Dungeon Hunter Chapter 203


Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Greenwich Observatory (2)

Just before they were about to ask .

Kkiiik .

The door opened and 20 new people appeared .

One of them was dragging a fallen soldier while another one was chewing gum . Unlike the previous 30 people, most of them didn’t have good attitudes .

"Let me introduce the last of the White Lion troops . My friends are somewhat rough but their skills are excellent . ”

"This . . . what are you trying to do, Lieutenant General Karls?”

All the military officials were furious . Fighting in the sacred Buckingham Palace .

Furthermore, it seemed like all the guards had been taken care of . It was enough to be called a traitor .

However, Queen Mary didn’t mind .

“Great skills . I didn't hear anything . "

"They are great friends . How about it Your Majesty? If you give me three days then I will clean up the creatures . ”

"Were the guards killed?”

"They are a little rough but they won’t kill anyone without my command . They are only stunned . ”

"Okay, then I will leave this mission entirely to Lieutenant General Karls . ”

Queen Mary readily accepted . It was a serious matter but it was an excellent way to show the power of the White Lion unit . Thanks to that, all the others had red faces but couldn’t say anything .

Times had changed . Power was everything . The stronger the power, the better .

Karls smiled and shook Queen Mary’s hand .

If this mission was cleared up then there would be no more obstacles in the United Kingdom . There would be no more interference every time the unit tried to do something .

He imagined a bright future as he shook her hand .

"Three days might not be enough . ”

" . . . . . . !"

Karls hurried in front of Queen Mary and turned towards the voice . The White Lion unit also reacted .

The window above .

A man with a pale face and dressed in a suit who had been sitting on the window sill jumped down .

They hadn’t noticed him . Nobody in here!

Karls’ body stiffened .

Among the Awakened here, he was acclaimed as the strongest . He was from the United Kingdom but his fame had spread throughout the world . He could handle a great number of advanced creatures alone and he could sense them to some extent .

But . . . this happened .

He hadn’t known . He didn’t feel anything . It was ominous .

The White Lion troops quickly surrounded the man . They were ready to cast skills and destroy him . There was a total of 50 White Lion troops and Karls, making them able to deal with a high class creature . They were even confident about handling demons . Even if that man entered here unnoticed, he wouldn’t be able to escape .

"Keep this in mind . Anyone who attacks me will die . ”


The man chuckled slightly . It wasn’t a false cynicism . He had an infinite amount of confidence . No, his expression showed no worries at all .

He ignored the White Lion troops!

They had only been formed a few years ago but the White Lion troops were elites that had personally been chosen by Karls . Every day was life and death training so they had a lot of pride .

They were truly the best in the world .

They were the strongest unit of Awakened .

‘Was I scared?’

Originally, he would have attacked as soon as the enemy was discovered . Karls was someone willing to cause turmoil in the sacred Buckingham Palace .

But he was frozen . He couldn’t make a decision . It was because the man said that anyone who attacked him would die .

"You are moderately strong for humans . . . ”

The man glanced at all the unit members . Then he laughed . It was a look full of ridicule .

"You are lacking . The creatures will destroy Greenwich Observatory within three days . I guarantee that all of you will die within three minutes . "

"Crazy bastard!”

There were 20 members who hadn’t been fully trained . They were good but had problems with their attitudes . Therefore, they were normally placed in the rear . But they were very proud that they belonged to the White Lion unit .

Now that pride was stepped on by a man that they hadn’t even heard of .

The first 30 people didn’t move without Karls’ command . . . the other 20 people rebelled .


A small crack of light appeared behind the man . One of the soldiers had opened a crack . The soldier appeared inside the crack and prepared to stab the man in the back .


Thunder struck . Or at least it seemed like that . The soldier turned to ash as his sword fell to the ground . The man didn’t even care .


Instead, flames appeared behind the man . The flames wrapped around the entire room .

They felt if now . An overwhelming magic power! A fearsome presence! Karls felt like he was falling into an abyss as he found it difficult to breathe .

Cheok! Cheok!

The White Lion unit quickly prepared to attack . They instinctively moved despite not hearing a command .


The members moved back . Among them, three members caught on fire . Despite using recovery or water skills, the flames never died out .

They wouldn’t be extinguished until the victim’s life was completely gone .

Ddubeok . Ddubeok .

The man walked forward . Some of the members ran forward but they were just like moths flying into a fire . Just like moths, they burned up .

The difference was too big . The man ignored everything . The White Lion unit members had never felt such a large difference before . They had managed to defeat every creature and demon they encountered .


Lieutenant General Karls opened his mouth .


