Villain Lady Chapter 107


The class proceeded as usual. Wei Liuying didn't bother with her mistake and the teachers also seemed to have given up on her. After the class was over, Wei Liuying could see Wei Zilin looked a bit restless.

"Second Sister, has First Sister come out?" Wei Liuying asked.

Wei Zilin shook her head. "She's in the class beside ours, but I think the teacher wants her to stay behind to perform something."

"I see."

At this time, the melodious tone from zither rang out from the classroom. It was playing a slow yet elegant song that everyone was familiar with. Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed when she started to listen to the song. It was a song that represented the happiness and joy, but the way Wei Xiao Hua played it didn't seem to reflect that feeling.

Instead, Wei Liuying could feel the strain and also hidden sadness. It was as if she was forcing herself to put on a bright figure while she was actually feeling sad.

'She's putting on another performance.'

Wei Liuying's eyes turned dark, but she said nothing. She glanced to the side and noticed that Wei Zilin looked distracted. It was as if there was something else that was filling her mind, yet she was trying hard to focus.

Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed.

Everyone around her was so impatient. Wei Zilin must have already planned something either against her or Wei Xiao Hua.

'There won't be any peace in the household anymore.'

Wei Liuying knew that Wei Zilin could ask other people to help her. With some incentive and connection, it would be easy for Wei Zilin to achieve whatever she wanted. This will surely make it even harder for anyone to stop her from realizing her plan, whatever it was.

Since her attention has been on Wei Xiao Hua lately, Wei Liuying realized that she also neglected Wei Zilin a bit. Slowly, Wei Liuying rubbed her temple, trying to think of the scheme that someone like Wei Zilin could possibly come up with. Based on her assumption, it would be something extremely simple yet devastating.

What was the most valuable thing to women?

Reputation and purity.

'I hope you're not that stupid, Zilin.'

Wei Liuying waited calmly for Wei Xiao Hua to finish before they departed home. She didn't even want to spare a glance to Wei Xiao Hua because she was so sick of this first sister of hers. No matter what Wei Xiao Hua said, she simply continuously put Wei Liuying in the bad light.


It was as if she was already determined to destroy her.

Wei Liuying didn't say anything and directly returned back to her residence. Xiao Yu was there, cleaning up the courtyard. As soon as Wei Liuying entered her room, she could notice that the brush she placed on the table had moved. A faint cold smile emerged on the corner of her lips.

"Xiao Yu, dinner."

"Yes, Miss."

It was still early, but the servants usually have prepared food faster. Since Wei Liuying wanted to eat, Xiao Yu quickly head over to the kitchen and fetched some food before she brought them back to the quarter.

Wei Liuying passed a look at Xiao Yu and ushered her out. Taking out a needle from her hair, she put it on the soup. As she had expected, the edge of the needle turned black meaning that someone tampered the soup.

"This place is truly hell."

Changing her clothes, Wei Liuying dressed up as a man and walked out of the residence through the back door. She was making use of the place where she usually met with Wei Hong Zheng to slip away from the residence and walked to the street. Using the money that she got from Shi Yan, Wei Liuying purchased a lot of meat buns.

Most of the meat buns were placed in her pocket after she had wrapped it. The rest was eaten directly because she was hungry.

Wei Liuying then walked to the nearby weapon store and bought a cheap short sword. She kept it inside her outer robe. With that, all the money that she had from Shi Yan had run out.

Not long afterwards, she returned back to the residence and saw her mother inside her room.

"Where did you go?" Feng Chun asked in a cold tone.

"I was taking a stroll outside, Mother," Wei Liuying replied unhurriedly.

Feng Chun's face was dark. "Don't you know that you'll only get in trouble if people find out that you're not in your quarter?"

"Isn't that why Xiao Yu is here?" Wei Liuying raised her head. "She should be able to hold back anyone who want to come in."


"If the cage is open, a canary will not stay inside when there's no food available."

Hearing that, Feng Chun was even more annoyed. She knew that Wei Liuying was using that sentence to tell her that as long as she was fed well, Wei Liuying will not do anything detrimental. However, this incident alone already made Feng Chun enraged.


What would happen if people find out that the third young miss of Wei Family was actually a martial artist?

They would be eager to find out why a young lady learn profound martial arts when she was supposed to be learning arts. And if they connect the matter to her and Wei Hong Zheng, it wouldn't do her any good.

"You have grown to be insolent, Liuying!" Feng Chun said angrily.

Wei Liuying looked back at her mother. "A pet will stay loyal as long as the owner didn't mistreat him. Isn't it the same with people?"


"Mother, if you have nothing else to say but calling me, you should go back and have some rest."

Feng Chun glared at Wei Liuying. "What a good girl you are. We shall see who will win at the end! You're not allowed to go out of your residence at all! When Wei Hong returned back tomorrow, you won't be able to do anything anymore!"

Returned back tomorrow?

Wei Liuying's eyes flashed, but she kept her composure and looked back at her mother. For the first time in her life, she blatantly refused her mother outright in her face and showed a defiant stance. It was as if she was already tired with what Feng Chun did and would not care of the consequences anymore.

There was no longer the humble and demure attitude anymore.

"Let's go."

Feng Chun led her servants out in outrage. From her stance, it was clear that she was thoroughly annoyed with how Wei Liuying acted. The servants around her didn't dare to speak at all in fear that they would incur her wrath.

Wei Liuying stayed still in her place and looked over in the direction of the door. "Clean up the food, Xiao Yu."

"Y…Yes, Miss."

Xiao Yu was listening to everything that occurred just now. Even though she didn't do anything, she understood that Wei Liuying was also using this chance to blatantly say that she didn't trust her. This made Xiao Yu's heart ached a bit.

Was her decision to follow after Madam Feng's order was wrong?

She didn't know.

As she raised her head, what greeted her was the cold gaze from Wei Liuying. There was no longer any warmth that usually stayed there. It was as if Wei Liuying was looking at the worst enemy that she could possibly get in the entire world.

Her heart sank.

It was uncomfortable.

However, Xiao Yu didn't say anything more as she walked away from the room. There was tears on the corner of her eyes that threatened to come down. However, Wei Liuying never said anything to her anymore. Not even a single word was said.

All that was left was only utter disappointment.

When Xiao Yu had left, Wei Liuying relaxed her stance and looked away. She looked at her table and opened her drawer. Looking at the items inside, she could tell that they were moved during the time she was away. It was as if Xiao Yu was looking for something important there.

However, Wei Liuying never kept anything other than what her mother gave to her in this room.

The books from her uncle were kept safely in the bookstore.

The money she earned from writing were also in the bookstore.

As for her draft�� she hadn't had the time to write anything more, so there was none. The only thing that was left here was only the copy of her summary for Wei Hong Zheng that she still kept.

"When I leave, they'll naturally dispose these too."

It was too bad that she wouldn't be able to keep the last notes she made. These were made during the time she was staying in the residence to fake her illness, so she hadn't had the time to bring it out to the bookstore.

Wei Liuying looked outside and slowly sneaked out. She settled on the nearby tree and looked in the direction of Wei Zilin's courtyard. If she was not wrong, tonight should be the time when Wei Zilin made her move.

She wanted to know what kind of plan it would be.

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