Daoist Master of Qing Xuan Chapter 436


Daoist Master of Qing Xuan Chapter 436 – There Still Exists Zhao Xiao Yu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen Jin Chan was unclear of what Shen Lian had said, on the contrary, he became more confused and asked: ‘what is determination?’

Shen Lian laughed: ‘To know what you want and what you do not want, is determination. Any creature satisfying this condition can be regarded as a human.’

Never would Chen Jin Chan thought that the answer could be so simple, upon contemplating, he understood. To know what one wants, perhaps an easy task for most; but to know what one does not want, few would be able to do this.

To know a lot would be the prerequisite, and one needs to be able to abandon all external falsehoods that override human nature, only then one can clearly know what one wants and does not want.

Master spoke of determination, but in actuality, he is still passing on the Dharma of immortality.

To live a long time does not equal to immortality. Real immortality is to know what you want and what you do not want and to live forever knowing it.

You will gradually grow numb and lose yourself if you do not grasp the concept, no matter how long you live. You would not be able to tell the difference between yourself from the mountains, rocks, and trees.

The more he pondered, the more his admiration grew. He understood why Master was loved by the people of the school of cultivation because someone like him would be revered no matter what.

It snowed outside, the land was covered in a thick blanket of white. Shen Lian left the bamboo residence, the starlight on his body flowed to the snow, glittering and moving. Chen Jin Chan saw the words written by his Master – ‘Ling Tai Fang Cun Shan, Xie Yue San Xing Dong’

This is a word puzzle, the upper part of the character ‘Ling’, when combined with the word ‘Chun’ from the word ‘Fang Chun’, will form the word ‘Xun’, which meant search; and Xie Yue San Xing, after opening one’s heart, would form the word ‘Xin’, which mean heart.


Together, it would form the word ‘Xun Xin’ – meaning to find one’s heart.

Master is a human, he would already have a heart, that means ‘in search of a heart’ was meant to be written for him. But there was no other person here but his master and him, could it be that it was meant for him? But that could not be right, because the master had already spoken to him about determination.

Then who is the person ‘in search of a heart’? and where is the ‘heart’?

Not only is their snow on Taiyi Peak, Jiemo Peak was also snowing, similar to goose feathers, it was a heavy snowfall. And it was particularly appealing during the cold night.

Similarly appealing would be Zhao Xiao Yu. In the snow, the Jimo peak was empty. Ever since the appearance of the demonic order, Luoism had no power to resist. Therefore, Zhao Xiao Yu reluctantly gave up all the territories and allowed the backbone of the team to take refuge in the north and the south, choosing to remain at Jimo alone.

She has seen countless snowfalls in her life, but never once had she found the peace of mind to watch and admire the snow-filled night

Now that there was nothing else plaguing the heart, she could let go of all that is, with only the snow filling her mind.

To pour your heart and into something no matter how important it is can be the most satisfying and pleasurable thing. This was something she had never experience before, something she hopes to experience more often from now on.

Time was lost, snow continued falling between heaven and earth. She could hear no sound, without realizing, the noise between heaven and earth had ceased.

She understood deeply that it was not the sound that had disappeared, but her sense of hearing had been covered.

It was unbelievable, it was as if a person who was fully conscious who had her ears cupped by another person, which took a while for her to realize.

Zhao Xiao Yu did not panic, or it could be said that she expected this to come.


“You are going to die.”

Her gaze seemed to be coated with a layer of mercury. She could see through all the truth and falseness. So she saw the person who spoke. It was an indescribable man who seemed inseparable from the dark, quietly walking through the mountainous paths towards her seemingly as a worthy opponent. He followed her gaze and viciously penetrated into her soul.

In the event sprawled endless oceans, violent volcanic lands and various worldly scenes that can be felt.

Zhao Xiao Yu flashed a smile alluringly, and said softly: “Don’t the demon lord knows, the divine cannot die.”

This man was Yan Xu, the leader of the demonic clan. He was fortune’s favored child for three thousand years before Shen Lian is in Qing Xuan. He even had removed Shen Lian’s name from the letter of a challenge after the Bier Discourse of Dao on the third of March.

In today’s world, everyone cowered before Yan Xu’s demonic magic. After all, it was Guagqing that started it. It was said that Yan Xu with had almost uprooted Guangqing, which is comparable to the top celestial schools of the Four Main Daoist sects with his own strength.

To this day Guangqing has only the bare support of the remaining, half-dead Dengfeng Taoist priest and the Taoist priestess of divine aura, with no competent disciples.

This was remembered vividly for a period, but Zhao Xiao Yu did not fill her with the worries and fears.

Yan Xu’s Qi dynamic did not impact Zhao Xiao Yu’s soul, as if a light breeze had blown against the peak of Mount Jimo, the peak remained unfazed.

“Those who consume Qi lives as a deity, those who do not consume attains immortality as Gods, you have to abandon all religions and faith in the mortal realm in order to attain immortality, but can you do it?” Yan Xu retracted his terrible Qi dynamic as he spoke with a smile.

Zhao Xiao Yu did not spoke but stared at Yan Xu intensely and replied: So you do not have confidence in defeating Shen Lian.”

Such insulting words struck into Yan Xu’s soul like a sword from heaven.

Yan Xu clapped in response: “Your intelligence is far beyond what I have expected. Indeed, if I had the confidence to defeat Shen Lian, I will not make such a move before the start of the discourse. But you have erred slightly.

Zhao Xiao Yu hesitated and spoke slowly: “You would say that you are a human in every sense of the word and not a demon, then it can be inferred you are saying that you are a person who does not play by the rules. Killing me tonight has nothing to do with Shen Lian, maybe you just feel like killing.

She meted out her analysis calmly as if it had no impact on her. The endless snowfall behind her emphasizing the desolation of her heart.

The pervasive magic could not find any opportunity to invade and taint her divine heart.

Yan Xu, in his indifferent composure, mildly said: ‘if Shen Lian is still ‘human’, he shouldn’t have missed you. I am here thinking, if he is close by tonight, perhaps it is the best opportunity to annihilate me, and not die also want to hope to destroy me at a place like Ling Tai Fang Chun Shan.’

Zhao Xiao Yu let out a sigh and replied, “You are wrong, demon lord. Shen Lian is the only opponent that matters in your eyes, but you have forgotten the existence of Zhao Xiao Yu and the Book of Nine Lotus Scriptures, compared to the Dream Heart Sutra, Free from Incarnation and Shen Lian’s Art of Spiritual Enhancement, the difference would be unnoticeable.

And he too holds an important place in my heart, could I not do something for such a person such as making you pay the price this night?”

Yan Xu smiled slightly and said: “You really do have a heart.”

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