Dungeon Hunter Chapter 219


Chapter 219

Chapter 219: Melee (1)

There was evil . But not all evil was the same . There was a difference in intensities .

I was evil . However, the degree of evil depended on my choices .

I chose to destroy the other demons . I had no desire for Earth since my dream was to win over the grand dukes and return to the Demon World as the devil . I would laugh loudly as I welcomed everyone .

Compared to that, I felt no desire to conquer a place like Earth . There was also the promise with the 72 gods . So . . . they could rest assured . Once I became the winner, Earth would be safe .

Yoo Eun-hye was troubled . But it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that she had already come to a conclusion .

There was no better choice besides me . They wouldn’t be able to break through the other demons on their own . Angels? They also killed humans .

I looked at her with relaxed eyes .

In addition, there was Hope .

It was contained in a large iron box .

The appearance didn’t match its name .

I opened Mind’s Eye .

-Name – Hope (Legend)

Description: A one time disposable item . A bomb filled with the hope of humanity . It is a mixture of skills, cores and self-sacrifice . Be careful . It will cause a huge explosion that will erase everything it touches . Nature friendly . There are no side effects .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is less than 250, there is a 100% chance of disappearing .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is between 250~260, there is a 80% chance of disappearing .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is between 260~270, there is a 60% chance of disappearing .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is between 270~280, there is a 40% chance of disappearing .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is between 280~290, there is a 20% chance of disappearing .

** If the total of stamina, strength and intelligence is over 290 then the effects are unknown .

Strength, stamina and intelligence were all defensive stats . Strength was a little bit different . However, the efficiency of Hope changed depending on every increase of 10 points .

For me, the total of those three stats had already surpassed 290 . I didn’t know what would happen but I wouldn’t disappear . The grand dukes also wouldn’t receive a significant blow .

‘Humans have managed to create this type of thing . ’

I couldn’t help feeling surprised . A legend rating . The result of human desperation was quite brilliant . Self-sacrifice was a skill where the person literally sacrificed themselves . If it was used several times then it was impossible for the item to have a low rating .


I touched my jaw . It seemed to be a fairly powerful weapon . It wouldn’t be very effective against strong or transcendent beings, but the bomb would reduce the enemy troops .

Million of creatures were gathered here and most of them belonged to other demons . If it was used at the appropriate time then many creatures could be killed .

"Rose will guide you to a place to install the bomb . Once the installation is complete, escape and wait for my signal . ”

Installing it in the centre of Greenwich Observatory was good but not very effective . It was better to drop it in the middle of the battlefield .

I didn’t wait for Yoo Eun-hye’s decision .

Even if she made the wrong decision, it wasn’t easy to change the story .

‘Kim Yong-woo . He deliberately kept his mouth shut . ’

The guild master of Heaven's Will . He had a quick head that always thought about the benefits . He kept his mouth shut despite knowing my identity .

‘He probably didn’t want to make a big mess . ’

The status of Devil Hunters would have fallen and Korea would have become enveloped in turmoil .

It was a situation where keeping his mouth shut was more advantageous .

I turned around slowly .

Anyway, I had achieved all my goals for coming here .

I secured the pieces from the training room . I also confirmed Yoo Eun-hye and Edward’s growth . It was all very satisfying . In particular, the growth of Yoo Eun-hye and Edward was very steep . It was more than twice as fast as it was in my previous life . In the near future, demons would be reluctant to face both of them .

'I can’t finish everything in this fight . ’

It would take a little bit longer .

I could handle things during the turmoil, but pushing myself too much might cause a backlash .

‘First . . . ’

I smiled coldly while maintaining my pace .

The battlefield would be changed . As long as Hope was as good as I thought it was . If it successfully exploded then a very interesting scene would be produced .

Hundreds of thousands of creatures were flocking . They pressed against Ariel Diablo’s army . But things weren’t progressing quickly .


White light was coming from the silver knights . That light connected the silver knights .

They shared strength, damage and skills .

It was ‘Great Mountains (Epic) . ’

When thinking about it simply, it meant it was possible to deal a shock to all the silver knights .

However, the silver knights had excellent individual abilities . They were even able to fight against high class creatures . Upa had an absolute advantage in the number of creatures .


