Villain Lady Chapter 97


"I'm only eating, Strategist Yang." Wei Liuying chose to play dumb and refused to answer Yang Xian's inquiry.

"We're going back now. Clean up your face."

Wei Liuying wordlessly wiped her face and followed Yang Xian. She didn't really bring anything aside from that chunk of meat here. Well, after they regrouped, they would be able to depart back to the capital city, so it didn't matter that much.

She would eat again when she returned back later.

Wei Liuying rode a horse again. This time, she rode one on her own as she refused to ride the same horse with Yang Xian. It would be weird for her to ride the same horse with him as the young master of Wei Family.

The distance between the location where they stayed and the mountain foot was not far. When the trees cleared out, Wei Liuying could see the crowd in a distance away. There were several people who were still alive even though many dropped down on the ground. The number of carriages there told them that there were a lot of people who managed to escape.

'Did they get the information beforehand?'

Wei Liuying's eyes gleamed with ruthlessness at the thought that someone might use this chance to kill the opposing party. If only she could get the list of the names who were killed today, she would be able to guess which party they all belonged to. Though, it would be hard with her current position.

Killing with borrowed swords.

It was a very common practice in the kingdom. Wei Liuying had seen countless people died through this way in her entire life. Framing then making use of other people to kill them was something that occurred many times. Almost everyone she met had already experienced it either just by bystander or participated directly.

Well, it didn't have any relation with her for now, so she didn't have to worry.

"You can go ahead," Yang Xian said while pointing to the group. "Or do you also want to make path for your brother to the northern army?"

"There's no need," Wei Liuying replied. If Wei Hong Zheng were to join the military army under Ji Sheng, he would be staying at the North most of the time. She was not sure that it was something that Wei Hong Zheng would even want. Besides, the Northern border was the most dangerous frontline between all four sides.


Yang Xian nodded. He looked at Wei Liuying for a moment before he asked, "Should I come to your place soon?"

"Even if I say no, will you follow my wish?" Wei Liuying asked back. She knew that Yang Xian wouldn't necessarily followed what she wanted because he had his own thoughts and method.

Though, she genuinely wondered what kind of man would want to sneak into a girl's room in the middle of the night to discuss serious matter. Probably there wouldn't be anyone other than Yang Xian who was brave enough to do that. Especially in a place that was covered tightly by Prince Ji Shu's guards to the point that even an ant wouldn't escape their watch.

Yang Xian chuckled. "You know the answer. Though, I would prefer it if you can give me an answer as soon as possible."

Wei Liuying looked back at Yang Xian. To be honest, she didn't want anyone's help nor protection. To be under someone else and putting her life in their hand was not a feeling that she liked.

Just like her father could kill her whenever the latter wanted it, Wei Liuying knew that if she accepted Yang Xian and Prince Ji Sheng's help, it wouldn't be any different. Her lives would be in their hand. Would it be a better position compared to living freely as a normal commoner?

Honestly, she didn't know.

"I need some time." Wei Liuying averted her eyes.

One more chance.

It was the last chance she wanted to give to her father.

Probably it was her foolish mind that was wanting to see a different side from her father…. Or it might have been because she knew how it wouldn't be easy to escape from a prime minister residence with her two servants…. Or it might be because she wanted to have a normal life without having to get involved in the imperial battle.

Wei Liuying didn't know which one was the real reason, but she wanted to see one more time.

Would her father listen to her if she came to him upfront? Or will he simply refused to meet with her and just diminish whatever she said with a wave of his hand?

From a long time ago, Wei Liuying have one question she wanted to ask her father.


A foolish question yet she wanted to ask it nevertheless.

Yang Xian could see the conflict brewed within Wei Liuying's eyes. He knew her situations more or less, so he nodded. Children only wanted their parents' attention and love. When they realized that they would never be able to get it, some would still cling to the hope that their parents would change while some others would abandon it.

He himself didn't know such feelings because he had a loving family. However, he had heard such situation from His Highness Prince Ji Sheng, so he knew that it was not easy for Wei Liuying.

"In that case, you may go ahead."

"Thank you for your assistance, Strategist Yang."

Wei Liuying cupped her hand before urging the horse to move faster. Her body shook a bit on top of the horse, but she managed to make sure that she didn't lost her balance. No one should know that she couldn't ride horse well.

It would reflect badly on Wei Hong Zheng,

From behind, Yang Xian watched Wei Liuying did everything flawlessly and sighed. 'It's good that you're good, but what do you plan to do if your second brother turn out to be worse than you?'

However, Yang Xian didn't say it and looked at Wei Liuying's lonely back. For whatever reason, he felt as if he was looking at his younger self when he had no one to rely on and have to stay strong just to be able to survive.

'If you see them abandon you with your own eyes, I'm sure you'll finally be able to cut off the last string connecting you with your family.'

Yang Xian still could remember the day when Prince Ji Sheng chose to completely abandon the thoughts of receiving his father's affection. It was a very painful sight, but from that day on, Prince Ji Sheng was never hesitated anymore. He never treated those from Imperial Family as his true family members anymore.

And with them not contacting each other for years, there was truly no need.

Pushing the thoughts to the back, Yang Xian kept his expression intact. He led the soldiers to the front where all the commanders stayed. They still have some matters that they needed to discuss.

"Second Young Master!" Huo exclaimed loudly when he saw Wei Liuying. Traces of happiness were visible in his youthful face.

"I'm back." Wei Liuying nodded with smile that was filled with confidence. Wei Hong Zheng was a bit arrogant, so she needed to play this part well. Since she managed to go down the mountain by herself, it could be said to be an accomplishment too.

An accomplishment that would solely belong to Wei Hong Zheng.

There would be no connection with her anymore in the future.

'Is it fine like this?'

There was time when Wei Liuying would want to stand out in the crowd too and receive the praise that was supposed to be hers. However, the murderous intent that her mother gave her when she showcased her talent along with the beating that followed her afterwards prevented her from doing so.

Too talented will only make one the target of jealousy.

Rather than standing tall and be accomplished, Wei Liuying would rather stay low and act as if it had nothing to do with her. Staying on the limelight could be very bothersome too.

"Second Young Master Wei!" the guards saluted him with respect. To be able to see the young master returned safely was thoroughly surprising. They never expected that they would be able to witness something like this.

Wei Liuying cupped her hand and smiled. "Thank you for welcoming me back."

"Haha, Second Young Master Wei, you're not bad yourself."

"Yes, Second Young Master Wei, you're very fierce."

"Second Young Master Wei, you're very lucky…."

"Second Young…."

Facing the enthusiastic guards, Wei Liuying could only put on the smile on her face. She could guess that the guards were trying to strike an impression with her because they could guess that Wei Hong Zheng might be deployed to the military in the future.

When Huo finally reached her side, Wei Liuying quickly break free. Huo smiled widely. He checked on Wei Liuying up and down. "Are you hurt, Young Master?"

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