God Of Soul System Chapter 26


Chapter 26

Chapter 26 : Shock

Almost as soon as Roja drew his sword Moss’s sword was cut in half . Z as well as most the instructors exposed a look of surprise .

“Isn’t this …”

One of the instructors looked amazed and couldn’t help but murmur “Didn’t expect that in just one month and his swordplay would grow to this extent . Is this the power of a natural swordmaster ?”

A month before at the actual assessment Roja although showing the power of his flame his swordplay was too rough .

But now after a month Roja’s one strike that cut Moss’s sword in half already seemed like flowing water . Apparently he got the first glimpse of the essence of the sword way .

On the arena .

Roja looked at Moss who lost his sword and was standing there stunned .

“If your body is stronger than the sword you can continue . The question is… he is ?

Roja looked at Moss with a smile but coupled with such words suddenly made that smile turn evil .

Moss didn’t expect those results and couldn’t accept them so he hel the broken sword and raised it again .

But .

Not waiting for the sword to come down Roja placed his Honoo no tsuki on Moss’s throat .

Bang .

The Broken sword fell to the ground .

Feeling the sword on his throat . Moss heart tuned cold and didn’t dare to move . finally he completely fell over with his eyes showing surprise .

Looking at this scene The instructor directy announced the result after shaking his head .

“Roja wins!”

Seeing that the instructor announced the result Roja retracted his sword and returned it into it’s scabbard also using only one armwhile going down from the arena .

And those dazed recruits finally woke up now .

“Moss’s sword was directly cut off ?”

“If I am not wrong then Roja’s sword isn’t a normal sword . ”


“Even if it’s not a normal sword can anyone just cut a steel sword . ”

Many recruits were surprised And looked at half the sword that was on the arena . The cut was very neat, Like a merrior it reflected the sun .

This wasn’t steel agaisnt steel this was more like steel =cuttin wood .

Even some strong recruit like Drake looking at this scene couldn’t help but reveal a surprised look too .

Some people remembered what they saw and suddenly murmured .

“That guy … seem that he used just one arm . ”

Using two hand would bring more power but still Roja used one and cut Moss’s sword in half . What if used two hands ?

Would he cut Moss into two as well ?

Many people looked at Roja and saw his dignified eyes, they couldn’t help but recognize his strength even if he can’t be first place . Those rumors were just nonsense all along .

In addition the strong recruits . The most shoked and most frightened were The people from the same group as Roja .

They just spred that Roja was at the bottom of the fifth group and retaliation came directly to slap thir faces .

“Moss’s sword …”

“How can this be !!”

Those who were familiar with Roja’s strength had their eyes pop out from the shock .

Although Roja didn’t come to the training for two months But two months ago he couldn’t complete the most common run and would always be last . two months later he could easily defeat Moss .

The Roja from now and the one from past have a gap of strength heavens apart .

On the other side the recruits who just heard about him from the fifth group sneered .

“Interesting . ”

“So he is at the bottom of the fifth group right ? what nonesense . Even if he wasn’t first His strength is above most of the recruits . The fifth group are really something to just spread those rumors . ”


“Or is it that … Everyone of your group is stronger then him ?”

Recruits sneered at the fifth group that spred rumors about Roja and made their faces burn with anger .

Some looked with strange eyes and couldn’t help but bite the bullet and said ” His not great it’s just his sword is too sharp . ”

“Honoo no tsuki one of the 21 O wazamono series but even so he just cut a steel sword not some rotten woud . ”

Next someone recognized Roja’s sword and that sentence made the one that talked before stiff .

This time it was difficult to step down so he just shouted ” I ,dars, challenge Roja . ”

If he can win against Roja everything will alright .

Although Roja’s sword is sharp , But as long as He don’t face it directly he can win . Because his has more power and more speed then Roja . Even if he is became powerful in those two months . i won’t be that much different .

Yes , That’s it!

Thinking to here Dars directly went up to the arena .

The recruits didn’t think that someone else would challenge Roja just after he finished the fist match . And the challenger although his results are slighly better but his still his in the hundreds ranks .

Well , The challenges can’t be rejected ans long as they meet the rules . but if you were challenged consecutively you can choose to rest for ten minutes before starting the fight .

Roja didn’t use any force and obviously didn’t need to rest . But as the responsible for stating the rules to the recruits the instructor turned his head to Roja and said .

“Roja , because you were challenged consecutively you have the right to rest for ten minutes . ”

“I don’t need to, you can directly start . ”

Roja shrugged his shoulders and went up the arena to play .

Seeing this the instructor directly started the match .

“Roja vs Dars , Begin!”

With the instructor announcing the beginning of the match In the blink of an eye, a sword clash sounded and half a sword flew into the air and then gently came down .

Different people but the same outcome .

Dars wanted to avoid Roja’s sword and strike back but that was his wishful thniking . Would Roja allow him to have the chance ?

He readied his sword and forced dars to block his strike then directly cut Dars’s sword in half .


Roja standing with his sword shouted while still on the arena .

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