Dungeon Hunter Chapter 198


Chapter 198

Chapter 198: World (2)

I ran for a long time . It seemed like I had been running for over 10 hours but the sky was still the same . This place seemed to have no evening .

The strength of my body was still decent but I couldn’t run non-stop . A few hours later, I was able to achieve my goal .

‘Here . ’

A place where the rabbit’s traces ended . It was a forest with a small wooden house in the centre .

I didn’t hesitate to enter the house .

"A crack in area 784 again!”

“Close area 227! Everybody take shelter!"

“Wahh! Where is Teacher?”

It seemed like a small wooden house . When I walked in, I saw a strange room with no end .

A giant rabbit was sitting in front of a screen that was a similar size .

It wasn’t the rabbit that I had first encountered .

My magic power might have been depleted but I could still smell it .

After a while, I was able to find the rabbit holding a notebook in a corner .

"Ah, what to do, I can’t do this alone without Teacher . . . ”

“Hey . ”

"The system is a complete mess . Why is this happening? Who has access to the administrator privileges? I don’t have access to it at all . There is no way to repair this . Euuuugh . ”

"Look at me . ”


The rabbit’s legs thumped strongly .


The rabbit looked at me strangely .

At the same time, the rabbit’s eyes expanded to twice their size .

“Eh eh . . . Why did the bug near area 666 come here? No, how did you come in?”

"I'm not a bug . ”

The rabbit had said it on the beach but I didn’t like hearing it again . I frowned as the rabbit cocked his head .

"A bug just called himself a bug . I don’t know how he got here but a strong vaccine should work . . . ”

“The other beings here can’t see me . Only you have acknowledged me . Tell me . Who are you and what is this place?”


The rabbit turned his head and shouted loudly . He waited a while but nothing happened . The rabbit looked at me with very confused eyes .

“Why isn’t there a vaccine reaction? Wait, only I can see you?”

I folded my arms and watched the rabbit’s next movements . I judged that the rabbit didn’t have the power to threaten me . I was still weak because my magic power wasn’t entirely restored, but I could cope .

Then the rabbit’s eyes narrowed . He gazed closely at the top of my head .

“No ID . . . what are you if you’re not a bug?”

“Randalph Brigsiel . A demon . ”

I waited as he panicked . Now I introduced myself first .

“Demon? Ahh! Teacher mentioned it a few times . But how did you travel here from the Demon World? Wasn’t Teacher the one who devised this program? Let's see . "

He searched around his long white ears before grabbing some glasses . The rabbit put on the glasses and started to gesture in the air .


It seemed like he was dancing alone . He seemed like a crazy guy .

-Forced intrusion from the outside has been blocked .

‘Huh . . . ?’

A message popped out in front of me . At the same time, smoke was emitted from the glasses worn by the rabbit .

The rabbit quickly took off his glasses .

"W-what the? This program? Isn’t it different? Moreover, the security level . . . it is over Teacher’s level! Unbelievable!”

Both eyes were shocked . His mouth dropped wide open and he looked at me with disbelief . The horror in his eyes changed to amazement .

"It would be very scary if you were a virus from outside . Disabling the vaccine and only recognizing me as a part administrator . . . maybe I might have already been infected . ”

“I don't know what you're talking about . ”

I really didn’t know . I had heard similar words from humans but that was all .

“You are called Randalph Brigsiel? Can I hear where you came from?”

The voice of the rabbit was desperate .

"There has to be some give and take . You know me but I have no idea who you are . ”

“Ah, I’m sorry . My ID is 0001 . I am the administrator of the Reverse World . ”

"The Reverse World?"

The rabbit nodded and said .

“The moon! We call it the rear of the moon . ”

After a brief introduction from 0001, I was guided into a small room . The room was filled with moonlight and a map of the universe .

"You came from Earth? I'm sorry . I really thought you were a program . Anyway, is this the Earth that you are referring to?”

0001 pointed to one area of the map of the universe . He tapped his index finger a few times, causing the map of the universe to expand and a blue planet to appear .

"It seems correct . ”

“Really? Right here . . . ah, it is difficult . ”


“This is a planet that the administrators can’t interfere with . It is a rule passed down from the top administrators . One . . . it has been five Earth years?”

A little over five years . It overlapped with the period when the demons came to Earth . I narrowed my eyes and asked .

"What administrator are you specifically talking about?”


“Gods . . . ”

I didn’t understand at first . 0001 referred to himself as an ‘administrator . ’ He didn’t feel like a god at all .

"The gods also have ranks . In this case, Teacher, who manages this world is the middle administrator . I am only Teacher’s assistant . I’m not a god . ”

I nodded and 0001 continued .

"At any rate, the middle administrators are assigned a world . They make sure that the rules of the world don’t collapse . . . in contrast, the top administrators don’t allow us to engage directly or indirectly with Earth . ”

"What about the location of the devil Death Bringer?”

For me, the story of gods was like catching floating clouds . After I said the name of the devil, 0001 responded kindly .


