Dungeon Hunter Chapter 186


Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Sacred Zone (1)

Yihi was excited .

She had forcefully made a garden from on top of Gigantes . She had been afraid of Dungeon Master’s anger but actually received praise . He even asked her to ‘clean things up . ’

“Yihihihi ~”

Yihi laughed from her place on Gigantes’ head .

It was proof that he trusted her . Perhaps his order of faith was reversed, with Yihi ahead of Chrisley .

The thought of Dungeon Master realizing her worth meant the smile never left her mouth .

“Little fairy! Noisy!”

But Gigantes didn’t like it .

"What, why, what, is Yihi noisy? Yihihihi!”

"Get off my head!”

"Bald creature! Bah! Yihi is someone who received Master’s trust . You should be thankful that Yihi is on your head!”

“Crazy fairy!”

"Are you blaming Yihi now? Ssiing . . . naughty baldy!”

Yihi formed a fist and punched Gigantes’ head . Her physical strength had increased after the upgrade . A lot of power was contained in one fist . Gigantes frowned and shook his head .

"Baldy! Live for a lifetime bald, bald isn’t bad . ”

“Bah, Master entrusted Yihi with a task . How important is a bald creature to him? Yihihihihi!”

"Insane fairy . "

Yihi kept on teasing and laughing at Gigantes . Gigantes didn’t like it and shook his head .

“Yihihihihi ~”

Still, Yihi was very happy .

The attack of the creatures . And the ensuing fight . All the Awakened in Seoul heard the noises . They saw flaming wings and lightning .

In particular, there was a dark magic power that made them sick .

What was going on?

The Awakened immediately sent a team for exploration . They were speechless as they found the bodies of creatures piled up like a mountain .

"It looks like they died after fighting each other . ”

"Looking at the scene, that isn’t necessarily the case . The first to die . . . doesn’t it seem like they died from one person?”

"One person against all these creatures?”

"I saw a barrage of flames from a distance . There was also lightning strikes . The one who uses such powers . . . the Saviour . The Saviour swept away all these creatures . ”

There were many comments as they explored . The most prominent thing was the emergence of the ‘Saviour . ’ No one other than the Saviour could handle thousands of creatures alone .

“I have found a demon . But both eyes are missing . ”

"Secure it . ”

It was the first time they could acquire a demon’s body . Everyone on the exploration team was excited . The body could be used as materials or to experiment with skills . They salivated just imagining the uses for the corpse of a demon .


The members wrote down the different type of creatures in the notebook . It would be used to write a risk report .

After a few minutes .

“ . . . Cough!”

Some of the crew started coughing up blood .

Their faces became pale like a ill patient and their hands and feet trembled .

There was only one thing that could cause such symptoms out of nowhere .

“Poison . . . !”

"What poison? Is it poison due to the decomposing bodies?”

"These bodies haven’t been dead for more than two days . It can’t be that . Someone . . . clearly sprayed poison . ”

It was a very strong poison .

The poison dissolved the skin of the creatures .

The creatures with weak leather skin were so melted together that their identities couldn’t be confirmed . They discovered this too late .

The earth where poison was sprayed . They couldn’t take it back .


But that wasn't the end .

Something attacked the exploration team and many of them died .

“Creatures! They are in the ground!”

“Damn, poison goblins!”

Poison goblin .

A creature that emitted poison from its body . They had a strong obsession with their territory so not many dared go to places where poison goblins lived .

In the end, the team leader of the scouts bit his lip and said .

"Let's go back . This place . . . it is the land of the dead . ”

Yihi massaged her shoulders .

"Ahyu ~ how annoying . This is harder than I thought . ”

She returned to the forest and got some honey from the bees .

She held a cup of the most delicious honey .

As many bees wandered around aimlessly, she drank honey and water in the perfect ratio .

“Ah, delicious . Drinking honey water after working is really sweet . ”

Yihi touched her jaw as she drank the honey water .

"Handling this is an unpleasant affair . Processing the bodies? The instructions are clear . Then, um . . . ”

Yihi had been happy after hearing Master’s instructions, but was disappointed when she arrived at the scene . She decided to make a compromise by letting ‘another’ handle it .

Master had trusted her to deal with the things left behind .

Yihi turned her head and peeked at someone else .

“Puny angel? You, what is your name?”

"Hash . ”

A short reply . The angel was slightly larger than Yihi . There were many wings .

Yihi nodded .

"Hash? Ah ~ you are Hash?”


Hash flew near Yihi .

