Dungeon Hunter Chapter 167


Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Fire Spirit King (2)

I got a clue about Shilla and Maxium was currently outside causing confusion . Therefore, it was time for me to prepare .

“Jives . Kerpi . ”

The fire and water spirits . I had to check if they had escaped from the dark spirits .

After I called both of their names, the contract was implemented . Small cracks formed and both of them appeared near me .

“Contractor . You finally called . ”

"It is great to see you again, Contractor . ”

Jives and Kerpi simultaneously greeted me .

They looked similar to humans, but were a little bit fuzzy .

“Both of you are injured . ”

“Damn dark spirits! I will return this grudge a hundredfold . ”

"Me too . I will make them realize how scary the water spirits are . ”

The two antagonistic spirits had joined forces .

It was all thanks to the dark spirits .

At that time, the fire spirit Jives stared at me and asked .

“But Contractor . I feel something very familiar from you . What on earth happened?”

"I formed a contract with the Great Fire Essence . ”

“What . . . ? A contract with one of our nine fire essences? Wait . . . ”

Kung kung!

Jives sniffed me before stepping back .

“It is unbelievable . It is definitely a contract . It is also the highest one!”

“What will you do? I promised to return it, but the fire essence has made a contract with me . ”

I immediately cut to the chase .

Jives frowned and said .

"I will tell the king . I can’t decide this alone . ”

“I will wait . ”


Jives hurriedly left .

“Contractor . Have you touched our artefact?”

"Don't worry . ”

I handed the Hyacinth's Bow over to Kerpi who carefully accepted it .

"Thank you . The Water Spirit King will be very pleased . Oh, and . . . ”

As a reward, Kerpi handed me some small stones .

"These are old stones from deep inside our lake . They are spirits that will soon awaken . If a contract is signed with them, they will grow rapidly according to the contractor’s tendencies . They are children that the king highly prizes . "

I took the stones and examined them carefully .

They certainly felt strange . In short, these stones were the seeds of a spirit .

“Well, I have to go back quickly . The king is waiting . . . I will come back with good news, Contractor . ”


Kerpi bowed her head and left .

Jives returned as she left .

Jives had a determined expression on his face .

"The story is over . The king wants to see you . ”

Fire Spirit King .

I didn’t know a lot about him .

Except for the dark spirits, none of the others were involved with the fight between demons . Their enemies were the other spirits .

Although I had heard some rumours, it wouldn’t be as helpful as seeing him in person .

‘I know Adonis tried to take over . ’

The light and lightning spirits put up the most resistance . Adonis had broken through the limits and managed to occupy half of the Spirit World through a fierce struggle .

One of his enemies was the Fire Spirit King . His name . . .

'Garrash . ’

I nodded as I remembered .

I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous about finding out the difference between rumours and facts .

"The king doesn’t like waiting . He might be a bit rough, but please understand . ”


"Don't worry . ”

Rough words and behaviour could easily be overcome . From the beginning, I wasn’t the type of demon to pay attention to the tone of my opponent . I wouldn’t become aggressive just because of the tone .

“Contractor . We need to climb the stairs in the ‘Fire Spirit World’ to meet the king . All outside presences have to climb these 3,600 stairs . ”

There was nothing in the air .

Then I could see countless stairs made of flames going up .

Not long after passing through the crack, I arrived at the place .

It seemed that climbing the 3,600 stairs was a trial . The glowing red stones kept burning .

It seemed like some sort of magical measure . . . the Fire Spirit King would be able to climb it without any incidents . Anyway, flames like these couldn’t harm me .


While climbing the stairs, I heard something frying .

Indeed . If my intelligence was only 80 points then it would have been painful . However, my intelligence had already surpassed 100 .

Jives was surprised that I could climb the stairs so casually .

"Even intermediate spirits find it hard to climb this easily . Is it due to the contract?”

"It is easy even without a contract . ”

The contract with the essence of fire did give me a feeling of comfort, but I could easily climb up even without the contract .

