God Of Soul System Chapter 25


Chapter 25

Chapter 25 : Challenges

In addition to the ranking of Roja and Hina there is also a strange thing in the overall ranking .

And that is The fifth group had the top three rankings but the forth from that same group was ranked in the fiftys .

Other then Roja and Hina and Drake all the other recruits from the same group were outrageousely low .

“I didn’t expect my ranking in the camp whould be so low . ”

“My ranking is also very low , it seem that the forest fire caused serious damage on our results . ”

“Fortunately the fire didn’t continue to expand . The instructors should’ve interfered or else it would’ve turned much worse . ”

“I am still curious to why was there a fire in the forest . ”

After remembering the fire most of the fifth group showed fear .

Even the other groups had heard about thisnoting the fifth group oveall performance they couldn’t help but start to gossip .

In the crowd Roja looked at the assessment ranking while holding his chin .

“it seem some of my score had gone to Hina as she was with me . ”

“But even so didn’t expect Drake to be third place, It seem that Luffy in the future will have to work hard to be part of the eleven supernova . ”

In The whole camp Drake was second only to him and Hina even after that slaughter he made . Still for the entire camp to not stay that far behind made Roja surprised .

It seem that this assessment won’t be boring .

“The ranking from the last assessment has been displayed so Then … Let the competition now begin!”

Z voice drew the attention of the recruits .

And almost as Z finished taking another voice sounded .

“I , Moss , Challenge Roja!”


someone rushed to challenge Roja .

Hearing this all recruits were stunned for a moment .

Because there was no challenge limit and the challenge could not be refused or avoided YOu can wait for other people to start the challenge and then challange them . That will give them the advantage as they challenge someone with less stamina and energy .

And now Moss challenged someone just after Z announced the beginning . That was rare .

Moreever he challanged the first ranked in the whole camp .

Which made many recruits feel strange because this moss ranked in the two hundreds . a two hundred ranker challenging the first ranker . so that was really strange .

Although the challenge was unreasonable but it still comply with The rules of this cometition . So the reer Admiral directly said .

“The first felid , Moss and Roja go up . ”

The crowd opened a road for both of them from which they came out .

moss has been thinking of exposing the tempering that happened to make Roja the frist ranked recruit . So he directly went and challenged Roja just after Z finished speaking .

In fact he had a little regret after making this decision because even if he won agaist Roja he can’t stay for long the fist position .

But after getting so far there is no escape already .

As long as he expose Roja then it’s fine .

Moss and Roja were in the same group So he knew about Roja physical strength .

“I am fist to go ?”

The other side of the crowd .

Roja stretched Lazily . He actually predicted this . And he already guessed as to why Moss challenged him .

Since it’s like this … It’s time to improve my reputation a bit .

Out of the crowd Roja come out and stood about 20 meters about from Moss .

“Someone in the two hundreds rank challenging the first ranked . Can someone teel me why ?”


Some of the recruits looked at this scene with a strange expression on there faces . they couldn’t help rush to ask others .

“Hey , you don’t know ?”

“Don’t know what ?”

“It’s like this . Roja got his first rank … ”

As several recruits held Roja in comtempt they couldn’t help but expose the “Truth” to others . So the news quickly spred through the crowd . Most of the recruit showed suprise .

No wonder there was such a strange situation here .

So Roja relied on his relationship and tempred with the result to get first place .

This kind of thing even Z couldn’t control . But carefully thinking isn’t Garp and Z friends since decades . Is that’s why he didn’t say anything ?

In any case Many people looked at Roja with disdain now .

Roja new about this . Although most recruit didn’t bother much about it but some recruit believed it and looked at him with strange eyes .

on the arena .

Moss looked at Roja and remembered that he couldn’t keep up with the group even while running .

So he looked at Roja and said with low voice ” I advice you directly throw the towel or else …”

After hearing his word Roja didn’t get angry but loked at him with a smile and said ” Otehrwise what ?”


Moss Said loudly “Don’t expect m to show mercy . ”

After the instructor announced the beginning Moss pouced directly at Roja .

Moss weapon was the marine standard sword . HYolding his sword he ruched at Roja and his suddenly striked fiercely . In the air sharp sound come out it seemed that he will be cut under the sword .

However , Infront of this attack Roja standed motionlessly, He didn’t ruch ahead , didn’t retreat and didn’t avoid . He only held the hilt of Honoo no tsuki gently .

silence .

In the next moment countless people just saw red light appear in the hand of Roja like red silk floating in the air . Roja’s sword collided with Moss sword .

Roja used only his hand , other then that he didn’t move anything else . It was a casual swing like he was playing around .


From left to right His hand formed a semicircle , And even after meeting Moss’s sword his Honoo no tsuki didn’t stop like there was nothing in front of him . It was as if the sword become light and direcly swept over .


Half the Marine sword was sent flying into the air and made a clatter as it fell to the ground .

Moss’s sword was directly cut into two .

After that all the recruits on the field stayed quiet .

“With one of the O wazamono series and ordiary sword would seem like i bullied you …”

Roja glaced at the broken sword on the floor and he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit . Now even with a normale sword he can produce the same effect .

This time Moss was at loss .

he looked at his hand and saw the broken sword He didn’t expect such situation . He was at loss as he didn’t know what to do .

And The recruits watching this scene all exposed a stunned look . And asked themself

what’s going on here ?

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