"A devil would be one of the top administrators . Ah, that's right . It was a devil who forcibly removed Earth from our jurisdiction . The name was . . . yes, Death Bringer . There was some opposition but the low level administrators were forced to proceed . ”

0001 closed his mouth . He stared at my face blankly like he was worried about something .

"And you came from Earth . Is this related to Teacher’s disappearance?”

"Who is this teacher you are referring to?”

"The Reverse World’s top administrator . Two months ago he suddenly disappeared . As soon as Teacher disappeared, someone else got administrative permissions and this world became a complete mess . We can’t do anything because of it . ”

0001 had a grim expression on his face .

I touched my jaw .

0001 said that this was a world behind the moon .

The moon . And the administrator disappeared . The time and place oddly coincided . Above all, there was a smell similar to the magician of the moon coming from 0001 .

"I might have met the one you call Teacher . ”

“What . . . ?”

"He used the power of the moon . He always had night around him and despite destroying his body hundreds of times, it was regenerated instantaneously . Then he sucked all of the night inside him . ”

"That . . . that’s right! Teacher! When Teacher is in a bad mood, he will suck the night in . There is no night here now that Teacher isn’t present . He took it all . By the way, Teacher’s body was destroyed?”

Even with some information missing, 0001 was convinced .

Then was the magician of the moon a god?

Ha! It wasn’t easy to believe .

I couldn’t understand why a god would be wandering around in such a manner . What was Upa doing?

However, if he was a god then his nonsensical regenerative power would make sense .

"He was being manipulated by another demon . He was a doll that lost all sense of self and just followed orders . I fought him because he was hostile and tried to destroy him, but failed . After the last confrontation, I woke up on the beach . ”

"Being able to fight evenly with a god . . . what a great guy! If you collect his divine essence than won’t you be able to become a god? Envious . . . not! Wait . What? Teacher was being manipulated?”

0001 showed signs of confusion .

"He was being manipulated by another demon . ”

"An immortal being controlled by a mortal? No way! It goes against the rules of the world! The gods wouldn’t allow it!”

I recalled the time when I returned to the past .

All the gods of Earth were sealed . The devil Death Bringer used this . He created dungeons in the places where the gods were sealed and invited demons there .

All the gods were sealed so there was no one maintaining the rules of Earth . Except for the devil Death Bringer .

However, there were no sanctions against him .

The devil wasn’t bound by the rules . I had no idea what Death Bringer was hoping for .

“Uhh . . . what to do? I have to find Teacher . ”

"Return me to Earth . Then I will kill the demon controlling him . "

I would remove both Arend and Upa . It would benefit me to kill both of them .

However, 0001 shook his head .

"It's not that simple . It has infiltrated this world and contaminated Teacher . It won’t be enough . A mortal . . . how is it possible? Ahh, I wonder if the crack was the problem . . . ”

“The crack?”

"About two years ago, the program made a mistake and opened the crack . It was a chance for the world to be exposed for 100 years . After a second . . . I dealt with it . I searched through all the systems . There were no problems but maybe something happened during that one second . . . no, does that make sense?”

0001’s body trembled .

His shoulders became heavier at the thought that it was his fault his teacher was being manipulated .

The rabbit bit his fingers .

"No, it was connected to the nothingness . There was only access to the nothingness for one second! It isn’t possible that a mortal from Earth used that one second . The existence of nothingness isn’t really known in the first place . . . ”

Approximately two years ago!

And nothingness .

It was somehow familiar . I was very familiar with it .

It was the period when Contegonom was summoned and eliminated .

A being from the nothingness that I had never heard of had been summoned to Earth .

“The probability isn’t zero at all . ”

"I guess . . . it can’t be helped . I need to stop Teacher first . ”

The rabbit went to a corner of the room and pulled out an arrow from a drawer .

“It is a request . This vaccine can save Teacher . Otherwise the world will be finished . "

It was a seemingly normal arrow .

I was suddenly curious and used Mind’s Eye .

-Interpreting the program .

Interpretation is complete .

-Name: Moon Arrow (Legend)

Description: An arrow formed from the strong condensation of the moon’s aura . Contains the gods’ blessing and grace . It is enough to call it the clone of the gods of the moon .

*All stats +2 when held, can pierce through all boundaries .

** There is a completely different effect depending on the opponent that is pierced .


It was the first time I got my hands on something with that rating . I had seen it a few times but never touched it .

I encountered it in a totally unexpected place .

“I’ll make the passage . The passage will go from the Demon World to Earth . ”

"Passage from the Demon World?”

I wondered if that was really necessary . 0001 saw my expression and explained .

"I get the code for the passage from your body . Aren’t you originally from the Demon World? You won’t be able to go straight through . If my thoughts are correct . . . certain conditions are needed before you can move to Earth . If you go from the Demon World then those conditions aren’t necessary . It makes sense since that is your original region . ”

0001 took out another pair of glasses .

After putting them on, he moved his fingers and spoke .

"Please wait a few days . It shouldn’t take that long . ”

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