey and Casey in return was nodding in agreement. Dean was acting weird and it had to be due to their soon to be sister in law.


The lift door opened and he finally saw her. Her head was focused on work she looked forever and independent.

There was a steadiness to her as if all the storms in the world were a whispering breeze if she was there. She was kind and clever, perhaps that's what drew him to her.


As he walked towards his angel she looked up and smiled her usual friendly smile.

And at that moment, in that fraction of time, her smile was in every God-given feature, and Dean knew he was home. He smiled back as he approached her work desk, no one else in the room existed to him.

"Afternoon." He held back the nickname that flirted on his tongue. "You were requested upstairs." It was more of a statement than a question. His onyx eyes never left hers.

April couldn't believe her neighbour was here too, was he everywhere? She smiled back and saw that Michael was standing just behind him, she forgot to finish reading the email that he had sent her. Now she wondered did she mess up?

"Sorry." She didn't know what else to say, right now all the rooms eyes were on her and she felt like it was appropriate to apologise.

"You don't need to ever apologise to me, it's nearly lunchtime so let's go and discuss the project." Dean beamed at her expectantly.

April looked behind him to her boss Micheal and he was nodding excitedly behind her, thinking that Micheal needed the project she replied to Dean, "Sure let's go."

Right now in Michael and Casey's mind, Dean had sprouted two fluffy ears and a tail that wagged happily right now he was so ecstatic. They looked on in shock, they definitely would accompany them for lunch.

April stood up and got her handbag and approached Dean.


The lift doors opened and Emily came out, her dress seemed shorter to April's eyes.

Seeing April stand side by side with Dean, Casey and Micheal she felt hatred well up in her heart. But she kept composed with her flirty smile and fluttering eyes.

"Gentlemen now we have the designer, where are we going?" She went to her desk and grabbed her handbag, she was brazen and shamelessly inviting herself to lunch.

"Michael." Dean's cold voice rang out and Micheal shivered unconsciously.

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