Villain Lady Chapter 50


"I mean, would helping her be beneficial to you?"

Wei Liuying chuckled, yet her eyes were cold. "She's my mother. Isn't it only natural for a child to help one's parents?"

Xiao Yu wanted to ask again, but felt that it was inappropriate. From what she knew, Wei Liuying and Feng Chun were not ordinary mother and daughter. They were only using one another and never truly opened their real feelings to each other.

No, that was wrong.

Feng Chun couldn't hide her real feelings all the time and often acted on impulse. Instead, it was Wei Liuying who was always so guarded and never let anyone see the real her.

They didn't talk again and later on, a servant came to tell that Feng Chun had sent some healthy food. Wei Liuying simply accepted it even though she didn't touch it and ended up giving it to Xiao Yu and Xiao Qing.

She didn't want the reward from her mother for her 'good' deeds.

Wei Liuying didn't interfere with what Feng Chun did. She heard from the servants that one way or another, Wei Hong followed Feng Chun but the next day, another concubine was using the similar tricks. The household turned lively, yet it didn't have anything to do with her, so she was not interested.

She spent her time in her residence. At first, she thought that she would be able to spend her days in peace, but things didn't always go according to the way she wanted.

Xiao Qing knocked when she was busy reading.

"Young Miss."

"What is it, Xiao Qing?"

"Second Master Wei is here. He comes to talk with Master about some things and sends a servant to deliver some things for you."

Wei Liuying's movement halted. She quickly stood up and rushed to the door. If it was her mother or father, she would never care too much about them. But because the one who sent it was her uncle, she didn't want to delay at all.


Xiao Qing smiled when she saw her miss's energetic reaction. The only person who cared for Wei Liuying in this residence among her family would be her uncle. It was to the point one would wonder just whose child she was.

"Did he come here?" Wei Liuying asked eagerly.

"Second Master said that it'll be impolite for him to disturb your rest, so he only sent a servant over," Xiao Qing replied.

Wei Liuying nodded. She understood that her uncle cared for her reputation, so he would not come to visit directly. If words came out, it wouldn't do her any good. However, Wei Liuying longed to meet with her uncle again. It was far more refreshing to talk with her uncle compared to these fake family members in the residence.

She took the herbs that her uncle sent to her. There were no messages or anything of the sort because the gifts would be inspected by the servants. If he tried to contact her through some means, they would be able to find it out and stopped the gift from coming.

Wei Hong was quite guarded against his younger brother.

"Xiao Qing, prepare my training clothes."

"I understand, Miss."

Xiao Yu came not long afterwards and helped to make the cover in the quarter to make sure that no one realized that Wei Liuying had disappeared. After setting up everything, Wei Liuying sneaked out through her brother's quarter and into the West gate.

The clothing was similar to that of servants, so it was not hard for her to sneak out if she truly wanted to.

She only needed to pay attention to some servants.

Wei Liuying walked out of the quarter and headed to the garden. Xiao Qing told her that Wei Lu was heading there. Upon her arrival, she could see her uncle sat on the chair while sipping his tea with her father just departed.


Whatever they talked about just now, it must be something sensitive.

The two brothers were having disagreement again.

Slowly, Wei Liuying walked closer and Wei Lu raised his head. His dark brown eyes stared straight to the bushes as he smiled. "You're here."

"Uncle," Wei Liuying called out softly.

"I thought that you'll be happier if I don't come to visit you and probably destroy whatever plans you have."

"Uncle sure loves to jest. There's no way I would dislike your visit."

Wei Lu nodded. He scanned Wei Liuying from top to bottom and felt satisfied with what he saw. It seemed that Wei Hong didn't mistreat his daughter more than what he had done. He heard that she was punished by Prince Ji Shu because of some matters, but Wei Hong gave strict rules to not spread it out.

He cared for his reputation more than anything.

"It has only been some time, Liuying. I'm afraid that it's impossible for us to talk for a long time now."

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