Dungeon Hunter Chapter 221


Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Melee (3)

Just in case of an angel attack, Upa had left many creatures in the rear . There was a chance he might be surrounded by Ariel’s troops and the angels .

So he built a wall of creatures .

I decided to hit the weakest spot .

Even a solid wall would collapse if there was a gap .

The first one that stood out was Groggy . Groggy Inpir . He was one of Upa’s demons who loved succubi . His one accomplishment was being able to summon the succubus queen .

Thousands of succubi were flying in the sky . Originally succubi were intermediate 4Lv creatures . However, they were enhanced due to the influence of the succubus queen .

I set the 30 real death knights here .

The remaining 300 death knights, that were actually doppelgangers, were placed at the rear as a screen . They wouldn’t be that much help in this fight anyway . They were just there to give a sense of pressure .

The succubi turned towards me . Groggy, who was touching the succubus queen’s chest, stared at me .

“Hah, Grand Duke Randalph Brigsiel! Aren’t you protecting the castle? Stepping outside the castle is too dangerous for you!”

His tone was full of ridicule . Soon, Groggy and the succubus queen descended from the sky .

"This place looks good . ”

I replied leisurely . Groggy’s smile widened further .

“Huhu! Then watch quietly . There is no place for you on this battlefield!”

"If I don’t have a place then I should make it . Oswen . ”

Oswen briefly bowed his head .

"Yes, Your Majesty . "

"Can you get rid of the guy in front of you?”

“It is the easiest thing to do . Instead, please take care of the succubus queen . ”

"Isn’t it usually the other way around?”

"I think this can save a lot of time . ”

Oswen said with a smirk .

Indeed, Groggy Inpir was easy to kill . I would be able to leave him to Oswen .

"Believing in your creatures . . . this is a surprise . Randalph Brigsiel, if you interfere then I will kill you here . ”

I clicked my tongue .

"First and foremost, cut off his tongue . That voice is disgusting . ”

"Yes, Your Majesty . "

Kill him . Groggy Inpir’s face was red due to our attitude .

The battle had already been going on for a few days . It was natural to get excited about small things .

"I disapprove of you having the title of grand duke! The only true grand duke is Upa!”

Thousands of succubi flew at me in a flash .

The bat wings filled the sky . Evening . The full moon further strengthened the succubi . They were similar to wolf type creatures . There was also the influence of the succubus queen . . . she looked like a normal succubus but was bigger .


‘In short, the first thing I need to do is subdue the succubus queen . ’

Wrath and the Emperor's sword .

The succubus queen had a very beautiful appearance . Violet hair and seductive eyes . Her red lips were swollen like they would burst . She had a shapely waist and protruding buttocks that were revealed by tight leather clothes, making any man want to jump on her .

-Mind’s Eye has discovered ‘Temptation of Instincts (Epic) . ’

High intelligence (111) calibration has succeeded in defending against 100% .

The skill was caught . It was entirely useless . Seduction skills didn’t work on me .

‘This is the first time I’ve seen a succubus queen . ’

It was a bit of a novelty . Succubus queen . I had only seen it in books, so this was my first actual experience with one . I was told that the succubus queen could attract men and women due to her looks .

In that sense, Groggy was great . How much love did he have for succubi that he summoned a queen? No, maybe it was a direct birth .

‘A high class creature . ’

I used Mind’s Eye .

Name: Succubus Queen, DollaStatsStrength99Intelligence91Agility97Stamina82Magic Power105 Potential: (474/474)

Uniqueness: Succubus queen . She has inherited the name of Dolla, the legendary succubus queen . Has a strong protection blessing . Every succubus in the vicinity will be affected by her .

Skill: Dolla’s Protection (Epic), Temptation of Instinct (Epic), Queen’s Anger (Ex Epic), Festival of the Whip (Epic)

Indeed . . . she was strong among the high class creatures . She was between a high class 3Lv and 4Lv creature . A creature that received Upa’s recognition . It was the reason they were the only ones in such a wide space .

It was unfortunate that I was here . Then one more message popped up .

-Dolla’s Protection (Epic) has encountered Power of Domination (Ex Epic) .

Power of Domination will offset 64 . 4% of Dolla’s Protection .

Dolla’s Protection has become very weak .

I smirked . The Power of Domination had various effects, and it seemed to exert itself on a wide area skill .

It wasn’t bad . Dolla’s Protection had been a light imposition . I wanted to finish this quickly .

However, there was no need to overdo things .

Despite being weakened, the succubi were still moderately strong intermediate creatures . Their numbers weren’t enough to reverse the situation .

Groggy’s expression became determined .

However, the fight had already begun .

