Villain Lady Chapter 75


Hunting mostly required patience and luck as only some skills were useful to be used during hunting. Wei Liuying noticed that some servants had explored deep into the forest and started to put on traps on some location where they found traces of rabbits passing by. After all, they could also make use of such items whenever it was necessary.

Of course, they could also do the hunting by following animal's trail. However, it would be hard to find fresh mark at times. Because of that, many of them usually played the game of waiting on the route where the animals usually passed by. Since they would only hunt some rabbits, deer, or the likes, this method could work.

She noticed that some children were growing impatient, but the prince's warning was enough to stop them from doing anything. In the end, they could only crouch down in their hiding spots to make sure that they would not hinder the hunt.

A rabbit appeared.

One of the youngsters shot it down with great precision.

Just like that, time passed and several rabbits have already appeared. Wei Liuying simply watched as other youngsters made their move to claim the hunt. She herself didn't want to make any move, so she just waited until it was afternoon. She joined in for the lunch then returned back alone.

"Young Master, don't you want to learn how to hunt?" Huo asked coldly.

Wei Liuying passed a glance at Huo. "What do you think I can learn in the group? We're merely taking turns to try, but when it's outside, it'll be a real fierce competition. No one will be waiting anyone."

Huo was silent. What Wei Liuying said was true. When the real hunt started, these youngsters would never try to be patient. If there was someone else who tried to hunt their target, they would be very upset.

"I'll return back."

"Is it appropriate?" Huo asked with a frown.

"There's no use staying with the crowd today. I'll start hunting tomorrow. Besides, I'm sure that he won't be patience enough to stay outside with this situation."

Huo didn't reply anymore. He knew that Wei Liuying also understood that Wei Hong Zheng would be unlikely to stay outside and followed the crowd. He was prideful and arrogant. Once he knew how to hunt, he would simply swagger off and tried to take the benefit for himself.


Since Wei Liuying couldn't showcase her archery ability in a crowd, she would just return back to the villa and rest for the day. It wouldn't be wise to start hunting by herself just yet.

"What are they doing?" Wei Liuying pointed to the row of servants who were busy moving things.

Huo followed Wei Liuying's line of sight. "They're disposing unusable arrows. If the wood near the tip is broken, it'll take a long time to fix it as the length of the arrow will be shorter."

They were following the standard that was set by the previous Emperor for the arrows. If it was shorter, the range would be different, which was why the noble family members would simply throw out the arrows that were already unusable.

Wei Liuying tilted her head. "Isn't it a waste?"

"Every arrow will be marked the owner, so if you use it and there's someone who have dispute with you about your target, it'll be hard to prove that it's yours," Huo warned.

"There's no common arrow?"

"There are, but the nobles rarely used them. Besides, many families usually made their own family's arrows because it was more cost effective for them, especially those from military family."

"I see."

The quality might also be an issue if buying outside. Besides, wouldn't the Emperor curious if he found out that one of his subjects suddenly went out and brought a lot of arrows all of the sudden?

Attracting attention when the Emperor was already restless because his children were growing up were not going to do anything good.

Wei Liuying no longer asked about the arrows, but she did alter her path to take a look closer. Huo was not interested and watched the surroundings. The other young masters were busy in the forest because they also wanted to start hunting. As for the ladies, they were in different area.


"Yes, Young Master?"

"I'll be walking around."

"This servant understands."

Wei Liuying turned to the other side and started to walk around. She hadn't had the chance to survey the villa's area because when she came last night, it was night time. The vision was not too clear, so there was no chance for her to sneak out.

Now that she was in the middle of the day, Wei Liuying realized that the view from this place was beautiful. Aside from the lush forest, she could see the vast plains below. Looking from this distance made everything looked small, but it couldn't hide the majestic views that the nature naturally showed.


Huo was keeping his distance while Wei Liuying kept on exploring around. She was silently memorizing the layout and also the servants there. However, there were simply too many servants, so she could only try to memorize their clothing's style.

The nobles have to learn how to differentiate other nobles' clothing style. Even though the difference can be very small, it was usually still very different. Every family brought a lot of servants as the ladies needed a lot of attendants.

As Wei Liuying walked, she could hear the sudden voice of laughter.

'Who's that?'

She stopped in her track and looked in the direction of the building nearby. There was a garden on the right side of this building and the sound of several young women talking could be heard.

Wei Liuying frowned. She shouldn't eaves dropped here, or she could get into trouble. However, she had only stepped once when she heard her name uttered by a familiar voice.

That effectively stopped her movements.



Hey everyone! Thank you for reading up until now and I'm really grateful for all the support you have shown me thro the comments, the votes, and the gifts all this times. (^_^)/

I'm making an announcement to tell you that VL will be premium, which meant that the chapters will be locked.

I know that many of you didn't like the premium, but I have spent hours, days, and weeks working to create this novel. This might sound cliché, but author also needs to eat and premium is one of the methods, which I pick in the end.

I do hope that you can continue to support me in this journey with the characters. Still, if you choose to drop the novel because it becomes premium, I respect your choice since I know that many of you have other novels you would prefer to spend your coins. It has been a pleasure to spend all these times with you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for supporting me all this time. After all, I can't get this far without all of your support no matter how insignificant you thought they were.

(As for the price of the coins (I really want to write spirit stones, but *sigh*), it'll depend on the word count. 200 words is 1 coin. With the amount of words that I usually write, the price should be around 6-8 coins per chapter, sometimes might be more or sometimes lesser, but it shouldn't stray too far)

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Thank you!

With Love



P.S: Just to make it clear, I won't lock any of the previously free chapters. The locked chapter will start from the next chapter, which is chapter 76 and onwards.

A lil bit Q&A to make it clear:

Q: Author, I'm…. (well, you can fill by yourself), so I can't afford to buy coins. Can I still read the story?

A: Yes, you can. WN system allows you to get 3 Fast Pass, which can be used to unlock three chapters per day by doing votes and check in.

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A: Some of you might have already know this, but yes. WN new system makes it so that every new novel that go premium will have automatic privilege of 2 chapters for 1 coins.

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Q: Will there be daily release?

A: Yes, I'll release daily starting from next chapter every 6 PM, GMT+8

Q: Will any previously free chapters be locked?

A: No, the locked chapters started from the next one, which is chapter 76.

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