“Yihihihi . Do you want to go with Yihi?”

“Eung . ”

Yihi grinned as Hash easily agreed .

"Okay, Yihi will specify what to do . Then where do you want to go? Well . . . ah! Let’s go to see the humans . Humans are really funny . Yihihihi~ we can have some fun with Roy and Rose . What do you think?”


“Eung . ”

“Yihihihihi . ”

Yihi flew forward with Hash behind her .

Thus, the humans recorded the incident of the ‘fairy and baby angel flying in the sky’ as a horrifying nightmare .

Kim Yura and Kim Min-ji .

They were both laying motionless as I examined them .

Kim Yura’s appearance was completely restored . There were no signs of disability . She was born anew with a clean and pure image . It was enough to think ‘Saintess . ’

On the other hand, Kim Min-ji was completely different . She had barely survived after losing her lower extremities .

‘Humans can’t live without their lowest extremities . ’

It wasn’t easy to heal the lower part of the body that had already been cut off . It was possible to live but I wondered if it was worth it .

‘Kim Yura has become the Saintess . Her sister . . . I restored her life but I don’t need to get involved if she dies again . ’

I had kept my promise . I saved the dying Kim Min-ji but I didn’t know if she would die again .

But . . . something was strange .

“Tashmal . ”

I called Tashmal . It felt like the hair on the back of my neck was rising . I didn’t know what it meant so I wanted to ask Tashmal .

“What's going on?"

Tashmal was busy raising the angels . She seemed tired but answered my question immediately .

"Can you feel anything?”

"From the Saintess? Hmm, it certainly feels odd . I don’t think she is a common Saintess . ”

"I’m not talking about the Saintess but her sister . ”

"Her sister . . . ? The human without legs?”

Tashmal moved her gaze .

At the same time, Tashmal started frowning .

“This is . . . strange . She isn’t a Saintess but has a holy power similar to that of a Saintess . In fact, she is much like her sister . ”

“What does that mean?”

"The holy power is connected to both of them . Perhaps it isn’t just the holy power but also their lives that are connected . It is efficient and strong . This is the first time I’ve seen it so my answer isn’t definite but . . . if my thoughts are correct, both of them will have power considerably higher than a normal Saintess . Instead, their strength will decline if both of them are away from each other . ”

It was another unexpected harvest .

This was the feeling that tickled me .

I hadn’t noticed because Kim Min-ji’s holy power was small .

But the conditions were tricky . There were two bodies but one life, and they had to always be close to each other .

“Can you train them?”

I asked Tashmal . It was impossible for me to tell them how to use holy power . The only one who could teach them was Tashmal .

“Dungeon Master . You will be a better match than me . I don’t know why but there isn’t just holy power . Your magic power is also present . I thought it was impossible for the two powers to coexist at the same time but . . . the younger sister has more of your magic power while the older sister has more holy power . The two bodies perform different roles . ”

Ahh . It was balanced in that way .

Then it wasn’t impossible for me to train them .

‘I’ll have to make a lower body for her . ’

I discovered that they were one, so there was no need to hold back .

Although it was a hassle, I would tell Gaparam and Oswen to make a functioning lower body for her .

"Rather, Dungeon Master . I heard you caught a duke this time . ”

“Martin was killed . ”

"Then . . . what do you plan to do with his dungeon?”

"There is nothing planned . Why are you asking?”

Tashmal’s expression became serious . There was a moment of silence before Tashmal carefully opened her mouth .

"The dungeon . . . can you think about giving it to the angels?”

"So they can declare a sacred zone?”

"That's right . I have been watching the angels in the world and they are being defeated . I don’t like it . If they have a focal point then they can focus on killing the demons . Ah, except for you . ”

She hastily tacked on the final words .

"If I think there are benefits then I will obtain the dungeon . ”

I wasn’t good enough to simply hand over the dungeon .

Of course, declaring a sacred zone would keep the other demons in check but that wasn’t enough of a benefit .

Tashmal spoke with complex emotions in her eyes .

"In a while . . . Camael-nim will descend . One of the seven angels with the rank of seraphim . . . he has personally come to cleanse the earth . A place is needed to greet him . ”

My eyebrows furrowed . Seraphim . It was referring to the strongest angel in the hierarchy . How many times had I seen a seraphim descending in my previous life?

It was also strange that Tashmal knew about it . She was a fallen angel and wouldn’t be able to return to Heaven . How did she know this if communication with Heaven had been lost?

“Are you sure?"

“I received a ‘revelation’ . ”

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