Starting Out As A Goblin Summoner Chapter 33


"Stay here and fish more water demons. Remember, safety first—run away if things get dangerous and don't push yourself," Chen Yining warned Chen Jing then.

That being said, he was not that worried about his younger brother, since he was not as dumb as Green Skin.

"Run away if you encounter the big one of the lake," Chen Yining reminded Chen Jing again then.

"Don't worry, Brother. I get it." Chen Jing nodded.

Indeed, it was quite profitable to fish for water demons here, since each of those would earn them over ten EXP, and they were not that dangerous once they were pulled ashore, as they would be free for anyone to attack. It was therefore outstanding prey in terms of cost-profit value, and people might start congesting this area if they found out about this place, and the brothers would not get their own share.

Hence, Chen Jing raised his fishing rod once more. He managed to catch a silver-scaled fish that was half a meter long this time, though it was just a normal fish and no magical beast.

As a matter of fact, there were plenty of normal animals in the forests aside from magical beasts.

Chen Jing thought about it and decided to kill the fish, gutting it to cut off a small piece of its innards.

He attached it to his hook, and perhaps because that piece of organ was pungent with blood, another water demon soon took the bait.


At the same time, Chen Yining had returned to the forest with Green Skin.

Intending to check out how vast the lake was, he circled around it, although the landscape on the far side was out of reach.

It might be a favorite spot of fire fowls, however, since Chen Yining ran into another even as he strolled along.

The bird scampered out of when the bushes in front of it shook.


It was in a terrible state as well—its body was stained with blood and it appeared to be panicking, even crowing anxiously.

Chen Yining decided to be the good guy upon realizing its suffering, and had Green Skin kill it.

Green Skin had an easy time against this particular fire fowl. It was not as if they were a match for it even in peak form, let alone this wounded specimen.

After dying, the fire fowl turned into a strand of essence that fused into the Summoner's Grimoire after it died. Chen Yining then dragged it up to the blazing chicken's page, and its image soon changed drastically.

It was already huge, but it grew further and became taller than 2.5 meters now.

Now, it had a fierce glare, while its scarlet beak become such a bright red it was essentially dripping with blood. The outlines of its chest muscles were distinct, while its soft feathers stick closely to its skin, and its dark-red feathers was lined with multiple golden stripes just like a Buddhist monk's robes.

[Species: Red-Caped Fowl]

[Title: Golden Bloodline (15%)]

[Current Level: 2 (25/1000)]

[Rank: Rare ⭐]

[Introduction: A giant fowl possessing both the Golden Bloodline and the Fire Bloodline that dwells in the forest. Its body temperature constantly reaches 40 degrees.]

[Race Talent: Fire Bloodline +1]

[Bond (Beast)]

[(1) Each beast gains a 5% increase in strength if there are more than two beasts.]

[(2) Each beast gains a 10% increase in strength and an Intimidation Halo (minor) if there are more than five beasts.]

[Bond (Golden Bloodline, inactive)]

[(1) Every summoned beast possessing Golden Bloodline gains Sun's Blessing if there is more than one summoned beast possessing Golden Bloodline. (Passive)]

[(2) Every allied summoned beast gains Sun's Blessing if there are more than ten summoned beasts possessing Golden Bloodline. (Passive)]

[Summary: Cock-A-Doodle-Doo~]

Right now, one particular question plagued Chen Yining's mind.


If the red-caped fowl's body temperature was constantly forty degrees, would he not get hemorrhoids if he rode it too often?

On another note, it appeared that the summoned beasts would improve by one rank with ever three stars gained.

After evolving, the red-caped fowl's Golden Bloodline also increased by 5%—does that increases by each improved rank?

Nonetheless, Chen Yining was unable to observe the specific changes to the red-caped fowl since it was not around.

Having dealt with the fire fowl that basically ran straight into their arms, he and Green Skin left.

Later, not long after they were gone, a group of people dashed out of the location where the fire fowl was fleeing from.

"Where did it go?" The youth leading them turned around to ask.

"Let me see." Another youth with dark skin and wore a pair of camo sleeves came forward, dropped to a crouch, and gently brushed his fingers over the ground, observing the nearby plants that were crushed at the same time.

The youth with the camo sleeves appeared perplexed and became pensive.

"Can you really do this? You look like you've been at a loss for some time now—weren't you saying that you're from a family of hunters? You don't even seem to have the skill to track footprints…" Someone mocked nearby.

"Knock it off. Wang Hao is a huntsman taught by his grandfather, though you could take a shot at tracking if you think you could."


"Alright, alright, we're all classmates here. Stop arguing now."

"I think it's gone" Wang Hao said hesitantly then.

"What do you mean, gone? Just admit that you can't find it."

Wang Hou scowled at the retort.

However, the youth who was in the lead spoke out then. "There's a reason for it going missing."


"Did you guys forget that magical beasts would disappear after they're killed?" he said quietly.


Talk about a voice that stirred storms.

Wang Hao realized with a start then, and quickly look around their surroundings as if he gained enlightenment.

At the same time, he was sliding glances at a certain girl in the group.

"Here… no, what's this? Wait, could it be there…" Wang Hao suddenly regretted not learning more of what his grandfather was trying to teach him back in the day—things would not be this difficult if he did.

Of course, if his grandfather learned that Wang Hao was only regretting his laziness because he was embarrassing himself in front of a girl, there was no telling what his grandfather would think either.

"Got it. It's probably in this direction," he eventually said, wiping sweat off his forehead after determining a general route.

He was beside himself in anxiety just now, and it was lucky that he managed to remember what he thought to be his long-winded grandfather's words.

"It took us great lengths to defeat that fire fowl, only to end up for someone stealing it from us… we must find them, and have them explain themselves."

The group of students grumbled in righteous indignation.


"Truly, you'll never find anything if you're searching for it, but it falls right into your lap when you're not."

Chen Yining's eyes had lit up after spotting a certain location.

It was a goblin village, with dozens of goblins residing within.

They had just hunted a fire fowl and two wolves, and were dragging their spoils into the village.

It was worth noting that Chen Yining had hidden himself masterfully behind a tree. At this position, he could look down at the tribe, whereas the goblins would have a hard time spotting him.

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