Dungeon Hunter Chapter 209


Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Gustarte (1)

There was a long way to go and their foes were numerous . Even if they only had a small elite party, it was impossible to completely avoid so many eyes .

The millions of creatures and angels were all enemies . Setting aside the creatures, the way that the angels fought was disgusting for humans . In a combat situation, the angels were no different from the creatures .

The way the angels fought . It was an ‘insensitivity’ that didn’t care about anything but themselves .

If a passing human blocked the road then the angels would burn them . At least angels didn’t go hunting humans .

But right now, this was a war zone .

A chaotic place filled with blood where reason was paralyzed .

Anybody found was hunted without delay .

Yoo Eun-hye’s party were the top level Awakened and even they had trouble holding on .

Among them, the high priests Kim Yura and Kim Min-ji played great roles .

"Suture . ”

"Regeneration . ”

The combination of the two was beyond astonishing . They watched in amazement as amputated limbs were miraculously restored at once . Among the priests’ jobs, it was a ‘miracle’ not possible for them .

Yet it had become a reality . Suture could immediately stitch up wounds while Regeneration completely healed a wound .

There were no side effects .

Commonly referred to as equivalent exchange . . . each Awakened experienced it to a certain extent when using skills . The higher ranked the skill, the more severe the fatigue due to loss of magic power .

But . . . they didn’t get tired .

‘Are they really people?’

Yoo Eun-hye inwardly shook her head .

Right now they were halfway there .

They had encountered angels and creatures dozens of times, causing casualties to appear . However, their common point was that they ‘died instantly . ’ Kim Yura and Kim Min-ji couldn’t save the dead .

If they could bring back the dead then it would make the weight of living seem too low . She had seen many deaths . If they were revived . . . she felt like her mind would be troubled .

Either way, the party was able to reach this point due to the severe injuries being treated immediately . Half the party members had been sacrificed to reach halfway to their target . If a simple calculation was done, they would all die by the time they arrived at the target .


‘They have to arrive, even if it means dying . To do this, I must protect them . ’

Yoo Eun-hye’s eyes were shining .

She had seen many Awakened with healing skills, but it was the first time she had seen it to this degree . Their talent was necessary to reach the goal .

She only needed one person to fulfill the purpose . There was no guarantee that person would be Yoo Eun-hye . Rather than that . . .

Yoo Eun-hye looked at Edward Windsor .

“Noona, are you nervous?”

Edward Windsor grinned .

He was different compared to when she first saw him as a child .

Sometimes he looked at her like a mother, sometimes like a lover, but Yoo Eun-hye couldn’t repay those expectations . He wasn’t to blame .

Edward Windsor was too young . That’s all .

He grew stronger at a speed beyond imagination . Yoo Eun-hye was praised as the best but Edward Windsor had the qualities to become the ‘strongest . ’

He had already almost caught up with her so it was an unbelievable speed .

If only one person could survive then it had to be Edward Windsor . Yoo Eun-hye thought it was the right choice for the world and for him .

"What is there to be nervous about? Let's move quickly . We’ll need to skirt around that road . ”

"Go around that road?”

"I think there is some fighting in that area . Even if it takes a little more time, it is better to go to the side . ”

“I agree . ”


Edward shrugged as he slashed an ogre’s neck . It was dead but he cut it again just for confirmation .

The captain was Yoo Eun-hye .

Every team member followed her commands without questioning it .

Edward was still too young and inexperienced to lead .

However, he would be able to take her place in one or two years . He could rise to Kim Yong-woo’s position in an instant .

She felt like the burden on her was a little bit lighter .

‘This mission . . . not all of us can survive . ’

Yoo Eun-hye tried to be stronger as she faced all types of absurd situations . The strong had to protect the weak and fight against injustice . If no one did that then corruption would be the only thing remaining .


This world would perish!

It was obvious when people showed radical and violent behaviour towards the Saviour’s children .

She went on this mission to make sure it would succeed . Her final goal was to become the king, but Edward was also a candidate .

The more they fought and got closer to their destination . . . the survival rate was unlikely to be high . Her intuition was usually never wrong .

"If I die, you will lead the party Edward . ”

"Don't talk like a loser . ”

Edward scowled . Even though he had spent a long time in the training room, Edward still had childlike aspects .

“Promise . ”

However, Yoo Eun-hye was serious . If a crisis situation happened and Yoo Eun-hye died, then Edward needed to take over .

It wasn’t just for the future .

Was it something like a deep affection?

She spoiled him despite never having a younger sibling or child, so it felt strange .

Edward turned his head with a serious expression .

“I promise, but it isn’t going to happen . ”

“Good . Let's move on . "

"Captain-nim, it is hard to move right now . ”

Kim Yura approached Yoo Eun-hye after treating her last patient .

"It is hard to move?"

"Creatures and angels are approaching this direction quickly . I’m sure since my spirit Rei has detected it . ”

The fire spirits!

Although numerous Awakened had contracts with them, they were much smaller than the sisters’ fire spirits . Apart from their size, the fire spirits were powerful . To be honest, they were better than some Awakened .

“The distance?”

Yoo Eun-hye believed Kim Yura’s words .

She couldn’t believe it earlier, but similar situations had happened several times . Now she had no questions .

“Forward . . . wait, Rei, what?”

Kim Yura’s expression became determined . The fire spirit Rei seemed to be telling Kim Yura something important .

Kim Yura spoke hurriedly after hearing the contents .

“Run away . Right now . ”

"We can’t handle it?”

“There is no time . We . . . there is no way we can handle it!”

She didn’t even want to waste time saying the name?

Yoo Eun-hye had to choose . It was happening very quickly .

Should she believe Kim Yura’s words and retreat, or keep going forward?

There was no time . If they retreated then it would be more difficult to accomplish their goal .

But she made a quick decision .

“Retreat . . . ”

"It's too late! Avoid it! As far as possible . . . !”

Just as Yoo Eun-hye was about to open her mouth .


The ground shook .


The sky turned black .


A black sphere similar to a black sun was floating in the centre of the sky .


It started to suck in everything around it . The black sun swallowed up everything quickly and indiscriminately .

It was like a black hole .

"Let me show you the power of a true king, harpy swarm . ”

The owner of an amazingly deep voice walked forward . The black sun moved slowly according to his movements . Even darkness was assimilated .


And . . . the angels couldn’t resist .

The harpy swarm was referring to the angels .

All they could do was scream as their wings were torn . There were angels away from the radius of the black hole but they didn’t survive .

The power of a king wasn’t that simple or limited .

A king that was equal to an army!

He called it the power of a king .

Countless creatures followed behind the king .

In particular, there was an impressive unknown creature with black wings . Cerberuses with black wings! It was like something that would show up in a myth .

But such beings wouldn’t follow a simple king .

He had a droopy face and two eyes that seemed to be drowning in madness!

One of the grand dukes qualified to call himself a ‘king . ’

He was the demon most hostile to humans and had slaughtered the most .

Intelligent humans were wary of him . The most destructive and outspoken demon, he was no different than a living nuclear bomb . He was a grand duke that would try to destroy the earth to earn the highest achievements .

Now he was slaughtering the angels .

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