Your Turn To Chase Me, Reborn For Revenge Chapter 18


Because of the lack of sleep due to being up all night painting the handsome mystery man April had planned to sleep in late. It was a Saturday and she had no one to get up to make breakfast for so she wanted to rest up and suit herself. Or she was planning to until she heard loud noises.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

As she heard loud noises, she tossed and turned in her soft cocoon duvet trying to get back to sleep. She reached out her hand to grab her phone to check the time, it flashed on and she squinted at the bright light, 5:50 AM was displayed and she cursed inwardly at her neighbour. Putting her phone back on her bedside table, she cocooned herself in her duvet again.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

"Aghh." She shouted into her duvet in exasperation.

She had never slept in both lifetimes and when she finally tries to her annoying neighbour decided to make a tremendous amount of noise. She stuffed her pillow over her head and tried to ignore the loud noises.

Silence ensued and her tense body relaxed as the loud noises had stopped. She lay cuddled up in the soft duvet and drifted back off to sleep.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

"Aghh." After a few hours of sleep, she was exhausted and couldn't take the banging anymore. So she sat up and stormed to her door to confront them.

Meanwhile, Dean had woke up early as usual and stretched out his limbs he had a wonderful long nights sleep and he wanted to get to work early. He needed to show them who is boss, him not his uncle.

He stretched and sat up, checking the time on his phone, the screen lit up and displayed five AM. He headed to the room beside his bedroom and started to lift weights. The room was set up as a gym with expensive equipment, there was a punching bag, running machine and weights.


He lifted weights for half an hour, sweat dripped down his sculpted muscles, he was finished so he grabbed a towel and wiped his face and chest. He walked to his bedroom grabbing a fresh towel and then headed for the bathroom. He stripped off his jogging bottoms and turned on the water, feeling it heat up he got under the water. The water fell over his head down his muscular back.

The water started to chug and stop, chug and stop until the head of the shower burst off the wall with the power from the water.

'Fuck'. Dean cursed, he needed to properly shower after working out, he had barely washed. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went to the kitchen, he opened the cupboard under the sink, he reached under for his tool kit. Bringing it to the bathroom he started to fix the showerhead.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Water poured out of the shower pipe as he used his wrench to unscrew the washer, water poured over him, soaking his hair and body.

'Fuck'. He cursed as the cold water shot out and covered his body. He continued to unscrew the washer and then attach a new one.

He then heard a knock at the door, he turned his head to finish the job but the knocking was relentless and started to irritate him.

Knock Knock Knock

He liked living here as he had no neighbours, he wasn't about to stop his life or be quiet just because of a neighbour. If they don't like it, they should move out. Then he could buy the joining condo and renovate it into one large penthouse.

Time to teach them not to knock on his door he thought. He grabbed his towel and it loosely hung off his mermaid line as he strode to his condo door. The knocking got louder as he approached.


Knock Knock Knock

On the other side of the door, April had got out of bed and went straight to her neighbour's door to give them a piece of her mind. Who would be so inconsiderate to make such loud noises this time in the morning?


The door whizzed open and April was eye level with a slightly wet muscular bronzed chest, sculpted abs and a mermaid line with a very low white towel that barely covered him. One arm and part of his chest had an intricate tattoo design, she yearned to trace the pattern with her fingers. But she regained her composure and looked up, in that second she froze.

It's him, her eyes locked on his black onyx eyes, she saw the beauty of the night in them, and when they reflect the light they make tiny stars.

She had spent all night painting those alluring onyx eyes, red thin lips, chiselled jaw and swarthy smooth skin, she would recognise him anywhere now.

Her mouth was agape and the words that she had planned to say to her noisy neighbour were lost. He looked just as shocked to see her as she was to see him.

Seeing the handsome man not moving or saying anything April pulled his door handle and slammed it closed in his face, she then ran to her own door, she hurriedly put her key in and opened her door, rushing in and slamming it behind her.

She slid down the door and breathed in and out, in and out, her heart raced she put her hand up to her chest and felt it pounding against her chest.

Knock Knock Knock

April jumped as she heard the knocking on her door, she froze in place. She couldn't pretend she wasn't in could she?

Meanwhile, Dean who had the door slammed in his face by his angel had woken up from the shock. Seeing her adorable expression as she slammed the door, he smirked while crossing his arms over his chest.

He never expected his neighbour to be April, he smiled a rare and genuine smile then opened his door, looking around he couldn't see her so he went to her door and knocked. He couldn't wait to see her again.

Knock Knock Knock

Back on April's side of the door, she stood up and then noticed her attire she was wearing a pale pink silk nightdress. She hadn't noticed in her half-awake state but now she felt a bit exposed and embarrassed. She ran to her bedroom and put on her white cotton robe wrapping it around her body before returning to stare at her door.

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