"Outside existences have been climbing this staircase for a long time . Other spirits also watch this place with curiosity . Why don’t you shake their hands?”

As I climbed the stairs, I noticed numerous eyes watching me .

Numerous fire spirits were solely focusing their attention on me . I had wanted to talk to him quietly but . . . it seemed difficult to keep this a secret .

‘The water has already been spilled . I should cement the relationship . ’

That’s right . After helping the fire and water spirits, the water had already been spilled . My intention was to block Adonis from rising up any further . It wouldn’t hurt if I could construct a relationship with the fire spirits .

I shook hands with the fire spirits around me . They rose up from the ground to my level .

“The spirits are delighted . Contractor has an affinity to fire so they are more enthusiastic . ”

"Is that so?”

"It isn’t needed for someone of my level, but how about contracting with a subordinate spirit? Depending on the contractor, the subordinate spirits can grow rapidly . It wouldn’t be bad for the contractor . ”

Jives suggested when we reached the halfway point .

A contract with a subordinate spirit . Kerpi had also handed me some stones containing spirits . They wanted me to raise the spirits .

‘I don’t have interest in training spirits but . . . ’

Jives’ words were correct . It wouldn’t be bad . I had stepped into the realm of transcendence so contracting with a few spirits wouldn’t matter . At best, they would only gnaw away at a little bit of my magic . Even this would be offset by the ‘Conqueror’s Ring . ’

As the magic power recovery efficiency increased sharply, it would exceed what the spirits consumed .

"Let me think about it . "

I briefly replied .

Jives smiled with satisfaction .

"Maybe you can mention it to the king . Ask for a spirit seed . Contractor will be able to raise a very special and wonderful fire spirit . ”


"I will raise it as a bad person . ”

“Haha! Contractor, are you joking?”

I was serious . If the spirits grew to resemble me then they wouldn’t have a normal personality .

I didn’t bother saying anything .

I walked up the stairs for another 30 minutes .

The scene that appeared before me was quite amazing .

There were many flowers made of fireballs and a few dozen cerberus . The sun was so close that it gave off a feeling of pressure .

"Let’s hurry . The light from the sun is very strong so the king will be in a bad temper . ”

"Is he a person who hates waiting?”

"Maybe . . . at any rate, Contractor . Follow me . "

Jives increased his speed .

The Fire Spirit King Garrash .

He looked like a sturdy man with red hair and a beard . He wore a red cape, ten rings and expensive necklaces .

However, my perspective was a little different .

'Most of his items are epic grade . ’

I inwardly panicked after examining Garrash with Mind’s Eye . It was the first time I met him, but he was wearing really good items . Did he wear better items due to a prejudice against the Dark Spirit King who controlled the Demon World Auction?

Maybe Adonis would be perplexed by his appearance .

‘His stats are the strongest among those I have seen . ’

My heart jumped quickly .

I thought I was the strongest after returning to the Underground World . . .

I couldn’t let go of my tension .

Name: GarrashOccupation Fire Spirit KingTitle

* Ruler of Flames (Ex Epic, All stats +4, Full immunity against fire)

StatsStrength107 (+12)Intelligence 103(+7)Agility104 (+12)Stamina104(+7)Magic Power105(+19) Potential: (523+57/550)

Uniqueness: The ruler of the Fire Spirit World . As the strongest Fire Spirit King in generations, the fire spirits have tremendous trust in him .

Skill: Spring Sun (Epic), Sun Shield (Epic), Majestic Fire (Epic), Photosynthesis (Epic), Hellfire (Ex Epic), Advent of the Sun King (Ex Epic)

Skill and Item Effects: Sun Ring (Epic, Magic Power +5), Hellfire (Epic, Strength, Agility and Stamina +2), Burning Power Ring (Epic, Strength +5), Cirhan's Necklace (Epic, Intelligence +2, Agility +5), Majestic Shorin Armour (Epic, Magic Power +7), Ring of Last Breath (Ex U, All stats +1)

[Relative Comparison]


Strength 119 Intelligence 110 Agility 116 Stamina 111 Magic 124 Potential (523+57/550)

Randalph Brigsiel

Strength 105 Intelligence 105 Agility 100 Stamina 107 Magic 110 Potential (434+93/550)

A total of almost 600 stat points!