"Then I will teach you something, demon . ”

Oswen held six swords with his six hands .

They were excellent swords . They were all directly made by Oswen . He was a blacksmith good enough to create the Seven Sins set .

He absolutely never made half-hearted things . Oswen desperately made the weapons . That was Oswen’s pride .

The succubus queen grabbed a whip . I stared into her eyes and thought .


'An existence in a book . This isn’t your place . ’

At first she was a novelty . That was all .

A few thousand . A succubus queen had appeared in the world after a few thousand years .

However, I would return the succubus queen to the storybooks once again .

The wall created by Upa was surprisingly poor .

Was he not worried?

Or the error might be because he was focused on Ariel Diablo .

I only joined briefly and there was already a hole .

It wasn’t surprising so I didn’t care .

‘We were enemies from the beginning . I am not gentlemanly enough to be kind to the enemy . ’

I was a little better than other demons . There was no point in feeling resentment towards me . At any rate, this was a perfect opportunity to defeat a grand duke with no risk . I would borrow Ariel Diablo’s hands to do so .

I just needed to pierce through Upa’s blind spot .

Blind spot . I was currently located in his blind spot .

All of Upa’s nerves were completely focused on Ariel Diablo, so he couldn’t easily move even if he heard the news .

Even if he did move, the timing would need to be perfect . It was because Ariel Diablo couldn’t be left out .

He had no choice but to keep fighting her . That was Upa’s fate .

“This is enough . ”

I had killed three of Upa’s demons . I also received some damage . A large majority of my creatures were lost .

This was enough for now . There was a gap and it was Ariel Diablo’s job to find this gap . I had no reason to care anymore .

“Hu! Now what do we do, Your Majesty?”

Oswen asked while wiping his brow . Actually, he was an undead so he was just pretending to be sweating .

I put away Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword before turning away .

"You have worked hard . The doppelgangers that have turned into death knights, it is enough if they just wander around without fighting . ”

“I will watch Upa . ”

“I will return to the castle . ”

"Your Majesty, is that okay? Right now there are no loyal followers of Your Majesty in the castle . ”

Oswen joked around . I gave a moderate reply .

“Don’t meddle . I will go back and look at the situation . If you need anything then come and find me . ”

Oswen nodded his head .

"Yes, I will lead the rest of the creatures . ”

His task was decided .

I started moving . I soon assimilated with the wind and disappeared .

I had a reason for returning to the castle .

It was to see the pieces . And I needed to find the timing to launch ‘Hope . ’

Hope wouldn’t explode unless I instructed it to . In order to get the timing accurate, it was better to watch from the castle since it was slightly away from the battle . I needed to understand the whole context to get the best timing .

Underneath the castle . There was a secret room hidden . I could see all the areas of the castle from here .

Thousands of crystal balls were intricately linked .

'It is a device that instantaneously boosts all the magic power in the castle . Pandemonium also won’t be able to find me here . ’

This was one of the items belonging to the Hell Monarch . A device that caused an enormous amount of magic power amplification . Pandemonium might be experienced in magic but he wouldn’t be able to find the Hell Monarch’s device .

I constantly monitored the situation in the castle using dozens of crystal balls .

I looked into the crystal balls as I pulled out five pieces from the training room .

‘The advanced training room . ’

The pieces were tokens obtained from clearing the room .

Chrisley, Tashmal, Yoo Eun-hye and Edward had entered the advanced training room . If so, there should only be four pieces . However, I already had five .

‘One was used by Hash . ’

That’s right . The method I used to mature Hash in a short amount of time was the advanced training room .

The body didn’t age in the training room . But it was possible for the spirit to grow . The flesh wasn’t grown but he could be able to think like a reasonable adult .

If not, I wouldn’t have allowed him to go to the angels’ sacred zone . Even if he was a cherub, there was a possibility that he would be influenced by the other angels . However, that worry decreased after his spirit grew to some extent .

‘Why did the Hell Monarch prepare this?’

I had that question from the beginning .

He was close to perfect yet he prepared something like this .

I was curious about the reason it was placed among his treasures .

There were many other legendary items so this one was conspicuous .

It wasn’t intended to grow his subordinates . I also wondered why only five people could enter . There were also the pieces given after they left the room safely . I strongly sensed that something would happen once all the pieces were gathered .

I was going to check it now .

I placed the five pieces on the ground .

But I didn’t have a chance to put them together . I placed the pieces back into my magic bag .

‘A guest . ’

I felt indications that there were many creatures present .

It was like they were prowling around looking for someone .

They suddenly appeared . They didn’t seem to have any good intentions .

I shook my head and exited .

It seemed like I needed to welcome these guests .

This place wasn’t for them .

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