Dungeon Hunter Chapter 170


Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Spirits (3)

One week later .

Exactly three weeks after I started, the spirits began to wake up .

Pyorong . Pyororong .

The fire spirits that just woke up didn’t have a concrete form . After springing from the seeds, they looked like small fireballs .

-Great achievement! For the first time, a demon has succeeded in creating a spirit .

300,000pt will be paid .

900 achievement points will be added .

It wasn’t easy to achieve the messages . I watched as one or two spirits woke up .

The born spirits flocked to me like they already knew me . They hovered around me like they were asking where they should go .

The tenth, hundredth, thousandth . . . the spirits started being born .

It took three more days for the last seed to wake up and I didn’t budge from my position until it did .

Finally, the last spirit flew around me and another achievement appeared .

-Congratulations . Of the 100,000 seeds, you have succeeded in giving birth to 99,318 .-Incredible achievement! 1,986,360pt will be paid .

1,800 achievement points will be added .

The ‘Spirit Communication’ skill has been added . For a more detailed description of Spirit Communication, please check the status window .

I received a new skill called Spirit Communication . I immediately opened the status window to check the skill .

-Spirit Communication (Epic, Passive)

The spirits will react to each other . This is a privilege only given to those who have created numerous spirits .

* When the spirit evolves, compensation will be paid according to the ‘rank . ’

Lowest Class -> Low: 500pt

Low -> Intermediate: 5,000pt

Intermediate -> Advanced: 500,000pt, 500 achievement points

Advanced -> High Class: Residual stat point +1

** High Class -> Spirit King: The skill will change to ‘Spirit King Communication . ’

The skill wouldn’t benefit me at the moment, but my expectations were very high . It wasn’t limited to me . The skill was only epic ranked, but the benefits were worth it .

Of course, evolution wasn’t easy .

But if it occurred quickly . . . the approximately 100,000 spirits would be my strength .

‘There is definitely a limit by myself . ’


Almost 100,000 spirits had been born . The contract itself wasn’t a very big burden for me . From the moment the contract was signed, the spirits would eat my magic power . However, I had a sufficient amount after stepping into the realm of transcendence .

The problem was . . .

‘The spirits need numerous contractors for faster growth . ’

. . . That was it .

Spirits would evolve through many types of magic power and experience . There was a limit to what I could do alone . Special measures were needed to get them to a higher rank .

I touched my jaw .

‘A contract with the spirits . The information related to it is widely spread through all the species . However . . . Earth’s humans are ignorant about this point . ’

Who said an equal contract was required? Regarding contracts, there was a difference between the person who knew about it and the person who didn’t .

If I had to contract with someone, I could set up separate terms . Ignorant and desperate people would be forced to accept the terms .

'In short . . . I can make a double contract . ’

I folded my arms and smiled coldly . I could make a contract where I was the ‘lord’ and they were the ‘wealth . ’ Once the spirits grew, I would be able to use them completely and I would have a few more cards to use .

Touching someone’s contract with a spirit was forbidden in the Spirit World, but Garrash had given me the seeds and it could mean the difference between life and death . Besides, this dungeon wasn’t the Spirit World . The spirits born in my territory thought of me as their master .

It was purely up to me if I wanted to return the spirits to Garrash . He had no right to forcibly reclaim them .

My thoughts ended here .

Pyorong . Pyororong .

The atmosphere relaxed and the spirits started to circulate the space . It was similar to childcare so I had some concerns but . . .

‘It will be fun to guess which spirit will evolve first . ’

It felt like I was pushed into a corner .

Every time I moved, the 100,000 spirits moved with me . The scene was like a huge fireball . The creatures that saw me shrank back with wide eyes .


"This is a little annoying . ”

The third day . I couldn’t help releasing a bitter sound .

I hadn’t expected that they would move so closely next to me .

They only moved away for a few seconds . It was like they were insecure and afraid that I would disappear . The spirits were still mentally fragile and thought they would fade away if they looked away from me for a moment .

‘I can’t go outside the dungeon . . . ’

I turned and stared at the spirits .

They starting moving more actively like they were happy I was looking at them .

It was good they were happy to see me, but I couldn’t help worrying .

“Yihihi . Fire-One, Fire-Two and Fire-Three! Align left . Align right . Uhuh, your response is slow . Once again, align left, align right!”

Once I reached the top floor, I found Yihi near the Dungeon Core .

Yihi was training the three spirits she chose .

"Two and Three! Are you doing this on purpose? Don’t you see how lazy your movements are? Once again left . . . no, right, no, left, no, right! Yihihihihi!”

The three fireballs followed Yihi’s instructions .

It was equivalent to hard labour, but Yihi just giggled happily .

‘She managed to give birth to the spirits . ’

I didn’t understand, but Yihi was more innocent than good . Her definition of evil was small and she was just concerned with playing . It was also a type of warmth .

"This is fun, yihihi . The three brothers are following Yihi . Now, do it faster . Start!”


Yihi flew quickly in the air . She was followed by three fireballs . The fire spirits were still unfamiliar with flying but Yihi was merciless .


Yihi hit my chest while looking at the spirits following her .


Yihi rubbed her forehead and pouted .

“Aish, what the?”

"What are you doing?”

“Uh . . . Master!”

Yihi blinked her large eyes . She quickly cleared her thoughts and pointed at the fireballs following her .

"I am training them!”


“Yihi is teaching the children to fly~”

This was what she meant by training .

Although it was unreasonable to expect something . . . I turned and looked at Yihi’s spirits .

‘Their growth is very fast . ’

They could already fly faster . Compared to the three of them, it was like my spirits were crawling . It was unexpected since Yihi birthed them in a similar time period .

“Yihi . Do you know anything about the growth of spirits?”

“Yihi doesn’t know much . Well . . . ah! The Tree of Origin loves spirits . He told Yihi to move them like this . ”

“Tree of Origin . ”

I couldn’t communicate with the Tree of Origin . But it became possible for Yihi after she was promoted to an Origin Fairy .

I needed to consider that the Tree of Origin had an effect on the growth of the spirits .

“Master . Do you want to use Yihi’s training? Yihi is very capable ~ I can train you . ”

“There is no need . ”

I replied . Yihi was unlikely to be very helpful .

“Hiing . . . ”

"Say hello to Chrisley . If there is progress then report it to me . ”

A showdown was being built up in Seoul, Korea . When the humans came to Seoul, they divided into the group that followed Roy and Rose and the group that didn’t . I couldn’t leave the solution to them, so Chrisley had been dispatched .

“Yep . Master . ”

I moved after Yihi’s reply .

It was to see the Tree of Origin .

“Once again! Align left, align right! Roll around once! Good . Yihihihihi!”

The sound of Yihi’s laughter rang through the dungeon .

There was no malice in it, but it was like a disaster for the three spirits .

The spirits moved more actively as I neared the Tree of Origin .

The branches and roots of the Tree of Origin shook, embracing the spirits .

‘It looks good . ’

They played well .

I climbed to the top of the Tree of Origin and watched them .

‘Hopefully I can move further apart from them . ’

I didn’t look away from the spirits . They still didn’t move far away, but it was better than usual .

At that moment, the spirits moved in unison and started looking for me .

-17 spirits are filled with anxiety . Please be careful . It is highly likely that a spirit without an ego properly formed will disappear from the anxiety .

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