Sweat flowed down his body . His back was already wet .

It was the first time he had felt like this .

"Captain . We were handpicked . . . ”

The members were still filled with desire to fight but Karls shook his head .

"You can’t do anything . ”

He was sure of it .

That man was a monster .

Someone on an entirely different dimension from the other creatures .

The world had changed! Demons .

They invaded Earth with their creatures . The giant dungeons were their bases .

Only the brave would be able to attack them . Karls knew exactly how to distinguish between them .

This man was far beyond them . The location especially wasn’t good . It didn’t matter if they died as long as Queen Mary was protected .

She was the symbol of the United Kingdom . The spiritual support of all citizens . If she died then the United Kingdom would collapse . All the citizens would lose hope . There was no future for a country without hope .


Karls swallowed his saliva and spoke .

"You . . . who are you? Why did you come here?"

His black eyes were dispassionate and his footsteps sounded heavy . The man laughed . It seemed like he thought everything was ridiculous .

Karls blocking Queen Mary’s view was impolite behaviour but . . .

Soon the man opened his mouth .

“I am one of the four grand dukes . Randalph . I have come to pass on both despair and hope to you . ”

“Grand duke . ”

Lieutenant Karls moaned . It wasn’t the first time he heard the words ‘grand duke . ’

He had more information than others . In particular, he knew quite a lot of secrets about the demons . He was aware that each of the 72 dungeons was managed by a demon and they each had a rank .

The grand dukes were at the very top .

The demons above the other demons . Officially, only Ariel Diablo had revealed herself as a grand duke . She revealed her name to the world while leading a massive invasion, so every country leader knew the name Ariel Diablo .

Her power was amazing . None of the humans could stop Ariel Diablo . Even the arrogant ‘Templar Knights’ had to give up fighting . An unofficial Awakened organization . . . in the past, they had been just as famous as the Freemasons and Illuminati .

Karls was confident that their power was no less than his unit’s . However, they had prematurely went against a grand duke .

It was okay if they attacked a demon who was a baron, but a grand duke was an entirely different thing .

Their power was completely lacking!

"Despair and hope? Do you mean to give us Pandora’s Box?”

But he hid it . It was like showing no fear in front of a wild beast . Then he would look for the slightest ray of hope .

However . . . the opponent was too good . The man had eyes like a snake . It felt like he could see through everything .

"You can't win . "

Short words . Karls understood what he meant . In other words, he was speaking about all humans . Humans couldn’t beat demons .

The man’s voice was full of confidence . It was like he was speaking the absolute truth .

Lieutenant General Karls didn’t answer . He didn’t know if it was due to a grand duke’s presence or the absolute confidence . . .

"I will give you a chance . ”

“ . . . A chance?”

"Demons will gather at Greenwich Observatory . That includes me, the other three grand dukes, the demons they lead and their creatures . This is the only chance for the human race to win . ”

" . . . . . . !"

Karls and the others’ eyes widened .

Everybody would be gathered in one place . Demons and their creatures were very tricky . If they were gathered in one place then it was possible to try modern weapons . There had been cases where advanced creatures had been killed by nukes!

"Why are you giving us this information? On the contrary, it might be a trap by the demons . ”


The man scoffed .

"Humans have only been holding onto life for one reason . Competition! In the demons weren’t competing with each other then the humans would have already been destroyed . ”

Was it really like that?

It wasn’t likely .

After the massive offensive of the demons began, humanity couldn’t fight back properly . Important bases were lost and modern science became useless . Thousands of jet fighters had turned into piles of junk .

There was only merciless slaughter .

Karls wanted to tell him not to joke around .

But at that moment, the man’s eyes stared at him .

"Think carefully . ”

The man disappeared like the wind, leaving only those words behind .

However, a large amount of items poured out as the man left .

Glowing stones . Cores .

When hunting in the dungeon, there was a 0 . 001% chance of obtaining an advanced core .

But . . . all the cores here were advanced or high class .

The amount here could produce countless weapons with powerful magic spells . There could even be some unique grade weapons .

If they were lucky . . . epic grade items might emerge .

“I don’t understand his intentions . ”

Karls sighed and said with a frown .

That man was holding out an apple . However, there was a chance that the apple could be poisoned .

He was a demon but it would be a great opportunity if his words were true .

‘What should we do?’

Karls and everyone else gathered there were deep in thought .

In the meantime, a woman was gazing at the window with a calm expression .

Britain’s ruler and hope . . . Queen Mary’s eyes weren’t dead yet .

Therefore Karls felt a ray of hope .

Anyway, she was the only one who had the authority to make the decision .

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