Dungeon Hunter Chapter 193


Chapter 193

Chapter 193: Magician of the Moon (1)

There were four types of skeletons . In particular, the warlock and guardian were familiar names that I had seen a few times in my previous life . They had been mass produced by Pandemonium, but individually, they weren’t very strong .

But . . . the chaos soldier was unfamiliar .

Not only that, the next item was enough to amaze me .

‘Bone dragon . ’

A high class 2Lv creature! I could purchase a maximum of two of them .

'The Hell Monarch possessed a great number of high class creatures . ’

The Hell Monarch was someone who tried to become a god . Someone who reached a level that was impossible for humans and caused fear in demons . It wasn’t strange that he would place a lot of high class creatures in the Underground World .

Maybe there were other similar high class creatures in the sealed warehouses .

‘Conceding in quality . ’

I touched my jaw . I could fill the numbers with warlocks and guardians but there might be better strategies . Anyway, Maxium engaged in guerilla warfare rather than a frontal battle .

He could pressure the opponent with small numbers . Maxium’s fighting ability was efficient . In terms of strategy, Maxium was better than me .

‘Then . . . ’

I nodded as I decided to make a purchase .

It would be a considerable expenditure but it was well worth the investment .

Belem, Brazil in South America .

In the past, it was a port city that was the centre of commerce and transportation .

It originally had a population of over one million people . However, now it was so devastated that it was hard to find any people .

Maxium was in the centre .

He led 5,000 skeleton soldiers but he only succeeded in delaying for some time . Of course, that alone was great . He moved the army while avoiding being caught by Upa .

But that didn’t last long . The five thousand soldiers had been reduced to only two thousand . The quality of the skeleton soldiers wasn’t very good so there was a limit .

"Hrmm, it is too bad that a resupply of troops is needed . ”

Maxium muttered from near the shore .

The soldiers were made from dead bodies . They didn’t need to eat . The problem was that their rate of recruitment was much slower .

He turned his head and saw a pile of bones a short distance away .

Two liches were commanding the soldiers and combining the bones .

There were human bones, creature bones and animal bones, but not all of them could be used to create soldiers .

"Even if it isn’t a surprise . . . kuoong . ”

He didn’t know when the enemy would come to interfere . It didn’t make sense for there to be no obstacles but he secured some bases . Then he had been ambushed by some of Grand Duke Upa’s troops late at night .


He was a bit late and almost lost all the soldiers . They were able to be preserved due to Maxium’s skill .

‘Now is the perfect time to restore some of the troops . ’

Upa had stopped advancing . He was stationed in South Africa and didn’t move . At first Maxium was nervous because he thought something was discovered, but that wasn’t the case . The sacred zone that occurred caused the demons to reduce their activities .

Anyway, now was the chance to increase his troops without any interruptions .

He had never been able to stay more than five days in one place, so the speed of production was very slow .

"Is the work going well?”

Maxium approached the two liches and asked .

"These humans, too weak . Good bones, not many . ”

“Speed up the pace anyway . It should be twice as quick . ”

"Hands, more help! Two people, there is a limit . ”

The liches’ voices were adamant .

They collected dead bodies and extracted the bones . The materials weren’t very good so there was a limit of 30 created per day .

The skeleton soldiers moved and collected the bones . Clattering filled the surrounding area but Maxium wasn’t satisfied .

‘His Majesty entrusted this task to me . If I stop here then I won’t be able to maintain my pride . ’

The Underground World . Vacant and empty . Maxium was called the Cruel Commander . Unlike the other commanders, he maintained his neutrality and stayed out of the fight for the treasure trove . He might have been sitting still, but in truth, he was maintaining his troops for when His Majesty would return .

If someone truly aimed at the treasure trove then he would move . . . but he was half-exhausted .

Then he was forcibly summoned to a strange world and heard the sound of the heart . It was at this time that he discovered what he needed to do .

After returning to the Underground World from Earth, he instantly started to stop the battle between commanders . Then he was surprised when His Majesty came to the Underground World .

He didn’t like the word fate but he devoted his loyalty to His Majesty on that day .

He was entrusted an important task so he couldn’t stop here .

‘I need to hit the weak dungeons . ’

It was a bit extreme but it was the most obvious way . He had a rough idea of where the dungeons in Upa’s faction were located . If he occupied the weakest one then he would be able to restore all his power at once .

The problem was after that . Upa wouldn’t be able to stay still . He couldn’t act rashly .



It happened while Maxium was looking to see if there was another way .

Giant stones started to fall all over the place, the ground was torn and flames appeared .