Ariel Diablo’s demons were also unbelievable . They followed her like she was a queen . They all acted like knights . They never neglected their training . Thanks to that, they were able to continue fighting despite the numbers disadvantage .

"Damn cancer, I will stop this . ”

Upa was furious . He thought it was possible to win through overwhelming numbers, but that wasn’t the case . It was also hard to concentrate on fighting with the angels around them .

"Upa Bullenon, if you don’t watch your words then your mouth will be torn out . ”

Ariel wore armour and a weapon made from the bones of a balrog . A balrog was a high class Lv5 creature, so it was considered one of the best . The resistance to magic power embedded in those bones was beyond imagination . It had the ability to invalidate quite a few skills .

In a simple 1:1 confrontation, Ariel Diablo had the slight advantage .

It played a big role in arousing Upa’s anger .

Upa spread his arms wide . A number of black spheres rose from his arms . The black spheres were black holes that sucked in everything around them . He gathered them together into one huge black hole .

The black hole had a very strong pulling force that didn’t distinguish between friends and foes . But Upa didn’t care . He needed to dispose of them .

Ariel’s expression changed subtly .

She instinctively perceived the danger in this skill . It wouldn’t leave anything alive .

“Abyss Sword . ”

The patented skill of Ariel Diablo!

Her sword was surrounded by chaos .

Ariel was threatened by Upa’s skill, but she showed no intention of avoiding it . She was going to tear him apart piece by piece .

She didn’t think that the black hole could stop the Abyss Sword .

Ariel Diablo and Upa collided in the air .


Pandemonium frowned .

The situation was grave . The movements of the angels were strange .

‘We are being herded . ’

The angels were driving the creatures with the Ark . He didn’t notice at first, but it became clear as time passed .

'Do they want a melee?’

Ariel Diablo and Upa Bullenon were engaging in battle near the Ark . Pandemonium had no intention of intervening in their fight . It would be good for him if they fought . If the damage to both of them was great then he could get rid of both of them .

But this plan was broken due to the interruption of the angels .

It seemed like everyone was fighting near the Ark . Or there were some other intentions .

Sururuk .

It was at that moment . Dozens of shadows gathered around Pandemonium .

"Did the mission fail?”

Suruk . Sururuk .

The shadows didn’t speak . Instead, they only talked using subtle movements .

‘Failure . ’

He clicked his tongue .

They were shadows created by Pandemonium himself .

Shadow hunters .

He created them to assassinate demons and creatures .

He had sent 3,000 of them and they looked like they had been in a violent fight .

‘They weren’t enough to catch the cherub . ’

A cherub was the second ranked angel in the upper hierarchy .

He had experienced this once in the Demon World . They had amazing powers . There were 3,000 shadow hunters yet it still ended in failure .


The shadow hunters couldn’t help shaking after seeing Pandemonium’s disappointment .

"Hmm, you failed to hunt the cherub but did you get the thrones angel?”

Tak . Pandemonium clapped his hands . A thrones angel was a high ranking angel . It was lower than the cherub but it was better than nothing .

‘The thrones angel is called Opinion . ’

Opinion was a thrones angel who fell to Earth and Pandemonium knew a little bit about him . Among the angels, he was someone who had a strong leadership ability . His eyes that watched the battlefield were excellent and he did the work of 10 commanders .

He was killed . In order words, killing Opinion would crack the system between angels .

‘It wasn’t a total failure . ’

Half of it was a success . Perhaps this result was better than assassinating a cherub .

It was a different story . It was time to move .

"Tell all the creatures . Move to the Ark . Let the angels know how difficult a melee battle is . ”

Melee combat wasn’t something that everyone was capable of .

Could they keep their heads and solve complex situations?

Pandemonium had a lot of experience . He was confident . If Opinion was dead then he could win this battle without much damage .

And . . . it might not be impossible to hunt Upa and Ariel .

He tried to avoid direct combat with them, but it all depended on the circumstances .

Going to the Demon World was important, but he also had to eliminate competitors here .

‘Randalph Brigsiel . You should be careful . ’

Pandemonium didn’t release his tension .

Suruk . Sururuk .

In response to Pandemonium’s movement, the shadow hunters melted into the ground .

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