God Of Soul System Chapter 9


Chapter 9

Chapter 9 :A Smal Test

In the dense forest .

Roja moved forward while carrying His sword .

This Island is quiete small if we look at all the archipelago but still its was as big as the camp .

Except for beggining Roja didn’t encounter any of the recruits after going into the forest .

Roja tried to find the monitoring devices . But he didn’t find any video den den mushi . maybe they used other equipment .

“This archipelago shoul be man made . I think this place is especially made for this examination . ”

Roja walkd through the forest and found artificial traces . it seem that this forest was moved here .

So this means That the creature in this island were specially selected for the examination .

Roja arrived to a silent place .

Dead silence .

suddenly a pair of eyes appeared behind Roja . This is a crrature got two huge fangs . It was a giant wild boar .

whiiz .

The next moment the wild boar that was staring with blood-red eyes at roja rushed suddenly in his direction . it seemed like Roja would be pierced .

But the next moment Roja leaped and kicked the boar’s head . it was like RRoja grew a pair of eyes behind his back .

baaang .

The original powerful red boar under the pressure of Roja’s kick suddenly callapsed and couldn’t resist the huge power behind the kick . Roja was shoked and steped back a little .

This wild boar did not think that the thin an frail creature infront of him had so much power .

while Looking between his leg and the boar in shock . Roja’s mouth slightly smiled .

“My first prey come to me by itself . My luck is not bad and i even used my legs while i practice using my hand essentially . ”

The boar roared .

The giant wild boar wasn’t dead after Roja’s kick but it still was shoked . it didn’t have any idea for retreat . it shook it’s head and then once again rushed at Roja .


This time Roja also moved toward the boar while holding his Honoo no tsuki hilt and suddenly he drew it .

This is the most basic sword draw That Roja practiced for countless times . The sword was a red line flashed suddenly .


The next moment the Honoo no tsuki was back in the scabbard . and infront of Roja the wild boar stood still .

slience .

a blood line appered between the boar’s eyebrows and blood splashed out . The boar was cut in two and each half fell to different sides .

in it’s eyes you could see it’s panic even while dying it couldn’t understand how .

“worthy of being one of the 21 O wazamono swords . ”

while looking at the boar that was halfed by his sword and was surprised a little . He looked at the Honoo no tsuki and smiled .

This is the first time he used it in cutting a living creature .

He didn’t think he could split it with just one swing of his sword .

he didn’t even expect that he has so much power .

“Monkey . D . Roja , Killed level 3 monster : The giant wild boar . ”

The monster in the island were classified by five levels . the strongest being level 5 . and a monster of the first level would be stronger then the elite recruits . Maybe even stronger then the vice admirals .

Each level has a different score .

The highest level giving 5 points .

while looking at the screen , Z could see the whole process of Roja cutting the boar with a single sword strike .

“His power is good . Maybe better then most of the camp recruits . It seem this month he really become a lot stronger and another thing … Isn’t that sword one of the O wazamono swords ,Garp ?”

Z looked at Garp by his side . Even if those weren’t the best but they were extremly good and rare So having this kind of sword wasn’t that easy . Garp understood his meaning .


“Ha Ha Ha , Roja that kid prefer using swords , So …”

Garp trained Roja for a month so seeing him killing a level 3 monster by slitting it with a single strike made him feel satisfied .

Z shook his head and said ” hsi sword play is too rough , he will only use arm strength without techniques . Relying on Honoo no tsuki won’t be useful against stronger monsters as its difficult to break the defences of such monsters . So I am afraid he ill encounter a bitter fight . ”

although Roja’s performance was good but Z was used to telented people and even thought the three current admirals himself . So his evaluation was accurate .

as they finished talking his face changed .

at the same time Garp’s face also changed .

“Not good!”


across the screen they could hear a shoking roar .

They saw on the screen that Just as Roja killed the giant wild boar there seem a giant shadow double the size of boar appeared before him .

This shadow was big . It was one of a few monster this big in the island .

a Brown back ape !!

Z and Garp weren’t concerned before because it was a level 3 monster But the apre was a level 1 monster so they noticed faster then anyone .

if it was Garp or Z they could win with one finger but … for the recruit of the ordinary camp it is the most difficult to deal with one alone .

a level 1 Monster . Even if one of the elite recruit were to encounter a normal he wouldn’t nessecerly win not to mention the most taough brown back ape .

Z and Garp were in a breif silent .

“with his strength a level 2 monster is his limit and fighting a level one and a brown back ape at that whould be…”

Z looked at the screen and stopped talking but his meaning is evident .

as for sending rescue or not Roja was after all Garp’s nephew so Garp taking the decision will be better .

at this time Garp watching the screen without a word and was really tense .

the ape is extremely flexible and move really fast so escape is probably impossible . If he encountered any other level 1 monster he could escape with the result of his month of training without any injurys .

But this is the most agile creature in the entire island .

why is his luck so bad .

Garp looking at the screen with the Brown ape in it gritted his teeth and decided to wait a minute . if he rushed from here to Roja’s location he would probably reah there instantaneously .

If Roja couldn’t do a thing Garp will ruch there with his fastest speed .

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