'These signs . . . Earl Arend!’

His magic power was unique . He had sensed it the other day when he was ambushed by Arend .

Now he was somehow in the rear .

Maxium looked towards the sea and saw a few krakens and huge boats .

He hadn’t noticed at all until they moved . If he made a mistake then it was a mistake, but it didn’t make any sense .

‘I put up as many defenses as possible . . . how?’

The liches installed magic warnings in various spots and soldiers were placed in the surroundings . Yet he hadn’t heard any news . They started attacking before he noticed .

‘There is a magician with great talent . ’

It was impossible for a lich to compare to a magician with a lot of skill .

Maxium urgently pulled out his sword .

"Keep your ranks and respond!”

He was determined .

Anyway . . . it seemed like this fight wouldn’t be easy .

Earl Arend, a member of Upa’s faction, smiled while revealing his teeth .

"Huhu, your face is an amusing sight . You didn’t notice until I got behind you . ”

Arend was ordered to kill Maxium . But whenever he approached, his target would run away like a ghost . He wasn’t able to catch Maxium .

Sometimes Maxium would hide for hours . It was also difficult to deal with Maxium in a one on one fight because he was the leader of an army and at least a high class 3Lv creature .

But it would end today .

Arend laughed and looked back .

There was someone sitting on all fours like a dog and their long hair made it difficult to tell if they were a man or woman .

Upa had given them to Arend directly . A magician who could even deceive high class creatures . They were very useful despite having some limitations .

‘Upa-nim gave me this opportunity . I must use it . ’


A death knight .

He didn’t know where Maxium came from, but he had to catch him this time . He might be an event like the angels but it was strange that two would be occurring at the same time . There was a chance someone had caused his appearance .

“There is no place to escape . Death awaits on land, ocean and even underneath you . ”

Arend raised his hand . At the same time, one of his skills ‘Earth Explosion’ was used .


Fire and earth rose up on all sides . The hot flames swallowed up the skeleton soldiers and melted their bones .

It was the worst situation, but he was a seasoned veteran .

Maxium had already set up movement magic in preparation for a situation like this . There was a restriction that large amounts of materials were needed and the magic circle couldn’t be moved, but it was necessary when preparing a base .

‘The liches and main soldiers need time to get away . ’

It took a considerable amount of time for the movement magic to activate . That time needed to be earned . In this situation, he had to survive .

Even if all his troops were lost . Because Maxium was worth more than them .

However, he couldn’t assume failure from the beginning and retreat alone .

Maxium aimed to buy some time .

His sword shone a brilliant gold and he swept it around him .

A cerberus and many other creatures around him were wiped out .


Maxium only had eyes for one person . Earl Arend . Next to him was an unidentified creature .

‘That guy . ’

Ahh . He realized it immediately .

That guy was the magician . The magic power flowing around him was very different .

‘I have to kill him . ’

It wouldn’t end with just this .

They had obviously planned for a surprise of this scale .

A magician was very dangerous when chasing someone . It was very risky .

‘If he lives then he will be a stumbling block to His Majesty . ’

At the very least, it was more urgent to get rid of the magician than Arend .

The liches had no way of matching the magician’s black magic . No matter how strong His Majesty was, the magician would be troublesome .

So . . . it was best to cut off the bud now .



The sword trembled and the gold light spread out more widely .

Shortly after that, Maxium ignored all creatures and started running .

I scowled .

‘Strange . ’

The crystal ball I gave to Maxium before he left had lost its light . It was proof that it was destroyed or couldn’t be contacted .

If something happened then it would have been reported . However, it was clear that something had abruptly happened .

‘Maxium would have noticed if someone was about to ambush him . ’

Maxium had an outstanding ability as a commander . He wouldn’t be caught off guard . He always prepared a few things in case something happened .

But there were some doubts . I didn’t feel good .

After getting some foresight, my senses had become more sharp . If I felt like this, nine out of 10 times I was right .

Crunch . Dalgurak .

A sound came from the rear while I was looking into the crystal ball .

I turned around and two unusual skeletons greeted me .

‘Chaos soldier . ’

Eight legs reminiscent of a spider and two torsos .

Of course, there were two heads and four arms .

They were all made of bones and had a geometric look .

Both of them were chaos soldiers .

I immediately opened Mind’s Eye and saw their status windows .

Name: Chaos SoldierStatsStrength101Intelligence66Agility88Stamina99Magic Power77 Potential: (431/431)

Uniqueness: Born in the midst of chaos, a powerful skeleton soldier .

Skill: Chaos and Destruction (Epic), Seconds Acceleration (Ex U)

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