God Of Soul System Chapter 18


Chapter 18

Chapter 18 : The Ranking caused a public outrage

Drake didn’t uses all of his strength but even so to be in the third place is out of his expectations .

“Hey , Is this a joke ?”

“isn’t there a mistake?”

The recruits rioted . For them Drake was already recognized as the strongest and not just the fifth group strongest But all the ordinary camp groups .

And now that Drake is ranked third ?

This is simply a joke .

In the crowd only one person wasn’t surprised . It was Hina With her eyes flashing and took a deep breath .

Only when she did that did she guess what happened .


The reer admiral saw that the situation wa sgoing out of control frowned and yelled loudly .

His voice was like a thunderbolt which instantly made all the recruits shut up . Still some had a look of suspicion in their eyes and couldn’t believe those results .

The reer admiral facing those eyes he smiled a bit in his heart although he looked serious but in fact when he first looked at the result he also couldn’t calm down .

“Second , Hina!”

After this declaration all the recruit had surprise in thier eyes and couldn’t believe this .

“Hina scored more than Drake ?”

“Although Hina is strong But … More than Drake . This is not possible right ?”

Many recruits had an incredible look on their faces .

However In the fifth group other then Drake there is also Hina and her scoring more than Drake was still a possibility .

Just … Who come in first place then ?

All the recruits had a name that come to thier mind which wasn’t on the list and wasn’t anounced either but then rejected the idea .

“Be quiet!”

The reer admirale said again with a serious look on his face and silence returned again .


“The first place … Roja!”

Silence .

Dead silence .

It was silent that if you dropped a pin you could hear it touch the floor .

All the recruits looked at each other . They all suspected that they didn’t hear right and wanted to confirm .

Then in the next moment .

The square finally broke out and couldn’t be supressed .

“This is a fu*king joke!”

“What is this ranking ? first place is Roja the weakest Rookie ?”

“Even if his the nephew of vice admiral Garp This is just unauthorised tampering with the results . It’s too much . This is just too much . ”

All the recruit almost were outraged .

Roja used his relationships and getting hold of the third or fourth even the second place is still considered but getting first place like that is a bit too much .

Did they take the recruits for idiots ?

Roja was alwys last in any exercice and in this assessment he ranked first .

“Give me quiet ! This ranking doesn’t have any problem!”

“Be quiet Now!”

The reer admiral already expected this but still snapped at them .

But this time many recruits under anger began to cntradict him

“Who is it that put him in the first place ? This Roja relied on his relationship with vice admiral Garp to get that place and you could only open an eye and close the other like you didn’t see a thing”

“You want us to shut up”

Hearing those word the reer admiral become angry and yelled . All the square shook like an earthquake and all the recruits had their ear drums humming . Finally the scene calmed a bit .

“Is that what you say to your superior ? Those people who just talked come out now!”

Cass* looked angrily at the group of recruits but this time no one answered everyone looked at each other and no one stood up .


(TL : cass is the reer admirale finally we know his name i wouldn’t have to repeat the reer admiral anymore . )

Although they were angry they knew that standing up now would lead to an unforeseen consequences .

Cass saw that no one stood up . He wasn’t going to interrogate them . So He said loudly “You doubt te authenticity of this ranking right ?”

No one spoke but their eyes spoke in their stead .


“Then let me inform you , Because of some unexpected reasons , this time assessmnet will not lead to the promotion to the elite camp But … A month later there will be a competition . ”

“The selection into the elite camp is after that competition . This was an war based assessment so There wasn’t any favorism in the result as it wouldn’t lead to anything . So prepare well for next month . ”

After Cass said all this the recruits finally calmed down a little .

Drake frowned But his face once again regained it’s calmness .

A competition based assessment ?

Since it’s people against people and they all could watch there won’t be any behind the scene operations .

Who is the strongest we will know in that competition .

” Have you calmed down now ? So now go break a sweat and come to train tomorrow!”

After that seeing the recruits staying quiet Cass turned around to leave .

After Cass left the square continued to be quiet for a moment and all the recruits gave ech other a glance and finally relaxed .

“I did not expect that a month later we will hold a competition . ”

“It is estimated that this time someone tempred too much with the result so they couldn’t help but organize a competion . ”

“Since its a competion based assessment . It’s certainly possible and even more that guy couldn’t possibly get the first rank without them tempering with the results . ”

Recruits continued talking to each other while sneering .

Hina listening to those talking . She didn’t get angry but her mouth raised slightlou to form a smile and in her eyes light flashed .

“A competition base assessment would be interesting “until that day hina is looking forward to it .

In her mind Roja flashed with his flames and behind him is that monsterious sea of flames while she couldn’t help forming a smile on her lips .

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