‘Overwhelming’ was the only word to describe it .

Even if Adonis managed to break through the limit, it would take a lot for him to catch up with Garrash . It wouldn’t be impossible, but Garrash was rapidly expanding his sphere of influence .

‘That is why he is so rushed . ’

Adonis . He wasn’t the strongest among the spirit kings . I could feel the difference after seeing Garrash .

In addition . . . the reason why the dark spirits were moving so hastily was explained . It was possible that they could pressure the dark spirits .

Therefore, Adonis had to feel impatient .

Seeing Garrash explained everything .

‘The sky above the sky . ’

It was surprising that the Fire Spirit King was the strongest . I hadn’t expected a presence that would surpass me . This was why I couldn’t be complacent . I had to walk further along the road while holding the reins .

"You contracted with a great fire essence?”

Garrash laughed with his hands clasped behind his back .

"That is correct . ”

“Hrmm . Your contract with Ifrit is relevant to us . Welcome . ”

Cheok . Garrash extended his hand .

"I am grateful for your welcome . ”

From the beginning, I had thought about maintaining a favourable relationship with them .

After a short handshake, Garrash said .

"I will speak briefly . Cancel the contract . ”

My eyebrows furrowed . It wasn’t unexpected but I never thought he would immediately ask . It seemed like he was rude and impolite, just as Jives stated .

I started to talk quietly .

"Ifrit is located in my heart . You will have to use force if you want me to cancel the contract . ”

If the contract was forcibly cancelled, there would be negative effects . In particular, he was located in my heart, so there was a chance he could be caught up in the aftermath and die .

Garrash puffed up at my words . Fire filled the spacious room .

‘Amazing magic power . ’

Even I felt some pressure . It had been a long time since I experienced something like this . I had hardly felt such tension since returning to the past .

However, my intelligence and magic power weren’t low . It was enough to strike back against Garrash .

Pride’s flames emerged as I stepped closer to Garrash .

I was challenging him to try it .

'Anyway, he can’t hurt me . ’

This was the Fire Spirit World . The current location was its heart .

If there was a battle with Garrash then many of the spirits I saw whilst climbing up here would be destroyed .

As well as . . . I was a ‘benefactor’ to them . Garrash had to know this . In these situations, the king needed to act with dignity . Every word and action had value .

He wouldn’t kill me after I returned something to him .

This was a type of test .

It was to check if I was a worthy person to contract with Ifrit .


Garrash clapped his hands .

At the same time, the intense aura in the room disappeared .

He spoke in an admiring tone .

“How great . A demon who has already stepped into the transcendent realm . . . however, it seems like it isn’t a perfect transcendence . There is a strong feeling of imbalance . ”

Not all of my pure stats had crossed the wall . Maybe that was what he was referring to .

I turned off Pride’s flames .

“The test is over?”

Garrash laughed .

“You pass . You are a worthy contractor for the great fire . I don’t like that you are a demon . But based on what I heard, aren’t you taking a different route from the other demons?”

He had a completely different attitude from before . I was speechless . It meant Garrash acknowledged me .

I touched Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

“Devil . My goal is to beat all the grand dukes and become the devil . ”

"Devil . . . I like underdogs . Most of them will fail . However, the ones that succeed would change the world . At any rate, you are Ifrit’s contractor . You are now a friend to the fire spirits . I would like to give you a gift . . . is there anything that you want?”

It was a gift after the test . I felt somewhat dissatisfied, but I wasn’t going to refuse .

I couldn’t return with empty hands after coming here .

So, I told him my desire without any hesitation .

"I want to receive a large number of fire spirit seeds . The first time . . . 100,000 should be enough . ”

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